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Everything posted by upstop

  1. The site is partially up now....with same 1001 combinations for tickets. wow - nearly $200 dollars for a Frequent Fear pass and an Express line ticket....decisions.
  2. They need some new blood in the creativity department....wonder if they are hiring? I missed the one year that they had a maze called "Blinding Darkness". I hear that it was incredible. The concept was you had a group (I'm sure the "group" was a congo line...lol) and the lead of the group had a flashlight. As the group negotiated the dark maze, the lightning flashes would occur giving the group brief flashes of what they were walking through. Therefore most of what was being experienced was what was being heard combined with flashes of what was being seen.
  3. It's actually about a mile from the main gate of the park. I take the path to Great Wolf Lodge to Great Wolf Drive and cross the highway at the crosswalk signs to Kings Island Inn then walk through their parking lot to the vacant lot or alongside the highway if I'm feeling lucky ( ). Then I cross over to Aces and Eights Powder Keg Harley. Through the lot and cross over to the plaza. Just be sure to watch all traffic!!! (there are some crazy drivers out there!!). You can get there in about 20 to 25 minutes.
  4. Wow...look at the nickels lost today. If I were a CEO of Cedar Fair, I would be looking at sewage/water treatment options for the peninsula. It would be worth $20 million. http://www.orenco.com/systems/hotels_resorts_wastewater_treatment.cfm http://www.lenntech.com/
  5. Sorry folks, due to a water main break, America's Rollercoast is temporarily closed. Have a hap hap happy day. http://jimhillmedia.com/mb/images/upload/John-Hughes-Landscape-web.jpg
  6. Hmmm...they quickly moved the live cam off the front gate midway and it sure looks like the back of the park is empty.
  7. There's a DQ with a Jimmy Johns and Chipoltes in a plaza about a mile from KI's north entrance near Ruby Tuesdays just before the access road exit. It might have the deal. edit: In fact this is where I take my afternoon lunch walk when I go to KI. Directly across from the old Hall of Fame property.
  8. Its odd but when you mentioned the design and the location, I remembered seeing that exact ride at the fair. Also, it looks like a big part of the ride is made of wood. Heck, I'm old.enough to.remember when our county fair had a Tilt-a-Whirl with wooden platforms for entrance and exits...and that was a long time ago.
  9. Surprisingly, these were the ONLY two pictures I could find on the internet ANYWHERE! The original ride company is gone but I bet there are patents and designs somewhere for the ride itself. If you find those let me know and I will update you if I find any..
  10. Here's another picture. http://www.joylandbooks.com/themagiceye/images/00250448.jpg This time it's called a Boomerang.
  11. I remember seeing it at the state fair many years ago. I'll bet that another company bought the patent and renamed it to something else.
  12. Your description kind of looks like this. http://www.flatrides.com/rides/img/ADCWaltzer1.jpg If you look up Waltzer now you will find a Tilt-a-Whirl type ride. Not sure it this ride transformed into something else or changed names or what.
  13. Maybe a redesign of Timberwolf? At least it would be used throughout the season then.
  14. Something like this at KI would be incredible. But where the heck could something like this even go. The only place I could think where this might work would be behind the Eifel Tower, with a lot of reconstruction I'm sure.
  15. The grandstand area emptied out in about 45 seconds. But what was keeping the stage crowd around so long? I haven't seen the show, but it looked comparable to Fantasmic (at least from a pyrotechnic/lighting point of view.)
  16. Luminosity is really hopping right now. Looks like a lot of fun.
  17. If anything, the price of the food for the general public will rise to influence the buying of the meal deal.
  18. Wow...and on top of a central Florida lightning rod. I'm willing to bet that it will close promptly every night around seven pm as the nightly thunderstorms roll through.
  19. yes. Before the first lift in the tunnel. There is an adventurer's skeleton and there is at least one arrow working in the tunnel at this time.
  20. I'd like to see all of the original effects working and perhaps a few more effects added.
  21. Would be interesting to see an Ouimet makeover happen to Adventure Express to bring back the "adventure"
  22. I don't like tripping over the piles of sandals and thongs stacked up near the exits to the Banshee station.
  23. I believe it shows all summer. I think you will love it. I've seen it twice already and it's an exciting show. Hoping to go back and see it again this weekend.
  24. Wow! Just saw Shoot the Chutes go splashing by...I kind of like these live webcams! edit...maybe they are testing...I've only seen two in the last ten minutes.
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