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Everything posted by upstop

  1. ^^ Correct. The actuation of the cars changed directions.
  2. The last time I was there we entered from the west gate and we were directed up the access road that cuts the park in half. That being said, I always thought it was a street that cut through the park. It only serves to get the cars to the parking lot...am I correct? Why in the heck hasn't that been rerouted to utilize that space for the park?....and get rid of that stupid connector bridge...
  3. Just watched a video of Tooth Fairy.....OMG you are in for a treat...
  4. Psychoscarapy at HHN did just that....there was a washroom scene with inmates, poo on the walls, a fake inmate in a stall, recorded "toilet and bowel sounds" and a nasty smell to go along with it. Totally disgusting but thats part of the fear of the unclean.....yuck.
  5. To me, they are all tame. You won't really know till you walk through them for yourself. My suggestion is to try them all....of course you'll be startled...but expect it and keep a sharp eye open you might see the scares coming. Realize that no one is going to hurt you.....heck the other night I walked through most of them totally alone (no one in front or behind me....no biggie). Only one time I reached up to move a curtain and the scareactor was behind it, popped up and screamed...nearly shart....right there....but its all in good fun. In fact I'm looking forwards to doing it again.
  6. Early on Friday is the best time. Once inside the park you can sprint through several coasters and several haunts in no time. Just be early and get close to the gates. The plaza filled up and I had to go through the security check. It took maybe 20 short minutes to get into the park. I didn't have a Fastlane or Fright Lane and nearly rode everything.....Fun fun fun!
  7. ^^ and I agree with you too. I just think that KI is creating too many options and they are headed down the Universal Studios path of a bazillion options and no clear direction. I would definitely hate to work in either parks customer service center during Halloween....
  8. And what happens if the pass is lost before any house is visited? "sorry...but...." Unfortunately, guest relations is going to give the same spiel. Why not use the same wrist band concept as Fastlane except with the bar code scanner?...better yet why not combine the Fastlane an the Frightlane into one package with the bar coded wristband? The band is less likely to be lost. No method is totally foolproof, except maybe cash at the door. (my preferred method). It appears that the guy had proof that he purchased the ticket and they weren't trying to scam anyone, I don't see any harm here and agree that the park lost NO money and should have let them all through. If there is such a rush to scam, the park should look at alternative methods.
  9. Hmmm....could be interesting if it is like KBF's Skeleton Key... http://youtu.be/yDg3geBRp4A
  10. Wow....SFA website says Frightfest - "Family friendly fun turns sinister after nightfall." Guess they are living up to the hype for sure.
  11. I've been to the event 3 times and every time there has been a rear end accident south on KI Drive just after the exit every time. Friday on my drive away from the park there were more than 7 highway patrolmen between the park and the Fields Ertel/Mason Montgomery exit.
  12. ^^ Was that when the waterfall effect from the tower went off during cleanup after the event? I remember being outside the park when that happened.
  13. Has anyone on this site been to this haunt and would you recommend visiting? The video below was made describing their newest maze and narrated by the designer. It looks incredibly high budget and I really wish I knew just how much money they put into their attractions. The attention to detail is phenomenal. This years maze "The Summoning" looks amazing. Also since all three mazes are in sequence, the event could be one of the longest haunted attractions ever. Apparently all visits are reserved for specific time slots making this really a unique attraction. Plus the prices are reasonable. Incidentally Scare House is Guillermo Del Toro approved....LOL http://www.scarehouse.com/ At the bottom of the screen check out "The Basement".....ain't no way I'm doing that one!
  14. Just realized.....there are no "Haunted Houses/Mansions" at Halloween Haunt.....we have vampires, werewolves, aliens, freaks, cemetery, scarecrows, clowns, zombie department store, zombie apocalypse, insane board game pieces, voodoo bayou, dead cowboys, chainsaw-less slaughterhouses, and sorority girls..... but no haunted house.....LOL Anyway, here is one of my favorite HHN haunts with the lights on...remember this was dark, loud scares and it was snowing in the building. http://youtu.be/TLE1IZmgMYc
  15. ^^Have a great time! It's fun to watch peoples reactions within your group. You might even be startled a couple of times yourself!
  16. The reopening of rides and the new ride selection of rides is rather interesting. Unless I'm reading it wrong, does the Cyclos ride completely loop? That could be intense.
  17. Loved them and went to each showing. Was there a reason other than the selling of the park that the event was ended? Seemed like this packed the park with patrons plunking down cash. I remember getting out of the parking lot at @4am.....good times...lol
  18. ^^Probably....LOL....I usually pull up the rear of the line and I usually let the scareactors in front of me at some point....hehehehe...(just so you won't feel left out of the action.)
  19. ^^Hmmm.....I must have missed the furnace every year...LOL
  20. Thanks LoraX! It was good to see you come through the other night. That was Sam. He never did find that pig but I have a feeling that he may find another one that will become his new favorite. Sam asked me where his pig was and I rubbed my belly and told him I ate it....LOL
  21. ^^ Just imagine the "stand-by" line lengths.
  22. I did like the new textured lighting on International Street. Plus Nightmare Alley was empty when I walked through too.
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