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Everything posted by vortexfan

  1. Just reminding people that these are among the first test runs and how the coaster is running now may not be the way the coaster runs come April...
  2. Except that the valley on Behemoth occurred in warm weather, after several weeks of testing and only a few days prior to media day. So no, it would no be like that at all.
  3. B&M's are tested with harder wheel compounds first so they actually run faster. Behemoth was tested in much colder weather and it made it around the course the first try.
  4. I really love this picture. The 4 hills in the background look like they're stacked on top of each other.
  5. I believe it is a staircase for maintenance so they can have access underneath the station.
  6. One path will probably lead to the gift shop/photo booth while the other will probably lead to the main path for those who don't care about pictures or merchandise.
  7. I'm wondering what the fate of that diver towards the end of the commercial is? It looks like they edited out what very well could have been a monumental belly flop! Well...the diver was only about halfway down the falls when it was cut off.
  8. Canada's Wonderland has had a season pass preview night for many years, and from my experience with SPPN at CW I'd much rather have daily ERT.
  9. That sunrise is beautiful!
  10. Alright! Another fellow Zune user!! Yeah... I was one until my Zune broke the 2nd day I freaking had it! Cheap plastic peices of crap if you ask me....either know I did enjoy it greatly when I had it for 32 hours Speaking of Zune and crap..... Watch this ad: http://www.geekologie.com/2008/11/question...pri.php#comment
  11. That's because they ARE pretty much identical. Both 230 feet with 215 foot 74 degree drops... both have a slight kink and pull-out to the right... HMMMM. How dare people accuse B&M of making 'cookie-cutter' layouts. Well to be fair, Behemoth's drop is 75 degrees and it was never said officially how tall the drop is.
  12. From my experience with Behemoth, at the beginning of the season when they weren't assigning seats the majority of the people went straight to the back or front, leaving many rows in the middle empty. They started assigning seats but they couldn't quite quite get the hang of it and people weren't filling the station fast enough to make it any more efficient, so they sopped assigning seats. And as for single riders filling empty seats, the park figures in the time it takes to find a single rider in the station and sit them in the train, the train could be sent and the next train could already be loading. They originally didn't want more than 6 people queuing per row, and the sign above the station says something along the lines of "Maximum 6 guests per line", but that is not enforced.
  13. It looks like they're getting ready to do more lift/first drop supports for tomorrow:
  14. Firehawk, obviously, because then I would still have time to get in AE's queue.
  15. I think AE is currently the best coaster at KI. Seriously.
  16. My family was originally going to buy a Ford Edge. We were all impressed with the comfort and room inside, and it felt extremely powerful as well. Alas, we chose a cheaper car in the end.
  17. This past August CWMania.com had an event at Canada's Wonderland, and during their Q&A session it was said that if Paramount still owned the park, Behemoth would not be there.
  18. If you think it's huge now just wait until they're all towering over the midway!
  19. Yeah, that disappointed me as well. It would have looked really nice to have a well-landscaped pathway circling the splash pool.
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