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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. i was very happy to hear from don that the entrance will just be extended rather than be completely changed.
  2. wow, my guess was it was hint as to what we will be drinking/buying in the park
  3. could you post a picture of what is on the poster?
  4. jackson, i was in the same group as you and we had the girl in the pink on the right leading.
  5. ^i was setting at the table in front of you sporting the white aeropostale hoodie.
  6. your presentation was very interesting last night.

  7. Wires have run from track and supports since the first supports were put up, I think to keep it stable untill they are done. well that picture was taken after all track work was completed
  8. i just don't like it when the staff running a ride will stand and watch people cut and then don't even do anything about it, an example of this was last year when i was at Cedar Point i was in line for their antique cars and even though there was only about 10 people in line but two kids that were barely tall enough to drive the cars by themselves cut in front of me as i was getting ready to walk through the turnstile, when i noticed that the ride operator saw what at happened i looked at him, and then he just looked back and shrugged his shoulders at me.
  9. quick question, in this picture: http://kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/gal...ge&chip=463 why is there a wire running from the top of the support?
  10. Well, a lot people who are registered on one site, are usually registered on the other too. So I don't think people really mind if something like this is posted, I mean we are all obsessed with the same thing, Kings Island! yea, i know, i too am registered on kiextreme, although i am extremely inactive over there.
  11. new blog entry, even though it's about the "other site" i'm still going to post the link. http://kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/blog/
  12. right but car tires and the wheels on a roller coaster are very different.
  13. i thought that track contracted when it got cold, so wouldn't that mean that the train would have less friction resulting in more speed?
  14. i think i remember terpy saying that when Son of Beast valleys they just cut away a spot in the track and then use a crane to remove them from the track.
  15. does anyone have a link to a picture with the old banking after the first drop?
  16. ^i love that idea, that way if you just want to go to ride rides you don't have to have people jumping out at you every five seconds
  17. but you only see it at the very start and very end of the train ride.
  18. see that's the thing, i have the paramount version, but i don't want to risk damaging it since it is sorta a collectable now.
  19. ^^yea, but the Cedar Point one hasn't been updated in a few seasons.
  20. i was just wondering if anyone on here knew if Kings Island-opoly will be making a return in 2009?
  21. nobody is arguing just trying to help you out a little bit around here.
  22. so i just read the wiki page on The Beast and the only thing that it said that i did was that the second and third tunnels were joined and that they replaced the trim brakes. it didn't even mention anything about the trains being changed or the degree of banking being changed in the turn coming out of the first drop. sorry if i am in any way sounding mean or rude, it is just one of my peeves being wrongly acused of something. also sorry if i have every wrongly acused any of you all. oh and thanks longlivekingscobra for backing me up.
  23. because i would like to see what has all been changed or fixed to The Beast well, pretty much all that has been changed on The Beast is/are the trains, the banking of the turn after the first drop, and the skid trim breaks have been replaced with magnetic trim breaks. and please correct me if i am wrong. You go that off wikipedia by the way really now ? i am pretty sure you are not my laptops history, and i never go on wiki since anyone could write anything about anything.
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