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Everything posted by upstop

  1. upstop


    This reminded me of a Ganges river scene, in India.....hehehe.
  2. upstop


    Unfortunately, for a lot of people that go to the waterparks, this is there only contact with water...ewwww.
  3. I think the theming will be there, just mainly low maintenance theming....no animatronics, except maybe in the new dark ride.
  4. Gold Star! Gold Star! GOLD STAR!
  5. You are totally right. That's why I now believe this to be a version of the Alone haunted house with fake bugs, snakes, needles and darkness all on the premise that its real. Incidentally I had an incident in a local parking lot in Cincy where someone flew out of their space backwards and rammed the bumper of my car denting then pulling my bumper while I was working (brand new car...many expletives flowed that day!) I called the police to report and they didn't want to come on the lot. They said they weren't allowed on private property...go figure they have no problem on other private property. Anyway he referred to the liability statement on the back of the parking ticket saying I was parking there at my own risk. I told him that they have a responsibility to be watching my car since the owners were allowing me to park there, and since no one was monitoring, I should seek out a lawyer. The next day...they had someone in the booth...interestingly, I never mentioned anything to the owners....I wonder who did talk to them....LOL
  6. I'm sure the price is a guest limiting factor, plus there will most likely be release forms to sign.....you know.....CYA papers.
  7. I'm not sure what the house/attraction really is about....I'm thinking it is a house/show where some are Experiment Subjects and others are viewers...since Busch is all about animals, I'm certain that nothing is eaten, and if a person is squeamish about seeing these things crawling on other people (Hint Fear Factor) it might be a show kind of like the premature burial experience that was on I-Street, but the price is WAAAAAAY outrageous to me to have insects and snakes crawl on them.....Heck just go camping if you enjoy that kind of thing...LOL. EDIT: I'm beginning to think this a follow up to the Alone haunted house and not a torture exhibit...and that is all. You had to pay a separate admission to that as well and the ticketing price reduces the more tickets you buy.
  8. Would something like this go over at Halloween Haunt? Read the whole page....don't think about the price, just the concept. Also check out the "Become a Test Subject button... http://seaworldparks.com/en/howloscream-tampa/Attractions/Haunted-Houses/The-Experiment
  9. Brats, Metts, Saurkraut, and German Potato salad with a cold beer.....and getting stung by a yellow jacket while wiping down the beer covered counter in the Biergarten... ..ahhh....those were the days....LOL. BTW, I think the area could use an Oktoberfest celebration, yearly, it really pulls in the business downtown in Zinzinnati....heck, the entire area was settled by Germans, why not celebrate at Kings Island....In fact the area could use several rides around the lake...there could be at least three rides in the area. Two on the Festhouse side and one on the Biergarten side....I'd love to see a Giant Wheel near the lake with a lighting package....the reflections would be spectacular.
  10. God...I hope the pricing doesn't end up like Universal Studios, with a thousand different options....that makes planning nearly impossible.....different admission prices based on past history (cheaper on some days more expensive on others) throughout the season. So many package deals that the typical trip planner eventually throws their hands up in the air and randomly picks a package from the plethora of options. It's a mess and I hate planning a Universal Studios trip.
  11. Friday the 13th?....not a holiday but an infamous day this month other than labor day.
  12. The last time I was at Kings Island with a friend we decided to stop by the 80's shop in I Street. We were just shopping around when we noticed the arcade machine in the corner. We shot across the room in a race nearly pummeling each other to get to the Galaga machine....KI would make hand over fist money with a strictly 80's and prior game room...especially with us older folks...and at a quarter a play too! I would spend lots of time there...and quarters...
  13. This is the page where I got the information....It doesn't specify, but it generalizes. I know they inspect all rides in Ohio. http://www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/rides/default.aspx
  14. At least in Ohio, before a game can be operated at a fair or amusement park, the Department of Agriculture has to approve the type of game. They have a list of approved and disapprove games (http://www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/Rides/docs/2009Gamebook.pdf). After reading some of the information it sounds like it comes down to subjectivity of the approving official and I'm pretty sure it's not considered gambling if the Dept of Ag and state get their cut of the pie, if you know what I mean If I'm not mistaken, each game area and machine has a certificate indicating that the game was inspected and approved by the Dept of Ag somewhere, and probably each of the rides has one somewhere too.
  15. Sounds like gambling to me.....
  16. Yep....they would have to make up for their losses with the ride SBNO. Seems like a logical thing to do.
  17. Just looked at the HHN lineup and it does appear to be rather bland....zombies everywhere. However, Busch Gardens Tampa has a good lineup... http://seaworldparks.com/en/howloscream-tampa/Attractions/Haunted-Houses The Experiment (house) sounds pretty cool. Check it out closely. The test subjects must pay and reserve a time for the experiment....Im assuming that the "witnesses" to the experiment will not have to pay...not sure...but it sounds intense. Just for giggles....
  18. My favorite year was when they had the Undertaker, Jack, The story teller and The director all with their own houses and a show. It was a blast! I haven't kept up the last couple of years.
  19. Yes...it was Scooby Doo, then Beastie, then Fairly Odd Parents, then Woodstock Express.
  20. I tried wind....how's this for a CF ride name....."Wind Playground Of The Self-inflicted Pest"
  21. Using the attached link to a random band name generator, and putting in the word "Steel," a lot of interesting results came up. I think something like this can be used to name new rides (or relocated old ones). http://www.bandnamemaker.com/generator/?cw=Steel Hehehe....sounds like where CF gets it's names anyway....I like "Steel Furniture of the Gapping Rag" LMAO!
  22. It hasn't been confirmed that Knott's is losing their WindSeeker that I'm aware of...just speculation.
  23. Thank you! Something new to learn everyday!!! Wow...that is a lot of responsibility for a young person to have in addition to restraining passengers and storing carry-on stuff.
  24. Kind of like NORAD...lol...is this also the e-stop I often hear about....release the button and the ride stops or is that something else.
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