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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Yes. I call that red neck White Water Canyon.
  2. Yes! I was at KK and rode their flyers and I withheld moving the wing because it was very easy to make those cars move. Two cars ahead of me this rider was snaping furiously. Guess what.. they were changing the airflow and both the car between us and I started snapping without even trying! My concern is the same as yours...will Woodstock Gliders be slowed down to kiddie pace like Surf Dog, and every other ride in the area?
  3. Ha! You are too cool! That was fantastic!
  4. Rivertown needs more "rivers" for sure...plus a couple of flat rides.
  5. Hey..Newsflash..River Runner is going to run in reverse for 2015!!!
  6. No problem. The whole stabbing was reprehensible no matter who exacted it and the perpetrator of the act should be punished heavily.
  7. um no. I mean it is possible that it could have been an unprovoked terroristict act. We don't know.
  8. What if it was one of these... http://www.ijreview.com/2014/10/190416-isiss-call-lone-wolf-attacks-hits-canada-jihadist-just-ran-two-soldiers/ or one of these http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/24/us/new-york-police-attacked/index.html
  9. My understanding was that the hat was placed there intenionally to cover the theater facade because of a legal dispute with using the Mann Chinese Theater likeness, much like duplicating the iconic Hollywood signwould require very expensive licensing.
  10. I just have a weird vibe about all this. It's almost like they are spouting all of this information and their intentions intentionally knowing that it's bad PR for the park.
  11. Is it touch screen or more like the menu maps in Chicken Shack and other places?
  12. ^^ could very well be just that or maybe a watercoaster of some kind. Plus it looks like there are umbrella souvenirs and storage bags on the list as well.
  13. Should change the name of the park to Kentucky Fiefdom.
  14. Everybody wants something for nothing these days...I would think she would have more of a case against the tramplers than with the park. BTW wasn't she committing child abuse by forcing her child to endure the event with her? (sarc).
  15. Jeesh.....Hart should have just said " We have no comments at this time."
  16. ^^ and they didn't eject it from the park.
  17. Wow- such a brief existence. How horrible. Thoughts and prayers to the family.
  18. I think you might have gotten either a "new employee" or an "I don't care" serving. The serving I got earlier in the season was like your first description.
  19. Ahhhhh......a beautiful night....for a fright.......bwahahahahahaha!!!
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