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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. I highly doubt this is going to go anywhere...IMO... *Corba ducking for the incoming shoes...*
  2. As I sit and read this, I offten wonder, how many of you said this when it first opened, I would say about...1.2 or even 0. You are all saying how bad it is now, when if it was bad from the start, then you would have realized it from the start...I am not sure what I really I am trying to say, but it's like, you complain about how bad it was at the start, when really at the start, yall most likely road that ride, if not first, some other time...
  3. Thank you Shaggy. THat was an intersting read, you always fill your posts with countles numbers of outside information (sorry, I am getting ready for AP US History test ) Thanks that clears it up a bit.
  4. Sure? I am just wondering did they go down the ramp, and where did they go after that?
  5. Wait, so if the rides exit was the E-exit then how did they get off the ride, I mean where did they exit off the train? (by train I mean The Beast Train, not the actual train )
  6. I find it interesting that they kept the 'exit' sign that has the double yellow line from IJST....
  7. No, AE is a fun little ride. It's one of those, lost finds kinda thing. I mean the wait is usally never too too long and its always a nice refreshing trip to a forbidin track that was closed down. Which reminds me, I didn't hear the speil about the train being lost and stuff this past saturday, was it playing opening weekend?
  8. Could you see what would happen if Universal took over KI? The rides would be great! I mean the Crypt would be theme crazy, and even the smaller ones, AE would have all kinds of neat effects...ahh, wishing for the impossible
  9. Now it just sounds like someone is complaining about someone else complainging about the complaining.... Now, if it is so hard (which it most likely is) then they shouldn't have to worry about every little thing that is wrong, such as the height of ride x...Now should they fix it? Yes, but be glad we got a new website. They could always use the Boy Scouts of America(at least for my troop), We're working on it! I see what HTCO is saying, and I see what Stalkerchick is saying, but the way she approched the situation she complained about the complaning of the complainers. Again... Cobra...running away!
  10. And what happens when that deal is up? Nothing is forever..
  11. Yes, I realize that, and I am gratefull for it, don't get me wrong! I am very happy that they at least let us ask them questions that they respond to. (Mostly afte that rude comment about the responces they were getting)...
  12. I kinda like the cars. They aren't as bad as they could have been. Jus' sayin.
  13. I don't know about all of you, but I think these answers are so...robotic. I mean not more than a few weeks ago I remember them being funny, and kinda personable. I don't know, it might just be me..?
  14. I agree it looked very bright and lover-ly. They did have the E-door open how ever so that was kinda lame, other than that it was a nice ride. It seemed much faster as well...
  15. I agree, I mean I can almost call out each action the seat will move by now. It's time to let Sponge Bob sink.
  16. Haha..If I wouln't have taken AP Pysch this year I wouldn't have gotten that, Beatle. That made me lol
  17. To me this seems like we don't have enough stuff to complain about (legit-ly) so we nit-pick at the little stuff. Let it go. At least we got a new website, a new section, a tech. new ride. Stop being so P.C. when it comes to the stats about certain things, or when something opened...I mean yeah, it's important that the facts are right, but do we really need to attack every little comma that is out of place, or period that is wrong? No.
  18. There is also another place that if you work/know the right people tickets are free!!
  19. I waited 7 hours for Firehawk. LET DOWN! It was opening day for it as well...I am kinda sad that I waited that long.
  20. I agree on the blaster volume. BUT I LOVE BBoBH! It is much more intence. And the end part is the best. The name could be a little bit more intence as well. Other than that its a very nice ride, and a tad on the scary side. The Mummy part scared me a bit as well lol..That thing jumped!
  21. Herro! So today was Music in the Parks, and it was my schools day to go. Thankfully it wasn't a complete wash out! We started our day at 8:45 got on the road about 9, got to the school about 11 and we warmed up. We played Viva La Vida, and Dance of the Tumblers (Which both sounded great! more on that later). After that we were all ready to go to the park but they wanted us to stay and listen to our schools band...I equated this to someone driving around the outside of KI and every time we get near to the park they drive the other way. However they finished and we were off to KI! I opened the 2010 Season on Drop Tower. Now, with it raining this morning the crowds were VERY LIGHT! Everything I rode was a 15-20 minute wait, except AE, they were only running one train So the best part was once we actually got to the park, it wasn't raining at all, so back to DT. Boy, did I miss that ride! It was great! We only had to wait one cycle to get on. Next, we headed to FOF. I took the only place that I think it should be ridden on, and that is front seat! There were only the spot lights on (purple, red, green) So it was crazy dark and awesome! Now, some of you don't like the MRCB on it, but I however, love it! It makes that over banked turn so cool. How, ye faithful FOF I have missed you. Oh and I love that they have the picture again, it was very nice having it blast in my face! After FOF I went to go get bitten. I rode front seat on this baby and boy did I miss it! <3 The Ejector air was crazy, but it was better in the back (again more on this later) We decided to grab some lunch so we stopped at Chick-Fil-A. and it was great. After lunch we road Invertigo..eh, same as always so/so. Then we ran over to AE, Ok, so here is where I got kinda annoyed, they only were running one train, so it was a 20 minute wait. GRrr...! Off to Vortex (just saying I was blowing through these coasters, I wanted all my credits!) It was nice front seat again! I would like to note that now seeing the BLSC cars up close they aren't as bad as they could have been. I kinda liked 'em. Then half our group went to WWC, it was too cold for me, so I went to Beast with another friend, front seat again. GREAT RIDE! Then I rode something that I wanted to ride for a while (ever since hearing about its renovation) BBoBH! ZOMG! That was crazy!! I loved the ending part! LOVE LOVE LOVE Great Job Ceader Fair/Sally/KI! Also this is the case with PS all together, it was a nice, bright fun place. I really liked one of the comics I saw, it was about eating more vegetables and then she says that Carrot Cake is not one. hee hee, I really liked PS so again, GREAT JOB CEADER FAIR/KI! By now it was 4:50 so we had to get over the the awards showcase thingy-mo-bob. This is where all hell broke loose! Half way through the wind got cold, and out of no where it started to downpour! I mean downpour! IT WAS MADDNESS! (We got an excellent rating on our performance btw!) During the fall of rain, we went to the festhous (sp?!)and I had some Panda express. I got to watch Too Much TV. It was alright. The singing was great. I liked the actors, I was really fond of John . After about sitting there for a while we headed back out. We saw that DB was running so we mini-marathon on it (ok just two times but still). The first time I road row 2, I really liked this seat, but it really hurt with the rain pelting my face. Then we road row 16. I found a new love spot. I thought the ejector air in the front was good. THE BACK IS AMAZING! ZOMG!!! I nearly flew out every hill (not really). 10000/10. After that it was time to get going (on account that there was a storm moving in) so I got some blue ice cream, and we left. Over all the day was great! One note, the employees! They were great. They struck up convo. with me, and they all seemed to be happy at what they were doing! Like one of the girls at this candy place, I teased her because she though the pop-rocks were only .99 cents, but it turned out to be 1.39...but I bought them because she was a good sport with all the joking I did to her lol. All and all I enjoyed my time, and because of the rain it was not very crowded! Ride count: Drop Tower- 1 Invertigo- 1 Adventure Express- 1 Flight of Fear- 1 Vortex- 1 The Beast- 1 Diamond Back- 3 Boo Blaster's on Boo Hill- 2
  22. I find carrying the Kitchen Sink to be a pain. When I go to the park, I have my wallet cellular device, and car keys. That is all I need to keep me happy! I do have friends that like to bring bags and such, but it's not overbearing at all...in fact it comes in handy when you do go on a water ride!
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