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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. I guess I'll follow the format Shaggy used: Sight: Oh my, what to choose from. I have to say, the views going up any lift, really, are great. Watching Earth slowly leave you is something the normal fear and the insane take pleasure in. I guess I'm the latter. Sound: Of all the sounds at Kings Island, either the sounds of the fountain water rushing (Mixing rushing water with Kings Island, talk about calming), or the sound of a lap bar ratcheting down. *click click click!* Is there a more beautiful noise? Smell: Nothing beats the smell of Chain Greese. Taste: Ice Cream! One of the best memories I've had at Kings Island is eating Chocolate Ice Cream while walking down Coney Mall. Something like that can make anyone feel young at heart. Touch: The feeling of sitting in a Coaster Seat, with a lap bar across my lap, my feet on the floor feeling ever bump on the track, my hands in the air feeling the wind in my palms, and loving every single second of it.
  2. This sale is officially, not happening.
  3. Q isn't conserned about shareholders getting a good value for the sale, he's conserned with stopping the sale at all costs. Why? Well, that's the Q....
  4. Not taken during the offseason, but since we're exchanging Skyline Pics and talking about blue skies, I guess it's fair game....
  5. I can remember walking up to the front gate, hearing the hum of Invertigo's lift, Drop Tower releasing the ring, seeing Diamondback's train go up the lift and elevators rise up and down the tower...wow, the memories you've spurred with that picture! 31 days! As for the above pic Drop Zone posted, I take I-71 from where I am to get there, so I never get to see that. That's really cool!
  6. And it is the course of action tomorrow that will set the next few weeks in motion. 24 hours from now this will be far from over, so let's get that cleared up today so more intelligent responses can be made tomorrow.
  7. I'm gonna be checking KIC non stop tomorrow (Also on a DROID!) To see the latest. While in my eyes it seems nearly impossible for the sale to go through at 11.50 a share, the variables like increasing the offer, the reaction from Q, and Terpy's analysis on the situation, will have me clinging on every vote. Jackson, who wrote "Cedar Fair Vote!" In his School Planner on 031610, and when asked about the meaning of it, responded "It's an Enthusiast thing." Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of KI's life.
  8. I do hope the paint Linus' Launcher...Purple just doesn't fit at all.
  9. I fixed it. Like it?

  10. I know, I've been trying to find a way to shrink it and still get everyone in the picture.

  11. I understand the idea of reduced maintenance, but is it really necessary to have 3 sets of trims in a 20 second period? I think the second trim can be done without. It's still one of the best rides at KI, regardless. [/rant]
  12. Hey, they answered my question! Interesting answer, too. "Editing Video for our existing rides". Sounds like content for our new site!
  13. It was a Q of management, I believe. Out with the old, in with the new?
  14. dekfjaso;fihq What's left of my brain just spilled out of my ears...you spilled a wave of memories back to me. Great pictures! I want to ride now!!!
  15. Cedar Fair said that parks wouldn't get a Starlight Experience if they were getting a Kids Area Retheme. Sorry.
  16. http://www.sundaymercury.net/news/midlands-news/2010/03/11/alton-towers-resort-introduces-health-insurance-ticket-for-new-rollercoaster-66331-26011053/ And now, for an extra Euro, you can buy Health Insurance for any physical or emotional trauma experienced on the ride. Really?
  17. 031610.....The fate of the park and it's financial future will be determined on that day, so I think a decision before then would render unwise or obsolete afterwards.....
  18. If it were more then just an oval and prices were a bit more reasonable then it migt have been worth keeping. Otherwise it's taking up valuable real estate.
  19. I only have to ask, what was he HONESTLY expecting them to say? "Oh, fine, you win! We're gonna bring in the Wrecking Balls in 2-4 weeks! Drive by and get your last pictures of it!" Sometimes, I just loose hope for humans intelligence-wise.
  20. Yet it's still 3 times better then a Nick Movie with a plot Twice as complex!
  21. I like the Logos more then the Names I grew up with Nickelodeon and hate it, I'm more then happy to get familiar with Peanuts, and Planet Snoopy is looking epic. I can't wait!
  22. I can NOT wait to see how this pans out! Six Flags and Cedar Fair management, together with 35 parks under their grasp? MUA HA HA HA! *que evil background music*
  23. Dear World: Son of Beast IS NOT GETTING TIMBERLINERS!!!!!! That is All. Sorry for yelling.
  24. I went to USF in July 2009. I suggest going to Universal Studios, then Islands of Adventure, or vice versa. It's up to you, but don't go park hopping, because it's gonna kill time. If you want to eat lunch, eat in City Walk, not in park. And absolutely DO NOT MISS: Dueling Dragons (Whatever it's called in April) Jurassic Park River Adventure Dudely Do Right's Ripsaw Falls Revenge of the Mummy Twister: Ride it Out Men In Black: Alien Attack The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman Have fun!
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