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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Actually, they still sort of sell international products....most of the stuff comes from China.
  2. ^^ same here...the launch backwards off the hill was the biggest thrill of all....YIKES!
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing International Street have an International Food Festival. Yummmmm, yum.
  4. I saw WindSeeker operate, without guests, one time while I was there this year. The seats were swinging around like Flying Eagles and a couple of times it sounded like they were hitting each other, but I think it was the divider, shock looking things. Has any other park bought these rides besides Cedar Fair?
  5. They are ordering new squirrels to spin in the wheels that lift the car to the top of the tower..... (aside: I wouldn't mind a restraint system on Drop Tower similar to Banshee, if that's not too much to ask....Yes I know......too much to ask .)
  6. and you may just get a lightning speed enema as well.
  7. Couldn't agree more. I don't think there was ever an intention on expanding beyond FOF at first. They could....maybe,,,expand the X-Base entrance further back towards the lift hill of The Racer...I'm not an architect. Maybe a walkway between the games buildings to the additional entrance? (I'm sure that idea will go over well with some folks...LOL! )
  8. That would certainly open up that area a lot and I would enjoy that, but, as I stated above, would you consider it an expansion of Oktoberfest or of Coney Mall? I would look at it as an expansion of X-Base with perhaps a minor walkway around the end of The Racer. Keep in mind that (as has been already discussed) at the end of The Racer and AE is a pretty big drop in terrain that could prevent any kind of access from that end without major terrain adjustments. Bring in the RCT terrain raising tool.
  9. That was always a part of the fun to what the craftsmen work. I always wanted one of the glass Eifel Towers. Might just get one this year.
  10. Perfect example of what should be shown on the Fun TVs. Perhaps a line-jumper of the day photo made to look like a police booking, holding a date and time plaque, with a front and profile pose. (JK)
  11. Like children, I love them both equally.
  12. I thoroughly enjoyed Dollywood's Craftsman Valley. I couldn't afford about 90% of what they sold but the products were superbly handcrafted.
  13. Really? Can you get a photo? A. the next time I'm there. B. if the equipment is still there.
  14. The shops on International street once sold imported items from the country of origin, I'd like to see that return, along with the demo shops, like the Rainbo bread and Kahn's sausage demos. We still have the Glassblower, right? (I don't usually venture into the shops these days.)
  15. Hmmm....next new transportation ride at Kings Island?
  16. It's the Larosa's Pizza wagon. It's been there since opening day. I'm beginning to believe that it has been strategically placed to "cover" the main entrance....for a while.
  17. to the left of A, (outside of the boundaries) Is France (Parisian café plus the Starbucks building.) A: is correct. B: Looks kind of French, but I cant be for sure....I'll have to do a little research. C: is Swiss D: is German Edit: B apparently is French and Italian where Larosa's Pizza is located. check this out. http://www.themeparkbrochures.net/maps/1972/pki197x_1.html
  18. I saw some kids caught once. We were in line for Delirium and some kids sneaked through the bushes near Slingshot and jumped into line. Then over the loudspeakers a voice said. "To those who just jumped into line, remove yourself now or you will be removed when you get to the boarding platform. Thank you." The kids self ejected from the line. There must be video cameras somewhere, and this should be the policy everywhere. The more the jumpers feel they are being watched, the less likely it will happen.
  19. Oktoberfest could use a Wildmouse and a couple of flats to keep it relevant as a themed area.
  20. Plenty of room for flats between The Racer, AE and FOF.
  21. I have no pictures, but if you stand at Blue Racer's exit and look towards AE, many trees have been removed, and there is a backhoe/dozer (not sure which) parked with a pallet of something that appears to be wood on the blacktop.road behind the Blue Racer's train storage shed.
  22. ^^Kings Island probably is in control because they had the infrastructure already built into the park. It would be interesting to see the control area room for this project. I'm curious about who is creating the content?
  23. There used to be a book cover of the book in the drivers station window on The Beast. I think it has since been removed. R.L. Stine is from Columbus, Ohio.
  24. I'm going to play Devil's Advocate with your statement about the Disney Fastpass. How exactly is it unfair? It is available to everyone, for no extra upcharge and allows guests the ability to ride a few selected attractions with little to no wait. Under the old system, there was a benefit to getting to the park at or near opening, because the paper FP for the WHOLE DAY would all be distributed for rides like Soarin, Test Track, and Toy Story Midway within a few hours of park opening. If you got there at lunchtime or beyond, you were stuck waiting in lines of at least 50-60 minutes on slow days and more like 90-120 mins on busy ones. Now, the new system does reward advance planning (as well as those staying on property), but with the modifications recently put into place (i.e. get as many FPs as you want (one at a time, if time allows) after the 3rd advance one has been used), I think the system is trying to be fair to everyone. Once the ability to park hop (i.e. schedule FP+ attractions btwn parks) is allowed, I think the system will work as advertised. Actually everyone coming through the gates at Disney World pays for the cost of Fastpass upfront, whether they use the process or not, causing higher admission costs for the parks that are about 20% higher than other theme parks. What I object to is even if the Fastpass line is empty, the crew still holds the standby line for a time frame. At least that is my past experience. I'm not sure what their process is, and I haven't been there in a while, but it appears that they observe a monitor and wait for it to give them a time to release the standby queue. This causes the standby line to stop moving. I'll wait for hours to ride a ride if the line continues to move. The long periods of nothingness are annoying. Would you enlighten me on the Fastpass process (unless it's a trade secret then don't). My statement about Qbot does appear to cast a doubt about fairness on Fastpass, but I was really aiming it towards fairness of pay-for-service options and not Fastpass. Sorry for the confusion. So rewording it to "the fairest pay-for-service".
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