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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. I miss my loop. :( It was GINORMOUS and the transition from wood to steel to wood was insane. But I hated (and still despise) the Rose Bowl; that's always the roughest part of the ride. If they get rid of that, it should (hopefully) be smooth sailing...so to speak.

    i hate to burst your bubble, but Son of Beast traveled on wooden riding rails during the whole ride, the only part of the track with steel running rails is the transfer track.

  2. SoB is much rougher than other coasters. If a person has been on numerous coasters, and had no problems, than rides SoB and has issues due to a unknown prexisting condition it is the riders fault?

    i was going by what i have in bold, for all we know, she could have gotten the injury while riding another ride, for example Vortex, and while riding that ride, she hit her head really hard against one of the otsr. that could have very well caused the burst blood vessel, and she could have not payed any attention to it until after she rode Son of Beast (once again, not Son of Beast fault).

    she also could have very well did it while at home during the few days between the day at the park and when she went to the doctor, and since she didn't see it being a possiblility for it to have occured at her home, she blamed it on the next best thing (Son of Beast).

    *i am not saying that this is what really happened, i'm just using this as an example.

  3. ^ But his point was he doesn't like the names, no one our age understands them. And we are 15, 16, 17 etc...

    really!? i wish someone had told me earlier that i didn't really know that "race for your life, charlie brown" was a peanuts gang movie, and that charlie brown was a pitcher for his baseball team.

    there are many teens that know about charlie brown, snoopy, and the rest of the peanut gang. :)

  4. ^ Good point, only one big reported accident. Again one person complaining is not an accident, or having problems after ignoring a doctor and/or warning signs about preexisting conditions.

    SoB is much rougher than other coasters. If a person has been on numerous coasters, and had no problems, than rides SoB and has issues due to a unknown prexisting condition it is the riders fault?

    the thing is, there is no proof that Son of Beast caused the problem, just going by her word. the truth might have been she hit her head on the otsr while riding Invertigo or Vortex, and didn't realize it until later.

    blaming the injury on Son of Beast isn't fair, especially when the ride cannot be proven at fault.

  5. Answers for Monday's 5@5 Mailbag?

    Austin Benton - Thanks for the details and everything but i still have a couple more...Cedar Point did something similar to that last year but it was cool cause it was like a tunnel of lights and they had the inflatables...will Kings Island be the same or similar..and will the lights be timed to music?

    Cedar Point did a similar light show last year and it was very popular and something we thought would make a great addition here. There will be lots of lights just like they had but we have several unique aspects in our show that we are very excited about. You will be seeing and hearing more about this experience between now and its May 29 opening.


    Bret Shroats - Why did you guys decide to take down the Son of Beast box?

    Once it was determined that the ride will not operate this year (which has not changed) we also chose remove the box and other items. Don’t take this the wrong way but this is probably the last time I’ll answer a Son of Beast question in this forum. Unless something changes.


    Brad Perdue - If a ride inspector calls in due to being sick, who inspects those rides? Do other inspectors get more rides to inspect to share the load or are there other people who can fill in? Thanks for answering all these for us, really enjoy it

    This daily process must go on regardless. It’s just like most other positions, if someone can’t make it someone else must fill in. That may mean a person has to pick up more that day or another person is called in. There are crews that specialize in ride groups (steel, wood, etc) so there is a team to get it done. They have a really important job that not many recognize.


    Jerry Abston - What would be the chances of opening up the club blood building during the season and turning it into a haunted maze like the old haunted house mazes of long ago?

    We’ve tinkered with the idea – especially as a way to promote a new maze or as a way to introduce the entire event in the early years. Now that Haunt is such a popular attraction that need doesn’t exist as much. Plus, there is something special about waiting for it. I like Christmas but only when it’s cold! We have been discussing 2010 Haunt a lot lately. It will be here before you know it and it takes a lot of planning to keep improving the event each year.


    Travis Nuss - what is the most popular ride?

    Diamondback has been #1 each day so far this year followed by Beast, Vortex, Adventure Express and Delirium. Woodstock Express tops the list in Planet Snoopy and #8 overall. Racer still holds a commanding all-time lead. You can see a complete list of the ridership history on the site at: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/news/media/media_guide/ride_record_book.cfm


  6. The Faded version of Planet Snoopy will still look better then the faded version of Nick.

    The props (statues, signs, etc.) will probably be removed as soon as they start being vandalized (I'd be shocked if some of them are still there at the end of the season). The paint will fade, and the ride names will still suck. Here's hoping for us to be bought...

    have you not been to Cedar Point? they have almost the same exact statues setting around their Planet Snoopy, and none of them have been removed due to someone who thinks it would be "cool" to go and try to vandalize a statue of snoopy. plus, park security should be on their toes to prevent something like that from happening.

  7. Answers to Sunday's 5@5 mailbag below:

    Tyler Nusky – Sweet. Gonna eat at Juke Box Diner tomorrow! Love those burgers!

    Tyler, which day next weekend and what time works best for you to enjoy one of those burgers at Juke Box Diner? BTW … as of this morning the receipts now state Juke Box Diner.


    Miracle’s Aleis – Are there people at the park at night? Guards or something?

    There are people at the park 24/7/365. During the operating season maintenance and park services will begin their work as soon as the park closes. There’s a lot of work that has to be done to have the park ready to open the next day, and usually less than 12 hours to have it all done.


    Ryan Suhr – I heard a rumor today that guests had been housed in the Flight of Fear “spaghetti bowl” in the past when tornadoes had been spotted in the area. My question is, to your knowledge has that ever really happened, and additionally what is the park’s procedure for keeping guests safe during a tornado warning?

    Ryan, in the event a tornado would be spotted near Kings Island, specific locations have been established as designated shelters for individual buildings and attractions throughout the park for our guests and associates to move to. For example, if you were by the new Euro-Bobble attraction in Coney Mall and a tornado was spotted near the park, the place you would be taken to would be the Action Theater basement. As far as the rumor you heard about guests being housed in the “spaghetti bowl” of Flight of Fear, not that I’m aware of. There is another location in the building of that attraction we would move our guests to in the event a tornado was spotted near the park. The closest a tornado has ever come to the park was April 3, 1974, when a tornado – after hitting an area along I-275 between Milford and Loveland – touched down again briefly in Montgomery and then a little over four miles from the park in Mason.


    Austin Benton – OK…I was on the website and I saw Snoopy’s Starlight Spectacular…it sounds amazing but can we have a little more detail like where in the park will it take place and how is it done?

    Austin, if you’ve been to the park this year, you may have noticed lights on the trees located along the midways behind the Eiffel Tower in the area around Backlot Stunt Coaster and as you head towards Rivertown. There will also be lights from top to bottom on the Eiffel Tower. There will be three different shows per night, which will begin at dusk and run daily from May 29 through Labor Day. Snoopy’s Starlight Spectacular is something, Austin, you’re going to want to see and experience. It’s interactive and will be unlike any light show you’ve seen before.


    Derrike Marksberry – Should we be expecting to see a new 4-D movie to grace the Action Theater by the end of the season? No offense, but SpongeBob is starting to get a little old.

    Derrike, what you see in Action Theater now is what you’ll see playing through Labor Day. I can understand how the current movie may be starting to get old to you, but at the same time, but it’s still exciting and new for many of our guests. The fact the SpongeBob movie had remained popular with our guests is the reason we chose to bring it back this year.


    wow, i didn't mean for my opinion on spongbob to sound rude, like it ended up sounding.

  8. it would be really awesome if they went ahead and connected x-base to Action Zone and have the path cross under Son of Beast's structure, they could make a great photo op. if they built a path that gave an amazing view of Son of Beast's second helix, then you would enter x-base by crossing under two of the parks world class wooden roller coasters. :)

  9. ^^when it feels as if you are being shoved up out of your seat with a great force, but don't get this confused with floater air, where you genitally float up out of your seat for a couple of seconds.

    Perhaps the most Freudian spelling error in the history of KIC.....LOL!

    beatle, would you please explain to me what i did wrong? english is my weak point, and i'll happily take any pointers on how to correct the language i speak. :)

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