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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Well they had to get rid of all Mini Cooper refrences, so I guess the doors had to go too? I am not 100% sure, but there are people on this site that can very well tell you....We must just wait for them to reply!
  2. oops. And I read that page just a day ago. My B...dude.
  3. So Sob woln't be the new HH attraction? Cobra, who is sad now.
  4. Are they already having Auditions?
  5. Well, it might very well in fact be a working shop for putting together Haloween Haunt, Escpecally since you said that it was plywood. OMG why didn't we get it before, SOB is the new HH attraction!!
  6. Insight to what? That he knows stuff? Ok good for him.
  7. Well, if it proves to be Operator Error, they would be charched with Involentary Manslaughter..well, the little girl (THANK GOD) is not dead, so I am not sure what they would be charged with...
  8. Then why post anything at all?
  9. Maybe the US is testing a new undergroun Nuclear missile, so they decided to just go ahead and take SOB out with a bang! And cause fall out to all of Ohio...That would fun!
  10. SOB TOM- You know patty! She's my favorite Well along with Lori too! You should come and work again. IF you knew Alma, she saddly passed away this year. The house woln't be the same with out her.
  11. Well I LOVE Family Guy, I mean honestly, they just do what they want, and I think thats great. It's satire, they really aren't making fun of people (alot?) Like Huck Finn. When we read this year in English Honors III, we did a week long discusion if Twain was racist with Jim, or he used him to be satiricle about The South during Reconstruction, because of the use of N- so many times. BUT back on topic: Again, Halloween Haunt there is going to be death and gore, its apart of the attractions. They tell you that, due to content may not be suitable for younger people. How many of you would go if they had pretty pink ponys, and princess for their Halloween Haunt. I think it was creative, and pushed us to: The Outer Limits! Cobra, cross referencing a book, a Halloween Event, and even a Ride at KI!
  12. Yea, because the old trains really used to trap you in the car, to the point where there really was no movement! haha
  13. Well, when was the last time KI posted soemthing that wasn't true?
  14. Ok, good I thought I posted that in the wrong thread.
  15. The way I see it, South Park, Family Guy (Even did a few 9/11 episodes) does even wrose things than this (The skeletons) I honestly see no problem with the skeleton issue people wanna be shocked, and thats what people were. I loved the whole Death scene with the celeb names personally.
  16. No! Def. Toatlally F****. Which I would sing, and jam out too lmao.
  17. And thats why there are press realeses for a new season, or a webpage Visitkingsisland.com where said consumer can see the rides for the years, and shows, and food, etc... Thus the information that SHOULD be avail to the public IS, and the information that IS NOT avail to the public (IE doesn't need to be) isn't.
  18. Well...St. Ritas Haunted House is about..15-20 minutes from KI....?
  19. It has been last year, Idk if things will change?!? I hope not!
  20. Well I help out with St. Ritas haunted House, and that is an awesome attraction, and I love to work it.
  21. Well as my faviorite Musical Avenue Q: ...And everyone stopped being So PC Maybe we could live in - Harmony!
  22. Haha, Terpy...Terpy Terpy Terpy...This is why I ADORE Your posts. They are out there and make toatal sence, while making none at all!
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