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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. so, take this for what it's worth, but this morning i was at my grandpa's house and he was telling me that he has heard a rumor that walt disney world is going to receive a new park. he said that supposively ground has already been broken for the park, but he doesn't know where.

    anyway, me and him were talking about the basis of the four current parks there and the only thing we could think of was a "Kings Island" styled park full of world class thrills, an area that disney world is lacking in (not that i really care though, i could live at disney world for the rest of my life and never get tired of it).

    so, has anyone else on here heard this rumor? if so, what have you heard, and even if not, what type of park do you see being installed, saying this were to be true.

  2. you edited your post after he commented to include the time you saw the rides down, you can't hold it against him because you left out a detail and snuck it in later.

    ... and if you had read, you would have know that he stated he was sent home early on saturday, yesterday (the night of the power outage) was sunday. :)

  3. also from screamscape:

    icon_STOP.gifPark News - (6/21/10) A new rumor has come up over the weekend that may anger more than a few fans of Six Flags Great Adventure. If there is any truth to it, the new management calling the shots may be considering removing the park’s infamous Great American Scream Machine coaster. While at first the move seems shocking… keep in mind that GASM’s sister ride, Shockwave at the Chicago park, also met with a similar fate a few years ago. Of course it’s also well know that Shockwave, the first of the three Arrow made Six Flags Megaloopers (Viper at SF Magic Mountain was the final one) did suffer from a fair share of problems that the other two did not.

    So the next question would obviously be to ask what reason there would be to remove such an iconic ride? According to the discussion going on at CoasterFusion, plans have been spotted at the park that now place CHANG… the B&M Stand-Up Coaster from Kentucky Kingdom, as possibly going into GASM’s spot. Up until now Chang has been all but confirmed for Six Flags Great America near Chicago… with a few pieces and the trains already spotted on site. Meetings have been taking place with the local government as well to get a height variance permit to build the ride there as well, with the final approval meeting expected to take place on Monday, June 21st.

    While I haven’t seen it myself, I’ve heard a rumor that the Six Flags issue may have been unexpectedly removed from the agenda for tonight’s meeting, which only adds fuel to the fire that Chang could now be looking for a new home. Of course the online version of the agenda still shows it there, waiting to be finalized tonight. I had been told that as soon as Al Weber took control of Six Flags, he began to made huge and immediate changes to the plans set in place for the 2011 season by Shaprio. I guess we’ll know more once the Monday meeting is over if the proposal to add Chang has been dropped or not. Stay tuned!


  4. from screamscape:

    icon_STOP.gif2011 - Waterpark Expansion - Semi-Confirmed - (6/22/10) Screamscape sources have confirmed that Chang is now no longer being planned for the park in 2011. New expansion plans are currently in the works and seem to involve the same basic plot of land… but with a focus on expanding Hurricane Harbor instead. Nothing has been finalized yet it seems, as all the plans are still in the air, though we have heard of one plan to add a water-coaster style slide to the park, possibly similar in style to the Wildebeest slide added to Holiday World this year. More as we find out.


  5. i live in northern kentucky (a few miles south of walton), and i don't think i've ever seen a billboard advertising an amusement park around here, but i could just be looking too hard and missing them.

    Interesting. I like hearing different advertising strategies. I have heard radio commercials for IB in Indy, but only advertising their season pass, not really promoting the park's rides and entertainment. HW and CF parks have FB and interact with their fans IB does not.

    well, i hear radio commercials, but those are on cincinnati based stations, along with t.v. spots, once again on local cincinnati based channels.

  6. ... and you have yet to give your reasoning behind your stance of why kinzel should stay ceo, instead you complain and try and start petty arguments about people who won't explain to you why their opinion is different from yours, as you seem to do in a majority of topics you post in. :rolleyes:

  7. ^^yet you leave out mean streak, don't let what everyone else says get in your way, although it has a "bad wrap" like Son of Beast for being rough, you should try it and decide for yourself, make your own opinions for the roller coasters that Cedar Point, and other amusement parks, has to offer.

    being at the park for two days, you should be able to get in at least 16 of the 17 roller coasters, excluding jr. gemini for it's "must accompany a child" rule like the great pumpkin coaster at Kings Island. you should also be able to get in many flats, and don't worry, if you're in line for a ride and it breaks down, it usually doesn't take long for it to get back up, unless it's something very major.

    also, don't miss out on rides on the paddlewheel excursions and Cedar Point and lake erie railroad, both provide great views of the park and are great ways to relax and take a break, plus both the paddleboat and the train have great theming.

  8. What I'm saying is that at some point a coaster will be so fast if anything were to be faster it would cause more positive G's than the human body can withstand...

    i understand that too, all i'm saying is that with these things, more and more safety things are taken into consideration, for example, top thrill has magnetic brakes so the option of a brake failure isn't truly there, and formula rossa is going to have a safety measure, all riders must where safety goggles.

    as long as things do keep getting taller and faster, which i agree that i don't see it happening much longer, more and more safety measures will be put into place for the riders safety.

  9. you really and truly never know, somewhere there will most likely be company that presents a park a design (or vice versa), and if the price is right, it could happen.

    i mean, who ever thought that a coaster would go over 100 mph and be over 400' tall? i know i never thought that, but then again i was only eight when that happened.:P

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