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Everything posted by PKIDelirium

  1. LOL (Dane, how do I get to the Nexigen page for the PKIC discount? I lost the link. )
  2. ok, THAT was a lot of quotes in a row!
  3. so the posts can be manually added to the counts then?
  4. Vortex has theming, or used to. They had that robot hand on the station, and your mission was to avoid being crunched.
  5. yeah we're the flagship, we're better than PCW
  6. Someone agrees with me! Ill say it again! B&M Invert like Top Gun at PC or Silver Bullet at KBF, themed to Skycaptain! yeah! Top Gun or Sky Captain, perfect!
  7. shut down......? NO, they did the SFX for Tomb Raider and are doing the SFX for Italian Job
  8. Yes since it is easy to fix. I won't tell you how because anyone with a brain can find that option
  9. You should, FireFox is pretty common now...
  10. 1.3 Final? This looks a lot like version 2.0 EDIT: I can see "<% BOARD FOOTER %> " at the bottom
  11. how big will the file be to download?
  12. erm, i'd better send some TOMORROW!
  13. I'll try to explain. The top of the buildup is flat, but the whole thing is round. it looks kinda like a round drink coaster for lack of a better term....
  14. Well, I've been on PKIU longer (since May 2003) than PKIC (September r October 2003) and generally I have preferred PKIC, but now I like them bother the same. (no more forum nazis)
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