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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Go to the link supplied above to discuss this.
  2. You've got it. The site was run by Mr. Tom Wilson (SOB_Tom) I'mn debating as to whether I should wait for him to get back from the Air Force to upload it (which would be late April) or upload it while he's gone because that would drive him nuts. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm so into messing with him.
  3. I found an umbrella laying in a lanscaped area like 10 years ago. The funny part is, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
  4. I don't want you to think that this is guidetotheisland, it's islandguide. I didn't see any Tower construction photos, but there's PLENTY of stuff that could be used.... that's if there really is a Memorex CD-RW master disc labeled "islandguide" sitting next to my computer.
  5. Come to think of it, I can trace my origins to PKIG as well. Do you guys remember Islandguide? Wouldn't it be nuts if I were really good friends with the former web master and he gave the the master CD and I'm just waiting to update with the content?
  6. I started on U long before C ever opened. You guys should have seen the brilliant scam that the staff here pulled off in order to get a good kick off. They just waited for Aaron to slip. Eventually everyone got in a fight (which isn't a surprise on PKIU) and he took down the forums for a day or so. Immediately PKIC was launched and it grew from the start.
  7. I stumbled accross this site several months back that has some neat photos of PKI (just KI at the time) from 1981. In one of the photos, it shows and mentions the Monster, which at the time had a neat design on the platform, but the ride itself is missing. Does anyone have an explaination for this? Kings Island 1981 It's the 3rd photo from the top. Thanks, Ryan
  8. So how exactly have you ever gone to PKI in the first place. Before the building of the Great Wolf Lodge PKI hadn't had any type of on site hotel or place to stay. Does this mean that you have never supported PKI because they have never had "all forms of lodging"? Personally, I also have never supported PKI because they have never offered a nudist colony where I can stay at my leiure in between riding rides. "I will not support an organization that doesn't support all forms of lodging" that is one of the most idiotic statements I've ever heard, no park offers "all forms of lodging". You're right... they do need a nudist colony.
  9. Is anybody else really not that disappointed that she won't be there?
  10. I'm almost 100% certain that the trains and track of The Bat are completely gone.
  11. Just give them time... I'm sure they have a camp ground in the works. Nothing set in stone, especially in this industry. Things get pushed back more often than not.
  12. House of Darkness, no matter what the encarnation, is always the best house at FearFest.
  13. Oh no... you get gold benefits until late May.
  14. You never mentioned my beautiful singing.
  15. I think the Psycho Path was pretty good. Of course, I didn't go through with a continuous line, but I was fond of the fact that you did have to travel through a fair amount of woods before hitting the next "scene". I thought it did a good job of the whole "lost in the woods" feeling. Yes, the fog is PERFECT this year. Anyone else notice that the smell resonates on your clothing? It smells like soap.
  16. It really wasn't THAT bad, especially considering that FF debuted to the general public that day.
  17. As cool as that would be, I'd have to believe that when I see it.
  18. Highly unlikely. We're taking PTC trains running on a track that's designed for Premier trains.
  19. Son of Beast is in fact closed for the season as they get an early start on winter rehab. They have already cut out sections of the track in order to retrack it.
  20. You should have just come to Beast Bash.
  21. Coney Island is a great park to hang out in. The ride selection is actually superb for a park of that size. It's really a great place to take your family.
  22. I do agree on that. It has slowed down. According to Jeff Siebert, The Beast is more fine-tuned now than in the past and runs faster than ever. You simply get slowed down more abruptly than before so it seems like you're slower.
  23. The speed passes for RL Stein and Headless Hallow are free. Regardless of the speed passes, the capactiy of these things is a lot better than you'd think. The way Bill from marketing was talking, Maze of Madness will do more than 1,000 people per hour, which is better than almost any ride. I really think that if you start relatively early, you can do it all in one day without a problem.
  24. I'm not exactly "mad" that PT left, but I do see the shame in the fact that such a work of art had to be removed and thrown into storage for business reasons. PKI really knows what they're doing, and wouldn't be the park that they are right now if they weren't constantly progressive. I'm always so happy to see them out again for fearfest!!
  25. My personal camcorder is a Sony DCR-HC20, but it is out being serviced right now. The camcorder I used for the video is actually a friend's HC30. They're basically the same thing, but the 30 takes photos on the Memory Stick Duos and has a color optical viewfinder.
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