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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. so, as for the kite eating tree, i could see that being the swings in Planet Snoopy, they could put a giant decal on the mechanical center that's a tree (which it is kind of tree shaped), then they could make the chains for the swings look like kite tails with a kite painted above each one.

  2. wow, i'm not even a park employee and i take offense to this, how do these people get these ideas to stick in their heads?

    they compared everyday park employees to the ones portrayed in a fictional movie, so next time unseasonal weather occurs are we going to prepare for what happened in the movie day after tomorrow?

  3. Below are the quesetions selected and the answers for Sunday's 5@5.

    Q: Kyle Stormes - Is there any plans to make Pepsi the Official Soft Drink of Kings Island, Like several of the other Cedar Fair Parks?

    A: Coke will continue to be the official soft drink of Kings Island. The product has been in the park as long as the Eiffel Tower and Racer.


    Q: Toni Brown - Previously it was mention that it wasnt flight decks "turn" to get new paint. I was wondering if it was The Racers. It seemed like work was being done on it at the end of the season like scraping gum off the tunnels at te end and new paint for those. So is the rest of the track getting new paint for this season?

    A: Toni, a lot of work has gone into The Racer over the past couple years, including track work on both the Red and Blue sides and painting the tunnels. But you won't see a new paint job on the track for this season.


    Q: Adam Woltermann - When you decide to build a ride how do you come up with the height, length and angle down of the Roller Coaster? And also how long are the usual roller coaster trains?

    A: The first thing we do when we build a new ride such as a roller coaster is determine its location. With Diamondback, we wanted a ride that was big, fast and steel. A 230-foot tall coaster fit perfectly in the location we had planned for a new coaster. The designer/manufacturer will determine the angles of the drops. The length of a roller coaster train varies on whether it is wood or steel, and the type of coaster it is. On Diamondback, the length of the train is 71' and 10-1/4".


    Q: Nick Honea - Boomerang Bay really needs another expansion. The last expansion was 6 years ago. Is KI planning on adding any more water slides to the park?

    A: Nick, it's on the map.


    Q: Tony Douglass - I know this may be a dumb and repetitive question, but Is there any chance that the possibility of Phantom Theater may return in some way shape or form?

    A: Tony, there are no dumb questions. Phantom Theater won't be returning to the park. There will be a new dark ride experience for our guests this season. We're excited about it.


    maybe it's just me, but it seems whoever is answering didn't even come close to answering nick honea's question.

    it was practically a yes or no question, and he didn't receive any form of a yes or no.

  4. I can hardly imagine Volcano or Maverick having a rollback, but have heard from employees at both parks that it does in fact happen. Not frequently, or even occasionally, but it does happen.

    maverick's opening year (in late june) i saw it have a roll back on the first lift hill, i was on the stairs leading to the station when i saw it, this made me even more excited to ride it since it was my first time, and boy was i let down. :(

  5. they answered my question about (the former) little bill!!! :)

    now if only they said what color.

    If ours is Lucy's Crabbie Cabbie, I would guess possibly yellow and black.

    like yellow with black running rails? that would look carpenter bee-ish to me.

  6. Here are the questions selected and the answers for Saturday's 5@5.

    Q: Brad Perdue - I would like to see camping amenities again at KI. Any thoughts/plans on the idea?

    A: Brad, at least for the foreseeable future there are no plans to add a campground on the park's property. For our guests that enjoy camping there are campgrounds located near the park, including in Lebanon, which is just a few miles from the front gate.


    Q: Derrike Marksberry - Will (the former) Little Bill's Giggle Coaster also be receiving a new paint job this year?

    A: Yes. All the rides in the all-new Planet Snoopy will be painted. When the park opens April 17 the kids' area will have a fresh new look with a timeless classic.


    Q: Kyle Joyce - Any more info on the new facade of Outer Hanks? Will it be a new restaurant? Will it go back to being a German restaurant since it is in Oktoberfest?

    A: Construction is coming along at Outer Hanks. We'll post some photos this week so you can see what's been going on there. Menu items at Outer Hanks will include Fried Fish and Shrimp, BBQ Chicken and Ribs, and all the fixins. I can't decide if I like the Fried Fish or the BBQ Chicken better. How about you?


    Q: Chris Hughes - When is the park looking to start testing the rides? Looks like the weather will be pretty nice from here on out.

    A: Chris, the cars for the trains of some of the coasters such as Flight Deck have begun to make their way back to the rides. Testing will begin towards the end of the month on most rides. It's always an exciting time when we see the rides being tested. It means Opening Day is just around the corner!


    Q: Adam Woltermann - Have you picked the new theme yet for the old Sponge Bob Theater yet? Are you finally opening both sides of the theater in 2010 and will it be snoopy related?

    A: We haven't made a final decision yet, Adam. We're looking at a couple different possibilities for Action Theater, neither of which is Snoopy related. We will only have one side open during the season, as the other side was turned into the Urgent Scare attraction for Halloween Haunt.

    Thanks again for the great questions, everyone. Have a great weekend!


    they answered my question about (the former) little bill!!! :)

    now if only they said what color.

  7. Q: Adam Kaplan - Greg, it's always great to see you around the park. My question is what has been your favorite memory at Kings Island since June of '06?

    A: Adam, this may be the easiest question of the day for me to answer! Robbie Knievel jumping 24 Coke Zero buses in our parking lot on May 24th of 2008 was the beginning of our affair with special events and our attempt to put Kings Island back on the map. This was the day that I realized how awesome the Kings Island staff was and what teamwork is is all about. Everyone pitched in on this day to make it one of the most memorable days in this great park's history.


    although from a few days ago, i found the part of this answer that i have put in bold very interesting. i've always thought of Kings Island "being on the map"

  8. over on screamscape there is a poll asking what you think texas giant should be considered now.

    texas giant poll (you have to scroll down the page a little to come to it, it's located on the right.)

    choices are:

    • it's still a wooden coaster.
    • it's now a steel coaster.
    • it should have it's own category.

    the last one, isn't that what a hybrid is, a sub-category for coasters with support structure material opposite of running rails material? :huh:

  9. wooden coaster: Son of Beast, the first time i rode it, i loved the rough and tumble feeling that it gives you. kind of like the feeling you get when you're on your farm, get bored, get an old blanket, and then roll all the way down to the bottom of a holler with the blanket wrapped around you, with you bouncing around all over the place. ahh...so much fun.

    steel: my first ride on aerosmith's rock n' roller coaster at disney world. the theming on this ride blew me away, although very simple (cardboard cut outs, with lights shining on them only for seconds as you pass them during the ride.) and it all going to aerosmith music that's blaring into your ear. simply breath taking.

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