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Everything posted by raptor

  1. You think so? I don't find theming to be CF's forte either. They've had a few installs that suit the area in name and sometimes look... but overall THEMING isn't their gig. I'm sure you already know this, but I feel it needs to be mentioned anyway. CF does not claim to have theme parks. Sure, they will put little effort to theme a ride, but that's it. Paramount claimed to be a theme park, and it was their decision to place rides in certain areas i.e. Tomb Raider in Rivertown, FoF in Congo etc. And that's one of the reasons I love CF, I don't like theme parks, and I love traditional random Amusement Parks
  2. Personally I like the so-called generic theming idea better, It just seems to me to be more about Scooby Doo than it does a haunted house, I like to feel like I'm going through a haunted house, not Scooby Doo is going through a haunted house, but that's just me
  3. And how much money did it cost to play that many times?
  4. While the episode predates my birth, my oldest sister and my mom and dad was there for one of the days they did filming and it was raining. As the story goes, they had no idea the filming was going on, and my sister and her friend made plans for my mom and dad to take them up to Kings Island that day, it was a nasty rainy day, and my dad suggested not going due to the weather, but my sister still wanted to go, my dad said "There isn't going to be anybody there but us and the ticket taker" (a line that has become legendary) of course when they got there the place was packed, they couldn't believe it and then they found out that the Brady Bunch was there. The only thing my mom recalls about the day other than the rain, was seeing them do takes of the football game scene. I don't think they stayed too long because of the weather.
  5. Still looks like that, with the name changed to Casino as it makes it's home at Delgrosso's Park in Tipton, PA
  6. I wish there had been more footage of Hanna Barbara Land, but it is great to watch
  7. I saw that on Screamscape this morning, I've haven't made it to CP yet this year, so the jury is still out for me if I like what they've done
  8. No there are plenty of rooms still available. My point is they advertise it being the peaceful side of cp with a balcony on the lake had I not known ahead of time I would of paid a lot of money to get one and have music blasting all night, a bit of false advertising if you ask me, I'm just lucky I happen to notice this before I booked. From what I heard there was less then 1,000 people at the concert last week.
  9. Going to Cedar Point this coming Saturday and I was all prepared to reserve a suite as I usually do at Sandcastle Suites, fortunately before I did so I found out about this JoyFest, Christian Music concert being held in the parking lot of Soak City, which is right next to Sandcastle Suites, they advertise Sandcastle Suites as the quiet peaceful side of Cedar Point, well apparently that really isn't the case, I would hate to pay nearly $300 for a suite there to get the balcony overlooking the lake and have to hear that music blasting the whole late afternoon into the evening for about 5 or 6 hours, and yes I normally would spend a bit of time there, not the whole day in the park and my parents who are going with us would be enjoying the balcony most of the time. I would've been irate if that had happened. So now I suppose I'll just stay at the Best Budget, it sure will be cheaper.
  10. Yes, they have done some work obviously on AE, it now says Now You Will Pay, and it seems like the statues are more lit up and less of them have missing pieces or maybe it just seems that way
  11. I had to go with The Racer, because it's so long and seems to be everywhere
  12. I've been hoping for this ever since Cedar Fair took over - I love Snoopy, to me Nick is for toddlers mostly educational and what isn't is just annoying to me, but that's just my opinion, but I think Snoopy is the kind of cartoon that a broader range of ages will appreciate!
  13. Without question the Backwards Racer, second place isn't even in the same ballpark, but it's probably either The Raptor or Wicked Twister
  14. Well not every kid is a thrill seeker, and might still want to ride the kid rides, my nephew is over 48 inches but you won't find him riding any adult rides, well maybe Adventure Express, but that would be it, so I don't know whether they'll renew or not.
  15. Visited the park on this beautiful day! I really like Rock-O-Plane, does the Trabant still go backwards? or did I just have bad timing? still love the ride either way, I will never understand people's obsession with screaming their lungs out on viking ship rides, that usually keeps me off of them, the headache I received from the constant screaming in my ear, cut my day short an hour before the park closed, but all in all it was a fun day! It was neat to see Canoe's back out on Lake Como, next time I'll have to board one!
  16. I'd like to see Coney old an old-fashioned dark ride, something like they have at Camden Park or Conneaut Lake Park, of course one would have to be up for sale as I'm sure they don't make such things anymore
  17. Riding Flight of Fear 8 times in one hour because no one was riding coasters
  18. Please no!!!! We don't need Garfiled's Nightmare here
  19. raptor

    Backwards Racer

    The backwards Racer is my favorite ride at Kings Island of all-time, it was the first adult coaster I ever rode, and it never lost it's thrill to me. I used to ride it 70 to 100 times a year, now I ride The Racer at the most a dozen time a year, it has lost a lot
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