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Everything posted by upstop

  1. wow...when I decide to go to GA I'll certainly have to plan for the delay.....maybe a night drive while the yahoos are a-seeping....lol
  2. Coney Island is fun..... Coney Island is fun.... Coney has fun for everyone.... Isn't that something it's fun!
  3. Hydra is cool too....except where you lose all of your spare change leaving the station... at two miles an hour....LOL
  4. Hey.....why not both with staggered performance times....with a beautiful stage area that surrounds the floral clock and tall enough to cover the BLSC from view. Then a stage where the stars are now, perhaps one on the opposite side of the stars....A show that surrounds the guests in lights and music!!!. Then after the Luminosity performance a Dancing Fountains show both shows leading guests closer to the gate as the evening closes to a wonderful fireworks display...I say spectacular!!! As far as singers.....wadda ya want? I'm pretty sure Christina A is out of the price range for Kings Island, unless you want to forgo a new attraction, and Britney S hasn't been reduced to playing in bars and honky tonks yet.....I'm thinking KI might be able to afford Lindsay L if the crack didn't kill her voice. LOL
  5. I'm pretty sure you're correct. They will most likely work from the midway back to the valley, constructing the drop to through the diving loop. then constructing the hill to the loop around it, then the loop, then the rest of the lift hill. They wont want to lift parts over already constructed parts...too much room for error and damage.
  6. Is that Rob Alvey I hear weeing in the background?.....
  7. So true....even the Disney Fastpass is figured into the admission costs, although it is available to everyone...sometimes.
  8. That looks rather comfortable....what were the complaints about the restraints earlier this year?
  9. Goats and sheep! LMAO!!! Didn't know that....and it doesn't cost $3.85 + to refill them...LOL
  10. At Lagoon? Son you get around!!! LOL. That coaster and Wicked are the best things in that park! It reminded me of Coney Island... a little...
  11. Actually, the quote used to quote me was only a portion of my post I made earlier and I was asking more...the first question was "is this a KIC event or a KI event"....that could have been answered easily, but the RSVP question was cherry picked from the questions, making it sound like I was angry...I'm not, I was just curious. At this point in time I really don't care one way or the other. I just felt that KIC had the capabilities of collecting the information and presenting it to KI, without a third party intervening. That's all....onward....
  12. I agree, it's a wonderful thing the park is doing, I just think that the KIC website could do a much better job of collecting names on a list and disseminating information to it's members.
  13. Because we're the one providing the opportunities that will be available on Sunday at no additional cost aside from park admission for KIC members. Well good for you, hope all goes as planned....remember Fall Freak Out?
  14. I'm thinking that if they are not investing in repairs and replacements of the display, that perhaps it is going to go bye bye pretty soon. My guess is there is a contract expiration date approaching.
  15. This whole process is turning into a mess...shades of a certain Fall Freakout event several years ago that left many enthusiasts rather bitter.
  16. I think i'll go for a walk outside now, the summer suns callin my name (I hear ya now) I just can't stay inside all day, I gotta get out get me some of those rays....everybodys laughing...sunshine day....everybodys smilin....sunhine day....everybody seems so happy today....it's a sunshine day!

  17. upstop


    I remember that too Terp....I think Sunlight pool had that requirement as well....I know our local pool did...not sure how that can be enforced, and who would want to be in the locker room enforcing a soapy shower.... My biggest peeve is when parents carry an infant in a disposable diaper into the pool...and they come out of the pool looking like they have a full load in their drawers. Plus, who is to say the diaper isn't dirty to begin with... I see that, and I'm done for the day.
  18. I'm confused...Is this a KIC event or a KI event? If it's a KIC event, why isn't KIC tracking and submitting the information to KI? Why is KI setting the rules for the RSVP except to match user names to real names? Is this for future references? Even ACE will allow you to bring unregistered members to an event, so it doesn't add up to me. I'm not conspiratorial or angry, just confused.
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