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Everything posted by dr_humor

  1. @ Tchu and others... I completely agree with you. While I did prefer BBW over FD (only b/c of ride length), the ride is always a must (multiple times) for me and my wife when we visit KI. If it can be saved and/or updated, I'm all for it!
  2. Not to mention that parts are harder and more expensive to come by with Arrow being defunct. They are a dying breed, and unfortunately for FD and Iron Dragon at CP, their days are numbered. That said, we are talking maybe 5 years or so...but the removal of BBW was shocking to many. It just got too expensive to keep up, and that was easily the best suspended left in the United States.
  3. Your question is irrelevant. It's 2010, not 2050. 10 years later, I should be able to get on SOB and get a quality ride, just like day # 1.
  4. Then I guess I am in the minority. My opinion since ride # 1 has been "flop". You take risks, and sometimes it works out. SOB failed. Several times now.
  5. Couldn't have said it better. If you think CP does not cater to families, you have blinders on. That said, I believe KI has, hands down, the best kids area overall, but there is only 1 giant kids area, not 3 moderately sized ones.
  6. Of course there is some discomfort, but if it helps, I have never had a smoker not extinguish a cig. if I asked politely. From a young (16ish) to old (50ish)...I've simply asked if he/she could please not smoke (it's always been in line for a ride) around my wife and I. 100% success rate so far.
  7. I think it has already been mentioned, but I think it is worth repeating; you can almost feel their enthusiasm oozing through as they answer their questions. It really makes me feel great about the state of KI with such motivated individuals behind the scenes. In another life, I will work full-time at an amusement park
  8. When does testing usually start for KI? I would think it has to be very, very soon. Just keep an eye out for SOB running tests...that will be your answer for 2010...at least initially.
  9. As a relatively new parent (our daughter is 2)...thanks for posting this. Very cute indeed. Our little one is now 33 inches, pushing 34...so she's open to a whole new world compared to last year! (we rode the merry-go-round again and again and again...)
  10. Never got a chance to ride it, but what a great looking ride. I like the little "lean" to the left towards the end of the cycle. Why was it taken out?
  11. Where is this posted? (the "downtown" bit)
  12. Dear Kings Island, I'm ready to find out what is happening with SOB now. Any time. Love, Kevin
  13. ^ Proof that the death penalty should be used more often. What a waste of sperm.
  14. I'm a professor (psychology) at Mount Union College; this fall, I am taking my abnormal psych class on a field trip to Cedar Point to document "coaster-phobes" as they go through exposure therapy throughout the day to conquer their fears. If any of you go to MU, feel free to let me know.
  15. Big Bad Wolf was 100 times the ride that Top Gun is...and it's gone. I like it to, and will be riding it as much as possible the next couple years, b/c it's outta here.
  16. Getting rid of SOB would make it more likely that I would buy a season pass. It's an embarrassment to the park and to Cedar Fair.
  17. I just want to add my 2 cents here; I think AE is one of the more underrated rides at KI. That's all. Fantastic family ride....can't wait to take my daughter on it in a few years!
  18. Does anyone from the "inside" have any info on when the park may say something...or the method they may do it? Or if they will at all? It's also a possibility that the ride will simply re-open in 2010, and no "announcement" of any kind will be necessary. Just curious. I'm assuming the answer is simply...dead silence.
  19. Don't count on it. He has been operating runs like this for nearly 5 years, and nothing has changed. Congrats on your times as well (to all above). It is correct that Boston will SOMETIMES allow a petition for a time slightly over the qualifying time, but typically only if there are known circumstances (large crowd such as at Chicago, etc). Columbus is probably the best marathon around to qualify for Boston at...very flat. The Flying Pig has a reputation for always being fantastically organized and run. They have some of the most enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers that come out year after year after year.
  20. Possibly. Like the well-intentioned but futile attempts at Busch Gardens (Williamsburg)...people walk around with "Save Big Bad Wolf" t-shirts. Guess what...no one cares. The ride is history. I am 100% confident they know exactly what the future of the ride is at this moment. I'm just as confident the general public won't know anything until there is snow on the ground.
  21. I'm a runner that used to live in Columbus where the race director is from. His races are known for being full of problems...for future reference, when you see Runwildracing attached to an event, run AWAY from it, not to it. I doubt you ever hear a thing.
  22. Thanks. Imagine that, it's on the calendar
  23. Last year was our first visit to KI's Halloween event (we typically head up the road to CP for Halloweekends) and we are absolutely blown away at how much better it was...so much that we have saved our only amusement park visit this year, after a year of a new job and relocation, to be one of the Halloween dates at KI. It may be early to ask, but our schedule is tight and we need to plan...does anyone know what weekend it will begin this year? Any new editions to the lineup? I'm 32, and I feel like a 7 year-old counting down the days until x-mas. Only now instead of opening up Omega Supreme I get to ride Diamondback in the dark through some fog
  24. Confusing. Maverick never had an issue with its SRL, and in all my trips to the park I've never witnessed someone "abusing" the line. What's up with people who are visiting KI? If I am correct, waiting in the SRL also 100% negates your ability to choose a seat, at least that has been my experience. So yes, the advantage is a shorter wait time (once you make it all the way up to the SRL which is embedded in the queue near the load) but you end up wherever fate puts you.
  25. dr_humor


    From my own experience, this is unfortunately very common for this ride. Each time we went last season the ride was not functional (out of 4 visits at different times of the season). The good news? You didnt miss anything.
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