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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. Maverick? If that's it, you MUST try the front seat.

    The rest of it is, in my opinion, unremarkable, and that's being kind...

    i've ridden maverick in every row, 1-6, and have yet to find a seat that made the ride thrilling for me, is there a difference between the left and right seat experience?

  2. ^^to me maverick works like this:

    Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

    except the fooling has been many, many more times than two. i promise, i'm trying to like it, but i just can't get myself to.

  3. as terpy once said; all launching is, is braking in reverse. i don't think it would be painful to ride though, yet then again, i'm the one that gets some of the funniest looks after saying that there has only been one time i've ridden Son of Beast and actually had a painful ride. :)

    also, aren't the timberliners the first wooden roller coaster trains with the ability to be launched?

  4. i don't see it happening, at least anytime soon, but i think it would be really neat for Kings Island to be the first to have either a launching wooden coaster, or an invert with a catapult launch similar to the ones on kingda ka and top thrill dragster.

    sorry if there already is an invert like that, and if there is, i would still like to see one at Kings Island.

  5. last season in line for Flight of Fear.

    girl (looking at mirrored wall): "oh my god, i can't believe there's still that much line to wait in after the we go through the space shuttle."

    -you'd think she'd notice the girl wearing the same exact thing as here looking straight at her while she was looking at the wall. :P

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  6. ^something i've yet to understand, when riding Vortex, except in 5-1, there is extreme headbanging, yet on Delirium and the crypt, where your head barely moves, there is twice as much padding on the otsr as on Vortex.

    huss, will you please design some restraints for Vortex? please? :huh:

  7. at Cedar Point,

    raptor, very last row, amazing positive g's

    wicked twister, very front row, or very last row on right side (view from back spike are amazing from that seat, seeing the rest of the train going through the vertical twist infront of you.)

  8. ^i'm guessing you're referring to the ones right after the 70 mph launch? if so, i never understood them, it's like the park just wanted the ride to go fast, so they made it, and then slowed it down soon after, there was really no point in that.

    No point... you're arguing for a slower launchblink.gif The point is launching to 70 MPH is way more fun than launching to 55 or 60. Maintaing that speed for the rest of the ride would be painful and not fun. There's the point.

    i was talking about the ride being designed to be launched at 70 mph and then slowed way, way down. i understand the reason why the trim is there it just doesn't make sense to me that they would build a coaster with a launch if they are doing nothing more than launching really fast, then slam on the brakes.

    this is just my opinion, but i think they should have just installed the lsm fins (like on the first lift) on the hill after the tunnel launch and let the train use the speed it has already from the first drop in order to clear the tunnel, with maybe a couple of little boosts for help, then just use that trimmed hill as a second lift hill.

  9. Ya' know. Technically... they don't have to do anything. Its Ohio state law to smoke in a public setting*. They could pull the plug on Smoking Areas any time they want. So you smokers should be happy KI hasn't yet. :)

    well, if that's the case i might not go to Kings Island, or anywhere in ohio if it means i have to light up.

    *yes, i do know it was a mistake, yet i'm shocked terpy didn't jump at it.

  10. ^when my school participates in math and science days, they get the unlimited drink wristbands, i rarely, if ever, use it, while the rest of my group is chugging down drinks. i much prefer (the already free) ice water anyway.:)

  11. if you ever do decide that you're ready to ride backlot, or any other launch coaster, just remember to have your head back against the head rest during launch, it can be quite painful if you don't. :)

  12. ^that would be a terrible idea, if you had a problem, you shouldn't post it publicly on facebook, you should directly contact the park, by either email or phone, if you were to do that publicly, other people would start chiming in on your complaint and many of them could have very well not even been at the park that day, or even known about it, causing the event to escalate into something that could end up not even being remotely true.

    i just think it would be best for you to "talk" to a park person "one-on-one," rather than you call them out in the middle of a huge social networking site.

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