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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. look at that beautiful blanket of snow on the almost complete Diamondback track
  2. i was just wondering if anyone on here has been lucky enough to be looking through random roller coaster pictures and then found yourself setting in the picture somewhere? i have found myself in two pictures, one was from some ace event at Kings Island where i was riding The Racer, and then somewhere i found a picture of me on The Beast.
  3. yea, they even have a sign in Vortex's station saying that it isn't paramounts Kings Islands fault if something left in the station is lost or stolen, and isn't congo falls named after a paramount movie too?
  4. quick question, will they put a train on the track before they make it a complete circut, or will they wait and then pull the transfer track over and slide them on there? and yea, i know i set this question up for one of terpy's infamous "yes" answers.
  5. great pictures, so glad i signed up for the texting service.
  6. great view, to bad on the 31st we can't go up their.
  7. did anyone read the quote for picture 27? it states that Diamondback will travel through 10 vertical loops.
  8. is it really going to take them another full week to place 11 pieces of track? being that they go on and bolt two or three track segments together before they hoist them into place?
  9. ^you can also see in those animations that beast canyon is gone.
  10. my favorite piece of track is this one: http://kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/gal...ge&chip=355
  11. has anyone on here ever been a roller coaster inspector at Kings Island, and if so is that job as fun as i think it would be getting to walk the tracks of roller coasters every morning?
  12. ^ oh, sorry i have never seen it abb. that way before, i've only seen it as mf
  13. When is SOB a fun ride? And this was BEFORE it had new trains! ever since it opened it has been an amazingly fun ride.
  14. okay, i'm having a brain fart, what does ml stand for?
  15. ^me either, i've even set up a countdown on my cellular device.
  16. i think you and me would be the only people taking advantage of that.
  17. i dought that on The Beast expecially when you hit the trim breaks after the first drop.
  18. i was a lurker of these forums then too, but i would only post things on the roller coaster's individual pages.
  19. it's amazing that a few months ago that we were exited about this: http://www.KICentral.com/photos/displayima...2&pos=-7105
  20. so how much longer will it be until people stop saying that Vortex is sinking.
  21. okay i didn't want to start a new topic and since there really isn't anything going on today with Diamondback, i was wondering if anyone knows the layout of the tunnel on backlot, because i have always wondered what the track actually was doing it there but it is too dark for me to tell.
  22. While it is not a trim, everything that is on an animation does not mean it will be in the real thing. Remember IJST, and Mavericks tunnel after the first airtime hill? and who could forget the horrid animation for Firehawk?
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