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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. When we go, we stay at Breakers Express. It's not to far away, and it has always been nice when we stay there.
  2. To me it just seems that this "discusion" is nothing more than an aurgument. There is no discusing, and its very one way pointed. "The time to go" remark, makes sence, most people know when its time to get up and leave a CO, like my father, 50 years at State Farm Insurance, and he decided that it's time to leave his work, he retired. I think it's the same with Dick. He has been at Ceader Fair long enough, let someone else get all Mavrick-y up in there. (Hahaha). But then again, thats my opinion, we all have one, others here just want to make their's known, Others don't. Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  3. Well the tower one makes me think that it was a Math and Science Day type challange. Maybe, maybe not.
  4. Someone that doesn't have a pass, it opens at 10. Cobra just sayin.
  5. It has been stated here before, a Sky Swing wouldn't be too bad. Is it called a sky swing? I may have it wrong...
  6. Many here have seen it run with the lights on. And even few maybe have riden it with the lights on. That would be a fun KIC Event thing, ERT on FOF with the lights on, put it together with the tour yall did a few years ago, I think it would be awesome!
  7. If we can use the loop hole that Beastforever[insert numbers] found, I take FOF. I will live in the hanger.
  8. It is Ture, The front seat is one of the best rides on FOF. It's honestly the only seat I ever sit in when I do ride it...Personal prefrence I spose!
  9. I was at the computer waiting for 2. Then it came, and I flipped out
  10. That didn't stope them from building TR:TR. Now, The Crypt.
  11. I have also read here by a few that CF really wanted Kings Island....they just got the other parks? maybe maybe not! I am not exactly sure....
  12. well this seemed like a nice topic to post my review. Well..comments maybe. I went last night around 6 to close, let me say you really can ride everything you wanted to in just 4 hours. Anyways. I walked by Rock Band and uhm...the singing was VERY FLAT! and hen very sharp. I mean...it was rough. I just kept walking. The other was Snoopy Starlight Experiance....It was nice and pretty, but it was just lights. Buddah exclaimed to us that it will be more than pretty lights and your done. But, it honestly was..pretty lights...Oh lets go ride Flight of Fear! I mean, what they did do with the lights was awesome, and the tower with the LED's were cool too. The Finale to one of the songs made the tower go crazy and that was very nice too! But, it was just look at the lights, ok. Lets go.
  13. Methinks this location is for backstage usage...you know what I mean? Like, there is an access road behind there. But I am sure that could be moved or redone.
  14. Ready for this? At Diamond Back yesterday the teen was looking at the "Sandles and Shoes MUST be worn" He says: So...do you have to wear shoes? I just looked at him and laughed!
  15. To my understanding was that KC closed due to the steel and the parts. (I will need that to be verified..>TERPY! lol) Other than that, I think the woman was drunk, and she some how slipped out of the restraint, and fell to her death. Scary stuff really. But I love ghosts, and I would love to see Tower Johnny! I was there yesterday and meant to ask the ET elevator operator about it!
  16. Well if you read online, there are things that say, there is another ghost which could be Tower Johnny that haunts The Beast. Whether this is ture, or not eh. I beilieve that the park is haunted, but no need to start the debate again
  17. well yes, adding things to the map would be a little hard. I mean, they are pre-orderded I assume, thus they can't just willy nilly change everything with the map. They would have to order all new maps, which may or may not be too expensive, but let's face it...That cost Nickels!
  18. Well, Good Sir! Was that a pun you liked? Or did you not like it?
  19. DOes KI have any NWS Sirens? I love getting on You Tube and listening to them, they are so cool, yet very chilling and erie. Anybody? Anybody? No? Aww darn. I thought it was punny.
  20. Well, when I worked in AZ Carts, they told us the nearest one for AZ workers, and that was our freezer behind the bathrooms by SOB....they said that we go directly there if there is a sever storm. Never once did they tell me to direct anyone else anywhere, at least that was my experiance. Cobra whom does not wish to upset the (I am an associate there) Gods. Whom chose his words carefully. Until that those last few sentences. Zur.
  21. My father retired just last week. He got a 50 dollar gift card to Best Buy, and a really, I mean REALLY nice stand up clock, that is gold plated, and has a little plaque. I thought it was a nice gift. He retired from State Farm, after 40 years!! So..uh to get back on topic.... I think it would be cool, but yes, it would IMO, ruin IS, and the feel of the ET, I mean comeone you are up there and then....WHOOOOOOOSH,-AHHHHH! WHOOOOHOOO!!! so on and so forth!
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