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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Kings Dominion also sells these. They must be rather popular now.
  2. Sorry....lol..had to chuckle...
  3. ^^To get to The Bat (former Top gun): When you entered Adventure Village you crossed a small bridge (between the current Chicken Shack and Delirium.) You angled to the right from there and headed towards where Banshee's first dive loop is and headed down a grade and under the monorail that headed out to the exhibit, straight across AE. (the first drop of AE went downhill and to the right under the outgoing monorail into the first tunnel). The path to The Bat then continued around to the left and up towards the bottom of the lift hill of Banshee and past the toilets to the current entrance of The Bat. The incoming monorail crossed the overpass that you currently go under to access The Bat. The monorail station for LCS was near the loading platforms for Xtreme Skyflyers and the exit for the monorail was somewhere near Drop Tower and Coaster connection.
  4. I wonder why some of these effects haven't translated into other coasters? This skid effect could be fun on a wild mouse type ride.
  5. I believe the cars rears were supposed to release and skid in the curves too.
  6. ^^ Absolutely....and not another steel structure like club blood. Actually in the picture it's so close to Beast that it would look totally out of place to be a plain steel structure.
  7. ^^ ( to Terp) I do declare... When you left the station and turned to the right you went through a fog/mist bank similar to the mist around the Banshee sign with color lights under the track with a jungle soundtrack. Then you dropped over the hill to the first tunnel. At the entrance to the tunnel there was an active crossing signal with ringing bells and lights flashing...kind of an indication of danger. Then as you went through the tunnel, there was mood lighting and in the rafters there was an anaconda sized hissing snake. Then you left the first tunnel and into the second where arrows popped out of the walls as you went through. Then as you climbed the lift you could hear it creak as if it were falling apart. Then you drop down the hill through the course and through the ivy covered structure with mood lighting and into the next tunnel. Inside here you went into the volcano with red lights and fog. You could hear a loud wind or howling through to the last tunnel. At the end, it remains virtually the same with the statues drumming and the main statue, however it dumped a trickle of water onto the train as you passed under. It was a wonderful night experience! All in all it was a MUCH better experience before there became a lapse in upkeep.....here's hoping that Matt updates this ride soon to it's former glory and then some!!!
  8. Wow....these cups must be made of Shrinky Dinks plastic...
  9. Thanks! If I fit on everything else at the park it will be a plus for all of the dieting and hard exercise I've done!!!
  10. ^^ I'm guessing that if we get a Wonder Mountain Guardian type ride that it will be in a total revamp of Boo Hill, with short trains of cars rather than a continuous loop.... ....but that's beside the point. I'm going to guess that the new construction is a new haunt building... perhaps for the Slaughter House.
  11. There was a collision on Wildcat?...I did not know that!
  12. I really want to ride Volcano at KD...I'm guessing that won't happen next week when I go. I'm also guessing it will be close but no cigar. Wish me luck! (I hate most Intamin restraints.)
  13. Wow, that's one shriveled up, wrinkly Banshee for sure! Edit: I'd contact that park to be for certain about replacing it.
  14. ^^ OOOOO....I like how you think!!!
  15. Bad journalist!!! http://centralvalleymoms.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/scold-380x190.jpg
  16. Who knows.....maybe that Big Tan box and this new construction are connected in some way other than Halloween Haunt...
  17. JessicaDawn, you are waaaaaaay to young to remember any of the three rides I mentioned. Only fossils like myself actually rode those rides....LOL. Heck, I remember when the dinosaurs in Dinosaurs Alive actually existed!
  18. Flying Eagles....sigh...sniff, sniff...
  19. Someone could get some really good pictures from the Fastlane queue!
  20. The curved path ends......right at the head of the old Powder Valley Nature Trail.....just sayin....
  21. Are there other rides that live on elsewhere?
  22. Actually three things.....a long time ago there was the Bayern Curve ride to the left when facing Slingshot and right at Slingshot was the Oktoberfest Skyride station. To the right where Adventure Express entrance is located (in the landscaped patch) was the Flying Dutchman (wooden shoes) ride. Edit: If you look above your post at post 93, Lopan has posted a picture of the Skyride station.
  23. The Powder Valley Nature Trail used to be directly across the road from where this is located....perhaps this is a queue station for a new version of the Trail of Terror??
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