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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Well, actually everyone entering the gates at Disney World pays for Fastpass (it's hidden in the cost and available to all guests.)
  2. ^^Not too far fetched of an idea. It's quite possible that that could happen throughout the park. It does speed up the ride since you don't have guests criss-crossing each other to put in/retrieve items from a bin. Plus those exiting leave the platform faster too.
  3. ^^Totally agreed....Fastlane at Disney is just as bad in many ways. There is nothing worse than waiting for two hours to be cut off at the entrance to wait for two people to walk up a quarter mile ramp to cut in front...and then waiting again for two more people to walk up the same ramp to board in front of you....and then ten out of your queue board. The fairest pay-for-service method is Qbot....again, you schedule a ride, it judges a return time, and you either wait until your boarding time and after or you cancel and reschedule a ride. Either way only a few go in at a time and merge with the groups practically unnoticed. If you are scheduled to return in an hour, go eat, shop or ride another ride from the lower class line. Either way you get two rides in within an hour rather than just one ride.
  4. ^^Most of Saturdays Diamondback-up were the hoards of giddy Fastlaners, gleefully skipping through the queue line to ride over and over and over again, while the rest of us watched.
  5. This must be a result of the protest movement....MASRC.... Mothers Against Scary Roller Coasters.
  6. "Halt...who goes there? I am the Centurion. You have gone too far. You have seen too much."
  7. ^^ Might work, but only if they gave Raptor a Bizzaro fire-breathing, foggy tunneled, strobe lighted makeover to make it appear as a new ride.
  8. Disney's Haunted Mansion, in the Boo Blasters building with an I-Street entrance by Starbucks.
  9. Easiest way to prevent the defrauding of the bands is to make them bar code associated with a quick photo image that can be taken at point of purchase. It can then be scanned before the individual enters the queue revealing the customers face.....send in the magic wrist bands to make that job easier.
  10. Paramount did the same thing one year...on July 26th no less....Oh well it was the magic of the movies or something.
  11. The only attractions not breaking down at some point in the day in Action Zone were The Bat and Congo Falls.
  12. Qbot is the way to go. It schedules the ride and you can't use it anywhere else until you've either met your scheduled time for your group for the ride you've chosen or you've cancelled your ride time. You can't skip through the park freely cutting to the front of every line at whim as many times as you like. Last night we waited in a half full queue line for Diamondback for nearly 2 hours while we watched groups of 30+ people parade past us to ride the ride over and over and over...the same people by the way. Not until near the end of the shift did they do a 50/50 from each line. the line for Fastlane backed up beyond the stairs leading down below the lift track at one point. Over the course of 12 hours we were in the park we rode 5 RIDES.... can't imagine a single day ticket holders experience. All I know is my experience SUCKED. I WON'T DO ANYMORE FULL DAY WEEKEND VISITS....EVER. I'll just happily do my ERT, (as long as ERT exists) and leave for the day.
  13. Carousels and Merry-go-rounds need seatbelts. http://www.bing.com/search?q=amusement+park+carousel+accidents&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=amusement+park+carousel+accidents&sc=0-18&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=1d4be6e9ca34428aa3b2a35c1eab3b86 http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/28/the-amusement-park-ride-associated-with-the-most-injuries-might-surprise-you/
  14. Giant noodle in the park this weekend....that's nothing new, Don's there every weekend....he works there. (LOL)
  15. Yes. And they could jazz up the outside of the building with a haunted mansion façade. Also there is plenty of acreage behind the building for a cool coaster. They could place the splashdown on The Beast side of the property to make it midway visible.
  16. I wouldn't mind seeing digital virtual wait times signs at attractions and not the spin dial signs that can be "changed" by guests and are often not accurate. Plus maybe a billboard like sign in each area with virtual wait times at popular attractions. It actually disperses crowds to less populated attractions.
  17. Saw the FUN TVs over the weekend, so far not completely impressed. There were a few trivia games that were interesting; however, having "tuned out" the Q-TVs from years ago, I couldn't see much difference between the two. Both were equally distracting and annoying.
  18. Wow...didn't know Jaws had been that much trouble for Universal.
  19. It's time for a water ride. How about a Mack Water Coaster/ Haunted house combo in Rivertown (indoor and outdoor).....but most likely it will be Planet Snoopy ride or update of some sort.
  20. I would like to see direct park access resort hotels on site. Wouldn't it be cool to have a hotel just outside of Soak City where guests could have before and after hours access to Soak City?. How about a camp ground somewhere on the river way back behind The Beast on Union Run Road with bus, tram or horse drawn wagon access back to River Town. Perhaps maybe a turn of the century resort somewhere behind X-Base with access to Coney Mall. Maybe there could be a German Village resort behind Adventure Express with bridge access to Oktoberfest. I'm going to go as far as suggesting moving part of the front maintenance area and adding a Peanuts resort near the front of the park. I'd even suggest year round booking to keep them full and active year round.
  21. ^^ Perhaps ham, deviled eggs, and sweet potatoes superseded rides on Banshee on Sunday...LOL
  22. I skipped the madness and went to Dollywood....well the madness followed....everything at Dollywood on Friday was 45 minutes to an hour and a half...including restaurants and toilets. Saturday on and off rain with a Qbot...great times...(Wild Eagle was my Banshee test seat) Yea, I fit comfortably. Returned on Easter Sunday, renewed my KI pass at 4:45pm and drove an hour to the park. Got in the park around 6pm and went straight to Banshee line. Got into Banshee line at 6:05 and rode at 6:20pm (right side) and then again at 6:40pm (left side). Rode it twice in 35 minutes. Then tested my big butt on BLSC fit semi-comfortably. Rode The Beast comfortably and rode Diamondback loosely for the first time ever (rode the last three in last 20 minutes before the park closed)....Thank you Dr. Atkins and Dr. Brenner for the weight loss. Looking forward to many more rides on Banshee.
  23. and your son will always remember this time with his dad....what a great memory!!!! Wish I could have been there too.
  24. I hope that they consistently maintain the theming.
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