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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Good news. Guest relations says that they will honor any ticket purchased tonight for either of the two additional nights offered. Yay smores!
  2. Ok...will my ticket for tonight be good for either of the other nights? Refunded? ..... I wants my smores.....
  3. At least gimme my darn smores.....lol
  4. When is the park going to announce this, maybe using FunTV and will there be refunds for those of us that bought our tickets earlier today?
  5. However, there is nothing like standing on the steps and watching streams of Fastlaner-s fill the line. Then a long pause...a Fastlane buildup....then streams of Fastlaner-s fill the line (mainly because a Fastlaner dropped the chain and walked their group in).......several times until someone at the lead of the standby line finally dropped the chain because they were frustrated with how it was being handled. That day we stood on the bottom stairs for over 20 minutes....real efficiency there.
  6. It has been my experience that the big boy seats are usually rows four or five on most coasters. Generally the center of a train. Maybe it has something to do with weight distribution in some way or that these rows are also usually the least forceful on a coaster...not being pushed or pulled through a course.
  7. I would love to see I street open again at least an hour before official opening. Perhaps KI could add ornate gates to the theme area entry ways and prior to official opening, there could be a Snoopy and gang, 5 minute or so, welcome show to greet guests to have a wonderful day. Then, maybe an over the speakers countdown for the ornate gates to swing open...I can imagine how a first time guest could get excited about being there with this kind of welcome...and this could happen with very little overhead cost (IMO).....plus $$$ generated during the wait.
  8. And Dollywood, Disney parks and a plethora of other venues that greet their guests equally. (Plus it gets guests to the entry plaza faster to spend their money.) BTW. How many other parks restrict guest entry until the park is operational? I have the biggest peeve with KI preventing guests from entry until the opening time arrives....look at the coffee, donuts and souvenirs that could be sold from 9 am until 10 am. (not to mention bathroom breaks, meet and greets and daily planning for meet-ups for lunch etc.) Now folks flood the gates and go straight to their favorite attractions skipping all the money making venues. Actually, I think KI would benefit from a traditional breakfast bar in the Festhaus...eggs, bacon and more - 8 am to 10 am. They need to think $$$'s instead of adding to admission, use what they already have available....The shops and restaurants on I street, for starters.
  9. Looking forward to seeing a nice, newly painted, rust free SR&R back at home where he belongs. Appearing spiffy and cycling like never before!
  10. Since HW is mentioning "New World" on the video, has anyone given thought to this being a $(?) mil coaster and $(?) mil ride upgrade to start a "New World" in Thanksgiving?
  11. The video on the link mentions our "New World"....interesting.
  12. Remember, HW had planned on buying KK (Bluegrass Boardwalk). It seems like they are putting it all back into this project. $20 million...I hope this really gives the park a real boost in sales next year and they recover it all and then some.
  13. I have to update. From just the other day, there appears to be an entrance forming at both ends of the building and there are two possible fire exits on the south side (one may be access to fire sprinklers or plumbing of some kind)......so far. And crappy looking steel siding that makes it look out of place near The Beast.
  14. I have seen Diamondbacks train leave with up to six seats empty. That's one and a half empty cars. The capacity is reduced to 26 passengers. It this were to happen continuously, every 5th train would be two seats short of an empty train. As Devarious said, it does add up over time. The capacity for Banshee and Diamondback is the same volume of seats. Both often send out empty seats, so why does the line for one fly and the line for the other doesn't?
  15. Historically speaking, On July 24th, 1683 - 1st settlers from Germany to US, leave aboard Concord.
  16. I always thought it would be cool to paint a wooden coaster in Camo design and color.
  17. If it said "Dick was here!", Kinzel probably took it with him...LOL Joking aside, I kind of remember seeing it there myself at one time. Surely if it was taken down, it would be in the front office somewhere. That would be of significant history to the park.
  18. Don't know about that. But have a question in a similar vain. Have the anti-rollbacks always been in place on the two lift hills on Race for your Life Charlie Brown? I don't recall seeing them, but I don't ride the ride all that often and just happened to notice them this year for the first time (or perhaps I've noticed them, but realized why they were actually there after last season's issues at CP?) Your answer....Yes, since about 1967 or so....
  19. Unless....Wolfpack is upgrading to Rougaru....(probably not happening, but fun to speculate.)
  20. Beyond hilarious! Although, you might have just designed a new ride for Huss.....hmmmm. Ready to ride?
  21. If the ride name sign and the temporary closure sign disappears, then I'd give up hope...until then....
  22. Technically, I didn't ask anything. I simply stated that I didn't know and probably didn't want to. No question was asked. It was Terpy who took it upon himself to tell me. So I blame Terpy. At least Terp didn't describe tasseled pasties and how those work...lol.
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