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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. Yea, I cheked out Coney Island Central, nice site. I really think Coney Island has some potential. I REALLY enjoyed Sunlite pool.
  2. yea, those CCI and GCI coasters look great. Bet it was a great ride!
  3. I rode by the park on my way to the movies today, I craked up! It looked so Wierd. But, riding by KI and seing no rides running, it almost brought a tear to my eye! Anyway, plan to start the 2008 season on Firehawk! Now you can fly!
  4. I thought it was a very intense and fun ride, but I wouldn't be saying the same about say, Maverick!
  5. I've always found those kind of turn/drops to be trouble on sims.
  6. Yea. On RCT3 and Thrillville, they don't bank the track on swinging coasters!
  7. Nobody...especially since it will be called Back Lot: Stunt Coaster. Yea, well, some guess better than others!
  8. Awesome, I'd love to see a classic woodie at Coney, that would complete it!
  9. KI shouldn't hold a New Year Partythis year, but they should in 1999!
  10. Yea, but they actually Banked the track on TG.
  11. KI has more family rides then CP will ever have. PLUS, we are a lot more organized. We have them in a very well themed kid area, and CP hass them in sevral scattered areas.
  12. They're trying as hard as they can to remove paramount without overdoing it.
  13. I have no idea what you're talking about!
  14. Ohh, I only remember going twice, 1) I remember on a 3rd grade field trip and we rode all the rides, and when we went to Sunlite pool, I forgot my swim trunks and swam in my shorts, and they still smell like chlorine. 2) In the 5th grade I had a babysitter for the weekend, and we talked her into to taking us to Coney at night, and the next morning we went to the aquarium.
  15. That stuck train reminds me of that one day, We were at KI and the train on The Racer stuck for 20 minutes, then when it finaly started back up I forgot we were on a roller coaster! P.S., the AE stopped on the 2nd chain later that day!
  16. Well, looking at the pictures it seemed like a fun ride. But, compareing it to The Vortex it's a whimp. And I doubt Vortex will be removed, especialy for a new ride.
  17. O.K. Thanks. I edited that post, but you got a quote on that before i did, nice snag!
  18. not for me. I always get this stuff.
  19. Kings Island is known as a park with some nice mild rides and some extreme thrills, and we will never be of CP's status. BUT, CF probably has plans to change KI's status as a theme park. KI will be a bigger and better park because of CF.
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