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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. I find the world to be WAY to PC thease days.
  2. Oh, I thought that was funny, and just a little rib..nothing bad IMO.
  3. Uh..look back like 15 pages. You should find it. :Rolls Eyes: HEY! I can do that too!
  4. Actually lol, my mom buys the premade Add to chili dry seasoning packs of Cincinnati Style Chili lol we are to cheap to buyt he gold star or Skyline packs
  5. doubt it. I mean sure that might be one, but when I worked at Skyline we signed a secreacy clause to where if we found out what it was, we couldn't blab it...So what I am saying is that might be a Cincinnati Style Chili...but idk if that is THE EXACT one.
  6. I don't think guests are entitled to 100% of knowladge that managment or anyone else in the theme park industry does. We do get informed in press realeses and such about whats going on, and thats all you/we/I/he/she needs to know about it. As terpy has said, Those that talk don't know, and those that know, don't talk (Or something like that, I mighta paraphrased). There is no reason for Little Suzy Q to know about what Major B&M Invert is going where SOB is (NOT SAYING IT IS, JUST AN EXAMPLE). Or that SOB is going to be fixed for next year. She will find out when CF wants us to find out. IF skyline chili wanted to loose its special value, they would give us the secret ingrediants (other than Chocolate, and cinimin etc). Its a need to know basis. As for the automated sign, well I guess that could work, but an employee would have to remeber to push the RIDE CLOSED button everytime the ride went down, which I think they have more things to think about other than just pressing a button to let guest's know. I havn't heard of many guests leaving in an outrage because they had to take 100 extra steps into X-Base to see if things are open or not.
  7. So for someone to change that sign, a ride crew personell would have to walk out and change it, thus taking him away from his job of trying to fix the ride in the firstplace, then when they should be testing the ride again, s/he would have to walk, again back out and change the sign, sparing another 2-3 minutes that the ride could already have been operating.
  8. Well a year or two ago, I worked a priviate event day, it was not to crowded, and the ride lines looke pretty short from where I was.
  9. Then why do you keep on responding in it? Cobra really tired of reading only 4 pages of this thread since a certain roller coaster started responding.
  10. It offers children from all over the US and the world to come to Flordia FOR FREE! And stay a whole week. they get tikects to two Disney Parks, tickets to Universal (Both parks) and tickets to Sea World. Along with all other kinds of goodies. IT offers its services for 100% Free to the paretns, and it's a non profit orginization. You can actually go down anytime and volenteer for them, which sounds like fun for Spring Break. the kids are children who are terminally ill, or are fighting Cancer, Lukemia (sp?). It's a great charity by far. And they spawned and work closely with Make A Wish.
  11. That wasn't there until later in the day, for most of the monring there was only a trash can, which people still walk right through. NOT TO MENTION they did that on The Beast after the ride had closed for the night. Needless to say we saw them being walked right back with Park Security in tow. or is it toe? idk.
  12. whats the point of this topic? I am confused.
  13. Oh wow...lol...there was this one ride op that stapled me in a few times, I had to life my legs up so that it would feel like it couldn't go down anymore. Except on DB, I left it up a little to high, and I swear I was dead meat, It was bad news lol..
  14. Very true! My back was slamming down to the back of the seat alot, I did about 10 rides all otgether in the very back, you have to ride very defensivly there, but the first seats, in the cars are the best! by far.
  15. Yeah Adam, so many names lol..I wasn't scared you just kinda yelled WHATS YOUR NAME! and I was like ahh lol...Nah, it was nice meeting all of yall today! I did have blast, and I am glad you got out (even though your alarm didn't go off)
  16. Yes, Don told us that there was no ground being broken, well we rode Drop Tower, and we saw dirt. TONS OR DIRT! It looked like Don lied to us... But it looks like something is going down in the territory of SOB, and it may be somewhere to put new track, or something else?
  17. Hello ladies and Gents, well first off I will post the first half of this TR tonight. (The actual GKTW event) Tomorrow I will post the second part. The alarm went off at 5 am for me to get up, I got up got ready and left here about 5:40. Got to the park when they said we were suposed to be there, but apperently not, we did not get in till about 6:30-45ish? Well we were off! Haha the Ride Ops, Were AMAZING! Troy, Jessica, Chad, John...and tons others, they were great and kept ride counts for us. Well anywhoo. The way it was set up was, we got to ride 5 times, then we would get off and let the train cycle through and then get back on. Everytime we came to the station we would stop, the restraints would be released and then we would set them back down. So for the morning everything went with out a hitch. Then it was lunch time-at about that time I was at 50 something For Lunch I had a Ceasar Wrap, Chips, cookies and Coke Zero! My only suggestion is put out signs that say whats what, cause the whole group played guessing games! Then it was back on for anouth 5 hours of riding. After the 5th ride, I entered my Zen state, where I would sit back close my eyes and let my body loose and just go crazy! It was great! The air time?! AWESOME! I remeber back a few months ago, we had a debate about whether or not restraints are needed, that roller coasters are meant to keep you in...well if you say that, take a ride on Racer South (Red Racer) and go off the second hill, right before the turn round! Then it started getting busy, all the morning guests were jumping the fence to get to our side where we told them that this side was closed (aka Lots of ****ed Off GPs). It got bad enough that we condenced our GKTW group to one train, so it operated Train 1-GKTW Event, Train 2-GP. I never noticed how long it takes to load GP when you sit in a very, very, VERY hot tunnel. I made this diagram to show what I learned after riding for 10 hours: [*O*|O|X][O|O|X][O|O|X][O|O|X][O|X|X] *O* = BEST RIDE EVER! O = Good Ride! x = AVOID AT ALL COSTS! So I will start with the front: The very front seat! ZOMG! Smooth as glass, and airtime out the mouth (My 100th ride of the day was in the Front, as was a ton of others) The second seat of the car was ok, a little more rough but not bad The third seat in the train...NEVER. The lap bar would go down on me to where it was like no one was in there, thus it was squeezing my legs really bad. And it was rough! All and all it was a fun event def. worth the 50! I was the only rider to have all the rides (I didn't take one break other than the manditory ones) So my total ride count was 115. I grabbed one extra one later in the day for 116! So All day I would tell my friends that I rode The Racer 116 times today, the guests around me would look at me like I was crazy, but I am. Alright so after the marathon we were congradulated on 115 rides on The Racer. We went down the exit and we all got our certificates. The rest of the KIC-ers went and rode Racer Blue, I got water and two advils, and sat by the exit. After they got off, we walked over to the bathrooms where I was asked if I was on KIC I said yes, and then well I was introduced to all of them. (Some of them I know from TRs). We then went to DB, WHOO first ride on that of the day it was awesome. Once we got off Rachel was there (StalkerChick). And we all went of to DT to ride it, I got seat 6, and it was a good ride. This is where we found that THERE WAS SOME KIND OF LAND CLEARING BEHIND SOB, DON LIED! He said that there wasn't any, but we clearly saw it. After that my friend showed up so we went to Flight Deck, and rode in the back. FUN RIDE! We went over The Racer, and I rode the Red side, to grab my 116 time of the day! The ride op, was a little rude- Didn't you ride this like 100 times already? I said Yea, he said...oh. I was a little turned off by that, I mean when the Gold Tag people were around he was nice and friendly, and HE WAS A SUPERVISOR!?!? Oh well. After that we rode Zepher. Fun little ride. We then rode Diamond Back again, again another fun ride! After that it was about 8:20 so we went over the The Beast, got 3rd Row 1st train...that was a bad mistake, rough ride. We got off that and went over to Flight of Fear, I usally sit in the front on this ride, but I felt like being adventures and sat in the very back. Very Good ride, and not even rough. Last time we were at Kings Island, I got a great DB ride with Fireworks going off as we went up the lift hill, we tried our best to get it this time and we were off..by 3 minutes. As soon as we hit the break run we heard a very loud boom, and we were mad. Oh well as I say. We left, only having to walk to the VIP entrence. And went to Perkins for dinner. Fun day at KI, the morning-afternoon had a great reason and great fun. The evening was fun and pleasurable. **UDATE** This morning after waking up at 2:00 . I am so soar with my upper body, and my thighs... Ride Count: Drop Tower-1 Flight Deck-1 Diamond Back-4 Flight of Fear-1 The Beast-1 Zepher-1 Red Racer-116 Thanks for reading! BTW it was great to meet: Dave! EDIT-Rachel-haha fail on my part. Oh well as she said, she hasn't posted here in a long a** time..which I think we are perfect minds lol(Stalker Chick)(Sorry I don't know how to spell it). Jackson. PKIBOY(AHH I forgot your name, my bad) KICoaster Girl, and many others!
  18. lol I know..it's bad...I mean last year a gurd pushed and fell and basicly went down the slide, she was fine, but some times when that happens the lifegurds can get hurt. Like the raft ride, she pushed them over the bump and a little down the hill, she sliped and fell and scrapped off some of her scalp...needless to say the pool had to be drained and re treated... ./ Very scary stuff.
  19. Oh with the explosives going the rout of the track so the explosions look like they are going through the ride cycle? That would be so cool lol
  20. that your posts are bad? or Obnoxious? Cobra running (very fast) for the door!
  21. Wrote the check out today! Can't wait...6:15? lol that measns I will have to wake up at 5! yay?! lol
  22. All of us like to help Sir. We don't need a bunch of threads about the same question. That is why we say, you already asked this?
  23. Goog Golly Miss Molly! (Haha I have always wanted to say that and it actually works here). Do what Purple Haze said before, in the last thread inwhcih you posted the exact same question to do. CONTACT The park. But if you are going to by Season Passes for the rest of thsi year, and are only going back twice, why don't you just purchase tickets?
  24. Well I love the cliff, and Bonzi is a good one too However, after being a lifegurd there I will tell you I HATE TWIGHLITE ZOOM! The rafts some times get stuck, and you have to literally push them half way down the tube to get them going. And don't get me started on the 12 hour shifts...
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