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Everything posted by upstop

  1. It also looks like gravel has been placed in the base. Does this mean that concrete may be poured? Seems like this building is being constructed in reverse. Also, I have revised where I think the door locations might be. It does appear (when viewed in person) that there are multiple doors. Most likely they are fire exits. Now I think there are doors coming to both ends of the building....I'm puzzled about this structure. It also has some siding going up on the south side....hate to say it but from a distance it looks like it's.....metal siding....boooooooo.
  2. Did the dog at least hold its paws up on the first drop?
  3. Hehehehe....you're welcome...LOL. (sorry I didn't read the posts...Amy just popped into my head!)
  4. And SR&R began to sing..... edit: see thedevariouseffect post above
  5. As far as Flying Eagles, I'd rather see those appear on Flight Commander's old pad. The height of the platform would certainly add some thrill to the ride. I want to stay positive about SR&R. It's a fun ride. Hope it's only a matter of time before we find out what's happening.
  6. Keep in mind that for several weeks it was up on blocks. Apparently they were looking for a replacement part. It's quite possible that it was determined that the replacement part/s would cost as much as replacing the entire ride with a new one. Maybe a new SR&R from Huss is on it's way. Fingers crossed!
  7. Now that would be something to see at Halloween Haunt for certain!
  8. Just about a week ago Kings Island introduced the all-day photo pass. The photos are sent to your email and you can get unlimited free photos the rest of the day. Yipee!!!! (avoiding a one word post....lol)
  9. Slaughterhouse Reloaded? Strange name sounds more like a weapon. I would have named it something like Slaughterhouse: Fresh Meat, or Slaughterhouse: Grinding Madness.
  10. I wouldn't mind having an option to buy all the ride videos and pictures, and have them directly sent to an email address....(for a reduced price of course.) I have often wanted to buy the onride pictures/videos but I don't want to cart them around all day or rent a locker to store them. Don't some parks offer an all day photo/video option?
  11. I have a co-worker who, whenever we have a business luncheon, finds something wrong with her meal and gets it free every time. Its totally disgusting since everyone at the table gets a perfect meal and service except for her. There are plenty of people like that for sure! As far as KK goes, I'm sure that the majority of these complaints are bandwagon complaints with folks pushing the boundaries to get into the news without regard to the ramifications of their actions on the park. The park is in effect, becoming a scapegoat in many of these instances.
  12. Just looked at the construction...and it appears that there is only one entrance/exit into and out of the building. There is a base board all the way around, except at the back of the building. In the back, there is a large area framed in that looks like it could be the entrance.
  13. I like the concept, but I agree it has to be executed correctly to be of efficient capacity. Maybe something like that would lend itself to more of a pay to play house. I remember attending a scarezone somewhere in an outdoors event, where it was chainlink, and the maze morphed as scare actors opened and closed gates. It was much larger than a normal haunted house. But it was neat to see guests separated but in sight of one another. Especially with scareactors mixed in.
  14. Maybe B&M has a new stand up train in the works or something totally unique...maybe a new standup train with a spinning chassis. It would be a unique sensation, for sure, to be standing and spinning too...you think?
  15. hmmm.... new paint job....maybe a new name?.... perhaps King James? After all, wasn't it said that a B&M would be changing forever...lol (how often does this coaster get the cramps?)
  16. I had shattered cell phone parts hit me in the back while sitting in front of Invertigo's return trip to the station. Lucilky it only stung, but didn't break skin. On the same day a cell phone slammed the deck of Delirium, leaving a nickle plated spot and a medical cleanup in one seat of the ride, plus a purple gloved wipedown of said seat which delayed the ride for 15 or so minutes.
  17. The haunt at KBF last year was called Mirror Mirror....in this attraction, you could actually get lost in the maze. Now that would be interesting! Especially if you get lost with the scareactors on your tail.
  18. I'm wondering....at KBF there is mention of a maze last year where the participants could actually get lost in the structure. I'm not familiar with what was there last year....hmmm. that would kind of explain dead ends. I'll check out KBF from 2013 on the web and see if it was an endless maze in their lineup.
  19. The low to the ground tunnels of Montu make it my favorite, especially at dusk. You feel, in a way, as if you are flying through a desert village. The final element is the best because you are travelling down and to the left through a below ground tunnel and the track goes through a cork screw changing your direction to curving to the right....very disorienting. http://youtu.be/zQxKTL9fTpA
  20. Slaughterhouse is the only one that actually startled me in a couple of places.....
  21. I'd say it's about 2.5 times bigger than the other haunt attractions.
  22. ^^Oh all right...you got me....lol
  23. It would have to be a superior haunt from top to bottom for me to buy a FOL pass.....great sets, great make up, great scares....sorry, in my opinion, (with the exception of Slaughterhouse which is very close to BGT and USO in quality) what I've seen so far at KI does not qualify for an upgrade. (Busch Gardens and Universal have spoiled me in that department) Yes we are talking bigger budgets, etc, at those parks, however, KI went for quantity rather than quality in their lineup. I'd have 5 really good haunts rather than 13 understaffed, lower quality haunts. My biggest complaint is that when Fearfest started it was a Halloween event with a few houses that happened to be in an amusement park. Now for Halloween Haunt, its an amusement park that happens to have too many haunted attractions. Do I like Halloween Haunt....yes....but not enough for a Skeleton Key/FOL...(unless of course the Haunts quality at KI goes through the roof).
  24. A slab foundation wasn't poured first? Sounds like Knott's Gunslinger haunt. http://themeparkadventure.com/review-gunslingers-grave-2013-knotts-scary-farm/
  25. Since Banshee line flies with the no loose articles policy, I wish KI would implement this on all of their rides. Heck with the volume of "carry-ons" it sometimes feels like I'm walking through the airport when I'm walking in a crowd. I believe that even a couple of times at some parks I've seen folks pulling small rolling luggage behind them....please....if they need all that, what the heck are they doing in an amusement park? It's understandable that some folks would need "extras" that are not sold in parks, but if it cannot be carried in a storable bag, then it's too much stuff!
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