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Everything posted by upstop

  1. My favorite, and cheapest place to eat is "Le Hatchback du Prius". Its located in the parking lot, usually in row 14.
  2. The first time I was at the entrance I jumped like a rollercoaster tycoon peep and said "TTD looks to intense for me".
  3. That actually sounds like a Cedar Fair ride name.
  4. I have never ridden TTD.... As far as FOF, well I find any seat that my big ole rear end will fit in an intense ride....nothing makes a ride more intense as having to wait two hours and be crammed into a car with a full bladder...
  5. The more I think of the story line of witches, it makes more sense.....the townsfolk accuse three women of witch craft and determine to burn them at the stake, however they escape one by one (three trains) to fly over, around and through the village to terrorize the townsfolk, only to be captured at the end. But if it's not named Banshee, then what could the possible name be? Maybe....Cursed...or Hex...maybe Coven.
  6. KK is rolling back as we type.....
  7. Shaggy said "Are we sure those are scarecrows? It looks more like an angry New England villager to me. You know, like something from a witch hunt, or Legend of Sleepy Hollow. When I first saw the pictures of them, I immediatley thought of an angry mob of townspeople. Sort of like those at the end of Beauty and The Beast... I sure didn't think scarecrow." Excellent point....maybe it has more to do with a witch trial and burning......and revenge..... (oooo I'm scared now .....)
  8. isn't it called an instant message..... That's what I always called them....lol OK....DR Shaggy you have a PM....
  9. Paging Dr Shaggy, Paging Dr Shaggy. You are needed in the Decoding 2014 unit stat!!! plus you have an IM...
  10. Ringmaster said "This is from the NY Daily Times." http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/steve-mcnair-sahel-kazemi-skeletons-kings-island-amusement-park-celebrity-graveyard-report-article-1.385431 I'll bet the people complaining....WON'T EVER ATTEND A HAUNT! either...sorry for screaming.
  11. I don't care what it is as long as it has wheels and it rolls....
  12. And now for some speculation news.....went to KI this evening, crowds were lite....rode Adventure Express and Top Flight Swoops....(sorry Flight Deck...couldn't help myself) viewing very briefly on both rides, the field and hillside construction is moving along and both areas are COVERED with orange flags making it look like a poppy field. More to come later this week......your Action Speculation Reporter signing off....
  13. Why is this happening on this forum?
  14. Nothing to see folks.....there really isn't anything being constructed at Kings Island......it's a figment of your imagination.....run along now....
  15. For a bigger better version of BLSC?
  16. Very true. I remember fog/mist at the first drop with a train crossing signal, ambient jungle sounds. Doesn't seem like a lo of stuff to maintain, but I don't know their budget.
  17. I agree....but on AE it's mostly light bulbs...
  18. ^^ That's for sure....check out AE's special effects. The last time I rode it at night, the last tunnel head red lights and the final lift was nearly dark.....everything else....well, dark. BTW, since water mist was rusting the track, why not use fog juice?
  19. Hey BeastForever, Those are some great pictures of Lake Banshee... (Really, they are good pictures!)
  20. Or does the angle run in the same direction as the cutout, as in this image: Secondson, from my experience reviewing B&M coaster constructions pictures on RCDB, and up-close and personal, the second picture is correct. The bolts on each side of the crescent indicates the direction of the lean of the support. A circle of bolts = straight up, a crescent = lean. You can see what I'm saying if you go onto the Reds Grille patio an look at Diamondbacks supports. The bolts appear on both sides of the crescent (look at he triangle of concrete on the new coaster) and the support leans towards the track of the coaster.
  21. Sorry, this was a double post...
  22. They have been laying footers down in the valley, out of sight of prying eyes...
  23. I agree....Don't get me wrong, but it wasn't a show I would run back to see again.
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