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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. On the media preview day in 2004 the whole park lost power. The employees handled it very well and everything powered up again about two hours later.
  2. You hit the nail right on the head and didn't even know it. Not so much with the price, but with that last comment, "...with few rides operating. " It was a TOTAL demographic issue. PKI is well know as a place for high thrills and family fun. Winterfest was intended for family fun, but more along the lines of enjoying shows, skating, eating Christmas-style foods, and enjoying a Winter Wonder Land. Unfortunately, the people who would normally enjoy that are likely not people would would be attracted to go to PKI to ride The Beast or The Vortex. On that same note, the people who go to PKI likely wouldn't be attracted to that Christmas-ized atmosphere when they're looking for high thrills. That way, from a marketing standpoint, no one wins. It was a difficult sell to people who normally don't visit the park. I'm sure price was an issue, but if you look at the demographic which was supposed to be there, admission wouldn't be of much consideration. Regards, Ryan
  3. Forgot to mention, if you guys have any questions either email Maureen or let me know and I will direct them in her direction.
  4. Well, some days The Racers actually race. Some days they don't. This is not faulty operation or some kind of mechanical failure. Don't forget it's a capacity issue too. Once train is inherently going to be held up to wait for the other.
  5. Official Release from Kings Island's PR:
  6. Great work Dane & company! He wouldn't let me see the update until it was done, so I'm seeing it for the first time with all of you!
  7. King Cobra photos can be seen here. Check out that gallery for a Flight of Fear tour in which the KC trains were spotted.
  8. Nothing is finalized until it is announced. A friend of mine called a few days ago and they said they would start selling tickets again in October.. but who really knows. Expect an annoucement a lot earlier than you guys are anticipating.
  9. Very cool! I like the Face/Off shots.
  10. Kind of getting liberal with the people with all of the information, now aren't we?
  11. I disagree. PGA is in northern CA, which was untapped by Cedar Fair. If they don't own the land then they likely won't make much money on the transaction. Sounds like CF should fight to keep the park.
  12. Cool trip report. In all honesty, I don't know how you dealt with the humidity that we've had here recently.
  13. I believe a lot of the stuff for Winterfest was on a 3 year "rent to own" deal.
  14. Unfortunately you'll likely never see a hyper at SFKK. Due to their proximity to the airport, the height of their rides and attractions is greatly restricted.
  15. The new Nickelodeon Universe will be a perfect hangout for your kids. The best part is, most of the rides and attractions can be enjoyed by the whole family. If you need to cool off, Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle is a great attraction that the kids would enjoy. On that same note, if the kids aren't bothered by semi-loud music and bright lights School of Rock Live in Concert! is an excellent show that has rock songs from the past few decades to the present and teaches you how to stick it to 'the man'. I hope you have a great time, and make sure you tell us about it in a Trip Report!
  16. Old, old, OLD, old, OLD joke... that's disappointing from you Ronny.
  17. I've never seen this done before, but I remember Siebert telling me that the back of one of the cars opens up so individuals with disabilities can get in easier.
  18. Ok, I want to chime in at this point: I agree. The video showed a spectacular ride and it almost seemed that when all was said and done, it's almost like the ride was about 1/3 of what it should be. I agree with this as well, but did we really expect any better? I mean, as wonderful of a job as I think Paramount did with the parks, I think we know what happened when they tried to theme. The cars are in terrible shape... they are dirty as Diana listed above, the audio doesn't work, the staircase rumbling has never worked, etc. I'm actually kind of tired of hearing excuses about all of this as well as every other attraction that's falling apart. I really think and hope that Cedar Fair will get to the bottom of this and eliminate the problem. You can blame the manufacturers, but it seems as though this problem is only this widespread in our park. You'd be shocked with how little sense people really have... it's seemingly especially prevalent in people with money. I can see them having a mentality of, "If BMW will put their name on a ride that has such a dirty windshield, I can only imagine what kind of low class car they'd slap their name on." Who says the drugs where bad?? I do agree that the ride should have gone somewhere--anywhere else. i'd say if we could take back time, it should go back by Flight of Fear. Well, my opinion of the ride is in the middle. I think the ride experience itself is short but sweet. I especially enjoy the tunnel scene. I do, however feel as though the ride was played down quite a bit. It's almost like the animation was made and then the ride was created on 1/3 of the budget which it was intended to be, although I'm sure that's not the literal case.
  19. I found a YouTube video of Evil Kneviel's infamous jump in Kings Island's parking lot in the 1970s. The footage is mixed with some shots of his jump in Seattle as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqd9OTzNWbI Enjoy!
  20. Last year, Jeff told me that Fearfest was going to get a big revamp this year so hopefully that's what you're talking about!
  21. Not exactly a correction, but this is what's on enquirer.com.
  22. Probably not. She's doing this for YOU, the crazy fan people of the net. As much of a tool as a site like this can be to the park, it's also risky about starting rumors... especially in a situation like this. She wants to cut out of the fluff and the false facts that the media has put out. Maureen, do you think this incident with SOB will affect how other rides will be inspected in the future?
  23. I agree... Legend kills Raven and Voyage kills the both of them.
  24. Maureen, The media seems to like to demonize the amusement industry every time an unfortunate incident occurs. What are the chances of a person actually getting injured on a stationary ride? Also, how does this compare to the chances of injury or death in other comparable activities, like driving to Florida for a vacation, or even doing other thrill activies such as skydiving, base jumping, or bungee jumping? Thanks, Ryan
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