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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. Cedar Point just needs a path that leads from gemini straight to frontier trail, i lost count of how many times i accidentally went the wrong way at the split at top thrill and didn't realize it until i was half way to the tip of the peninsula.

  2. actually you did get a response:

    I would like to say that you can hve a interview as long as you turn the proper age by the day the park opens.....So for example if you want to work into rides and you are 15, well sorry but as long you turn 16 by April 17 you can get hired.....ok

    if you feel that this answer doesn't give you the information you need, you could always call the park.

  3. oh, i didn't know that it cost the parks that much to put on something like that, i just always figured that it was just a normal day at the park, you just got a couple of extra benefits, that didn't cost the park anything (walk-backs, meet and greets and things like that.)

  4. me too, i read and re-read the book my whole week following my visit to disney and absolutely loved it, even if it was published in '96 the information it had was amazing to me and i liked reading all of walt's and other's quotes.

    plus, the new edition is going to be hard cover, then i won't have to worry about ripping the cover.

  5. yes, and in the disney book "imagineering: a behind the dreams look at making the magic real" (the copy i have is from right before disney world opened animal kingdom)shows a full 1/8 scale model of epcot before it was built, along with a scaled model of disneyland paris' space mountain.

    just a side note: the new updated edition will be available for sale on may 18, 2010, and can be pre-ordered here

  6. ^^that's crazy with disney, but it pays off for them.

    obviously, the materials used change and become more advanced on a yearly basis, especially on a decade basis (just look at the things that came out in 2000 and what they have evolved into today), how do they manage to keep up with these kinds of things like safety changes new and improved things like animatronics and the theming elements that they use in alot of their attractions?

  7. ^^^agreed, and also throwing in rock-n-roller coaster at hollywood studio's in florida, i thought that launch was much faster than 57 mph, but i think going past that theming, in the dark and only having a light shine on them for a second or two, adds to the feeling of a faster speed.

  8. I just love watching people waste their time!

    This is fascinating, we have people comparing topographical maps to different areas of different parks. And so far, out of hundreds of theme parks, only three have been discussed SDC, KI, and BBW. My head hurts!

    Without exact measurements lots of land profiles look the same throughout the United States (and abroad)! But, have fun as you will!

    hey, this is the most action we've had this whole off-season, and as long as i'm stuck in a house surrounded by three foot and growing snowdrifts i'm fine with wasting my time in this way.

  9. ^see that's what i was kinda thinking, that ride is already leaving, and for some reason i don't see crypt leaving, especially after the park praised it's ridership a couple of weeks ago.

  10. okay, so it was a tough vote for me, i was stuck between bbw's location, which was my pick ever since i saw the terrain at that site and the site located in the ravine between the crypt and Diamondback's hammerhead turn.

    but i voted for the crypt because i think that it does match up with the terrain in the computer model a fraction better than the bbw's location.

    but you never know, it could be going to both the site behind the crypt and bbw's

  11. if this is for Kings Island, i can already see comments that will be in "park guest say the darnedest things" thread:

    location: The Beast's second lift hill

    guy 1: yea, this is the lift hill for the new roller coaster that Cedar Point's building for Kings Island next year.

    guy 2: then why are we on it?

    guy 1: they installed a switch track so the park could see if guest would really like the new ride before they finish building it.

    guy 2: oh, well that makes since

    guy 3: (me, setting behind guy 1) *reaching up to slap guy 1 in back of head*

  12. oh, i wouldn't mind a poll, what are the options?

    1. crypt replacement
    2. bbw replacement
    3. other

    although it would be a tough decision for me.

    And I'm certain any other wooden coaster placed in such close proximity to The Beast would get confused as The Beast, often.

    lol, you got that right, people get Son of Beast and scooby doo/ beastie/ fairly odd coaster/ ??? confused all the time, and they're on completely different sides of the park

  13. a company wouldn't care if they were asked to build a ride that traveled the roof tops of international street, had a helix wrapping around the Eiffel Tower, and ended with a splashdown into the international street fountains. as long as they were being paid.

    as for stealing the thunder from The Beast, we all though that nothing would ever go into the woods beside The Beast and look how close Diamondback's hammerhead turn is to The Beast's final helix.

  14. mystercoasterpostition2.jpg

    i put a box around the part of the ravine that Diamondback takes up, and this mystery coaster would most certainly fit there, i'm amazed at how two different pieces of land, one in kings mills, ohio and the other in williamsburg, virginia can look this close to being the same.

    p.s. sorry for the two toned box

    edit: if this ride was for Kings Island and was located here; if this ride's station began around where the crypt is you could have alot of track before the lift because of the shear fact that you are so high above the base of the lift.

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