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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. Why have that when we have our ever-famous Blue Icecream!
  2. $45.99, why do I remember a certain $35.99 ticket?
  3. The only person fit to handle the complex form of humor called sarcasm is my dad, and you should see him. He's a hoot!
  4. ^In short, Kings Island is combination of many different things from thrills, to humor, to family fun, and is the only reason I am living right now.
  5. ^Kings Island noted how it broke numerous records. . . . They conveniently left out how it broke backs, too.
  6. One kid said that SoB was closed because when it went through the loop someone fell out and when the train came out of the loop it hit the falling passenger.
  7. Butt Kan Dey spel as goode as mi?
  8. ^That or it has the all-to-famillier: "Sorry, but this ride is temporaraly closed for mantinence" Signs.
  9. I do go to the park, I just don't think they should influence guests to think that SoB has a loop, just for them to get there and find it loopless.
  10. ^It was August, that or my computer is 2 months behind the rest of the world. . . .
  11. It's amazing the things that Kings Island can through at you. . . . .
  12. ^I don't know, but I'm just waiting for them to add in the extra dip. . . .
  13. It took untill August or September or whenever late in the season for KI to update their map online.
  14. I loved it. I think it looks real cool, and I can't wait to ride Red Racer.
  15. Yes, lines will be shorter on opening day. They always are. Most of the rides are all walk-ons. I also predict that the weather will be sunny and 75. Don't worry about parking either, since the attendence is down, there will not be any hold-ups at the parking booths. Same goes for season pass processing. The first day is never busy, so don't expect a wait for processing. You're usually not one for sarcasm, that's Uncle Henery. . .
  16. Which is odd because if I remember correctly YOU are the one who said we are getting a few flats from GL before the new 2009 coaster.
  17. Some Company bought out the park on Saturday so they have the park to themselves (lucky) Exactly. (Or A Gold Pass, Platinum Just gives you that perk at any CF park)
  18. Anyone know if lines are shorter on opening day?
  19. With the Gold/Platinum Pass you can get 30 Minutes of ERT!
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