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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. From what I've Seen, Not only will Viper have a new Paint job, But Apperently X will be completly Remodled and repainted with tunnels and all that jazz. It will aperently be called X2. So far not mutch has been said, but updates will come.
  2. So, www.pki.com has become www.visitkingsisland.com? Everyone, Kiss Paramount goodbye.
  3. Yep. They Think that just because they are in there, they think they know everything. I know a person who works at KI who said "The Vortex is in it's last years, It's sank 6 or 7 years in the last 20 years." I asked where he got that info. He Said, " I work Here, We Know Everything."
  4. Are you saying it's going to get removed? Or are you just stating that there's always a possibility? Because, I'm 99.99% sure it's not going anywhere. They removed Shockwave to put somthing in it's place, and the shuttle loops were hard to maintain. The Vortex is not a matinence nigthmare, and I'm pretty sure they will not put anything there.
  5. Putting rides inside is a shame. Sure, it adds a whole new demension to the ride, (Flight of Fear), or it's completly necesary, (Scooby's Haunted Castle), but I think guests should be able to at least see the ride, or better yet, interact with riders.
  6. TR:TR is unreliable, has low ridership, and some other third thing. That last one seals the deal. TR:TR's fate is sealed.
  7. But, getting drunk is fun! I thought the Dayton Air Force Museum is up in Dayton? That's fun.
  8. I bet if you were to look at TR:TR's ridership over the past 5 years or so, it would look something like a line that goes gently down, than takes a nose dive. The question is, will Cedar Fair pay $1,000s and $1,000s every year to repair a ride that most people won't ride? Things are looking down for TR.
  9. GETTING BACK ON THE ORIGIONAL TOPIC: The Vortex is NOT sinking and NOT going anywhere.
  10. X is in the Backround lol. I don't know, I would hate to see ANY coaster removed at KI for a ride we once had.
  11. What I want for Christmas: Nintendo Wii, A Scorpion Model Coaster, A Completed KI Sign and A B&M Hyper, Guitar Hero III,
  12. I rode Drop Zone, SOB, Delerium, and FOF for the first time all in one day. I rode Drop Zone with second thoughts, Loved it, and figured SOB would be a snap. Wrong. Great thrill, lame layout.
  13. http://www.sixflags.com/greatAdventure/rides/AllRides.aspx Notice the Lack of The Chiller. It's Gone.
  14. ^ You took that serious? Oops, I guess thats my fault. I forgot to add a
  15. I Parents take me to KI once a week over the Summer Break. IF IT WERE UP TO ME, I'd go to KI 5 times a week. I'm Serious.
  16. SoB is a little jerky in the Rose Bowl.
  17. Duh! Of course! I feel more safe in a Roller Coaster Car then in my Bed.
  18. JacksonPKI

    Got Wood?

    What? No Tie Choice? I could never choose between a ride.
  19. When I'm at an Amusement Park, I feel at home. I feel more safe in a Roller Coaster Seat then in my Bed. When I'm at my actual home I ask myself why I'm not at an Amusement Park. I love the sound of cars rushing by. I simply can't live without Amusement Parks.
  20. I don't think any ride deserves to be hated. If you Absolutely Positifly LOVE amusement parks like I do, you'd understand that no ride deserves a hate relashionship. If I HAD to remove any rides from KI, Days of Thunder would be removed.
  21. It put people in the hospital after an ACCIDENT, as in not supposed to happen. Crystel Beach Cyclone, now that's a different story. And to all of what people said in the last 30 or 40 posts, Obviously Cedar Fair found Son of Beast to be popular enough IN 2006 to go through all the trouble and thousands of dollars to renovate the SOB to make it better. BUT, would they do it again after seing it's popularity AFTER the renovations?
  22. Yea, will have something extra next year to make up for the lack of new stuff.
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