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Everything posted by trex030786

  1. And as was the case with Diamondback, usually worth the wait.
  2. Personally, I am very excited for this addition. I think it will be a nice addition to the park. While I am not usually a big fan of water rides, I find it intriguing and will definitely try it out!
  3. I love the roll over and the first drop. It is such a unique sensation.
  4. The songs are soooooooo darn funny! And all have all them little lesson's in them! It S*ck's To Be Me Everyone's A Little Bit Racist The Internet is For PORN You forgot Schadenfreudre (sp?)! Thats my favorite! :-)
  5. That would be nothing short of amazing! Next to KI, Dollywood is my favorite summer spot! With the addition of the other two high end resorts near the park I think that Dollywood is really beginning to develop past just being a place or something to do in Pigeon Forge to a destination within itself. I say because how my opinion of Dollywood has changed over the past few years.
  6. You spelled it right the first time buddy. Let's just say "are the wildly entertaining and amazingly witty Cosmo and Wanda going to return?" :-)
  7. Personally I like Water Country U.S.A. in Williamsburg, VA. Around here though BB is the bees knees, imo.
  8. Keep Nick! If you want HB go camp at a Jellystone campground.
  9. I would love to see more theming period...whether it's sci fi or otherwise. Sci fi could be great, especially in X-Base.
  10. And as many know, Deja Vu was the name for each of a set of three rides at Six Flags, one of which has been relocated to Silverwood in Idaho. Just out of curiosity...has anyone been on the Acrophobia at Six Flags Over Texas? I'm going there on spring break, and I was just wondering if the sensations were that much different than Drop Tower or other free fall rides.
  11. trex030786


    LMAO...that is all I can do right now...
  12. I stayed at the Breakers Express this past September and it definitley proved that you get what you pay for. We had two rooms booked in two seperate names, and for some reason the girl at the front desk put both rooms on one invoice. We stood there for about 45 minutes while she and the manager tried to figure out how to split the invoice back up. Mistakes happen but 45 mins to correct something that seemed so simple was a little much for me. The rooms were not the greatest. They were small and our A/C unit was all out of whack. We called for extra pillows at bed time and took about an hour and two more phone calls to the front desk to get them. If you are not picky about your accomodations and want an affordable place to stay near the park, then it is definitley an option, but I wouldn't recommend it if you are planning on putting 4+ people in the room. Hope this helps!
  13. I agree. If at KI though I would have to say in front of the fountains on International Street with the Eiffel Tower in the background. However I do think it might be cool to say your vowels in the opening to the UFO on FoF.
  14. My fav is def. Flight of Fear. I know compare to other LIM coasters it isn't the fastest, but the launch gets me every single time. I just wish the wait wasn't so stinkin long! Any tips on how to avoid to the line on FoF?
  15. Def. Wings. The food isn't always awesome, but I like the fact that I can load up once during the day and not have to worry about taking time out to eat again. Free refills are always nice too!
  16. Awesome! Thanks for the shots! I have never been there before, but I am planning on going out there this summer to take a ride on the Rock-O-Plane, lol. I didnt see it listed on the website though. Is it still there?
  17. Great video! Did anyone else check out the promo video too? It has some great P.O.V. shots! Here is the link if you want to check it out:
  18. No, Wiki does not know soemthing. As everyone else has said, take everything on Wikipedia with a grain of salt. It can be one of the least credible sources available to the public.
  19. Nice article! I have been to the Holy Land Experience, and it was a great day trip. Even though I don't consider myself to be of the Christian Faith, I still think that what the Bible represents is an important part of history, and it is interesting to see it come to life. Thanks for the article!
  20. Minus the not-so-nice tone of your post, what you say makese sense, but there is really no reason to be this worked up about it. This isn't comparable to the plant relocation efforts that are going on now in the labor market. They aren't moving Kennywood to Spain. It is staying right where it is to offer employment to the people of Pittsburgh, sponsor events in the community, and provide entertainment to the american people. If this company can invest money to make Kennywood bigger and better, why not let them.
  21. not exacly reliable? i know it's a fact, i saw them gutting the building when i got sent to tower dude, it's fact Yes because they were gutting it for maintenanace....not to shut it down. While TR:TR used to be one of my favorites, it has lost some of its appeal to me for all the reasons that have been previously stated. In my opinion, KI should dump the TR theme in favor a more western oriented theme, and return this magnificent hunk of metal back to its orginial glory.
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