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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. First time I rode Flight of Fear. The launch totally freaked me out from the que, and I was fully prepared to scream. The guys says from behind the operating panel: "All Clear". I scream at the top of my lungs, and when I was finished the ride hadn't even started yet!
  2. I love the perspective this view gives. Those are full grown men in that basket!
  3. ^Turn it on Vibrate and Put it in your Locker!
  4. Mega Bump. Because Epic doesn't even describe this bump.
  5. I'm a bit of a visual learner Terpy, but I can see how the element of surprise can play a role.
  6. Well those poor workmen finally stopped for the d.......Night......
  7. Sounds Cool, but Ty's right kinda hard to imagine without Visual Aids.
  8. And how nostalgiac that is now.
  9. I can't believe I'm going to KI for the last time in 2008 on Sunday. Wow this season has flown by.
  10. That's rediculous, they're topping off the tallest support in the ride at 8:00 at Night!
  11. I might actually make the trip to Coney Island and go to Sunlite Pool next year!
  12. Avatar, I love your PTRs. You are really able to accomplish that personal feel to it that makes them very special.
  13. It says new attractions for Sunlite Pool, which CoastersRZ has been saying for a while (Sort of).
  14. I just doodle random coasters in my notebook. El Toro........2+v>3....................The Son of Beast...............c-4=3............Firehawk................
  15. Well Millennium Force is 45* Up and 85* Down, Diamondback doesn't look too dissimilar and it's 40* Up and 74* Down. I bet it's accurate.
  16. I guess this is how Six Flags boosts attendence and gets a quick profit.
  17. Six Flags did add the extra restraints on Revolution, but I think that was for insurance only.
  18. I can barely see the next support behind the one before it, and pictures are blocked on the School computers. How big is thing?
  19. I really don't see how a company could not want to be safe rather than sorry.
  20. You hit the nail on the head, the crane is preparing to lift those supports right now. Thank you Don for moving the webcam!
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