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Everything posted by markhudson17

  1. I didn't want to skip it but my friend had to leave. She had to drive to Marion tonight and didn't want it to be late. The average wait time for DB saturday was about 20-30 minutes but we didn't mind waiting.
  2. Saturday Left my house around 330 and arrived about 4. Headed to DB and rode 7 times. We then had to meet my friends niece at the Eiffel Tower. She rode with us another 3 times on DB before she had to leave. It was almost 10 so we got back in line for DB and made our way to the back of the line. We were the last ones in line and last train of the night. It was also my first true night ride. Amazing Sunday Left middletown around 910. Arrived at the park for ERT and rode DB twice. Then at 10 we met up with the other KIC'ers in front of DB. I can't remember everyone so I'm putting any names down but those of you know who you are. We then rode DB twice as a group. 19 and 21 people I believe. Then while some got their little bill's credit, 8 of us went and rode Avatar. We all met in front of SDATHC got a pic at the mystery machine. Headed to Wendy's for lunch. We tagged along with pkiruler?102? and his dad. Got back to the park and the rain started. Walked in the rain for a little while then headed to Festhaus to wait it out. After the rain stopped we rode Invertigo and Delirium. While the rest of the group went to Drop Tower, we had to leave. I want to tell all of you I was with that this was the BEST day I've ever had at Kings Island. I'm also looking forward to seeing the group photos.
  3. I do the exact same thing...The workers always give me a wierd look though
  4. haha! I just busted out laughing! thanks for that I had to restrain myself from laughing at the guy.
  5. Some guy while in line for DB called Firehawk "The Firefly"
  6. I experienced both of those today as well, kinda funny. Yay, made it to 200 posts!!!!
  7. 33 after the 10 rides I added today
  8. Very true, I've learned my lesson.
  9. Got a late start and didn't arrive at the park until about 9:20 AM. Went straight to DB and rode 4 times during ERT. Headed to Beast and got in line right before rope drop. Rode front seat. Came back to an empty station so rode 5:2. When we got to the brakes,the train in front of us was in the station with a bunch of management. A ride associate came back and told us they had a situation in the station. We learned that someone had had a seizure and required medical attention. After about what seemed 15 minutes, they had the guy on a stretcher in the first aid truck and emptied the waiting trains. After that, we headed over to Vortex. Rode 5:1 yet again. Going up the lift, we noticed they were still running empty trains on The Beast. Then we headed to Racer, rode second to last row. Best ride I've ever had. I had about 4 inches between my legs and my lapbar. Racer was followed by A.E. Second to last row. We decided to go ride DB one more time before we went to the car for lunch. After lunch, we headed straight to DB. Rode 5 times. Got rows 1 & 16 on the 2nd and 3rd rides. It was about 4 so we decided to head home. Stopped at the DQ at Route 68 on the way home. Overall, a fun day at the park like always.
  10. I always tell them I was there yesterday and they don't bother me. I was going to do it on opening day but I didn't see any of them.
  11. When I go to the park, I wear 1. My DB first rider shirt 2. Cargo Shorts with Zipper and Button Pockets 3. My black slip-on shoes....they're just so comfortable.
  12. I'm up to 22 at the moment. Would have had 23, but fell and hurt my back on the queues stairs. Not fun.
  13. I'll talk to just about anyone. Just would have to mention KIC and I'd probably talk your leg off. hehe
  14. This is a very short report but I decided to post it anyways. Got to the park around 7PM Friday night. Headed straight to Diamondback. Rode rows 14, 8, and 3. At this time it was around 845 so we decided to head over to Racer and A.E. to see if we could ride with enough time to get back to The Beast before they closed the line. Ended up riding A.E. and skipping Racer. Then headed to The Beast and almost made it to the loading gates. Closed the ride for the fireworks. Was on second train after fireworks in second to last seat. Today we got an early start and left around 830. Got to the park and had to wait at the tolls. I figure it was because of the A Kid Again 5k. Got in and went straight to DB. Rode 4 times before 10AM. Since the public was running to DB, we decided to go to The Beast. Greeted by an empty station, we rode second to last seat. There were only a total of 7 of us on the whole train. Then we decided to head to BLSC for our first ride on it of the season. A group of 10 teenage girls were put on the same train as us. I was the only guy on the train. We then headed to Vortex, rode 5:1. Guess who got on the same train, the same 10 girls. With the same shrieking screams as they had on BLSC. I got off the ride and had a terrible headache from all the screaming I had been listening to. After a short rest, we headed to FoF. Rode very back seat. Then headed to Racer. Rode in front seat of the last car. Following Racer we rode A.E. twice without leaving the station. Once in second seat and then in very last seat. Then we headed over to SOB. Rode in 1:2 of the red train and had the marbles knocked out of me. We then headed over to DB for our last ride before we left around 1.
  15. It did seem slower than last year. But like you said, we might have ridden it so much so we're used to it and it ain't as exciting as it used to be.
  16. Well I'm 6'2", 260 pounds and a 38" waist and I can ride even though it is a tight fit. I think some seats are different because sometimes I'm right at the black line and other times I'm a click or two past. Just try the test seat and go from there. Good luck and have fun.
  17. It probably was me. We left around 3 and showed back up a little after 4.
  18. I was just going by what the people in the station were told.
  19. Shoulda yelled out at me. lol. I get into my own little zone while in line and don't really pay attention to who's around me. I thought I saw Ashers and KJKJKJ about 4 people in front of me today, but I didn't say anything because I wasn't 100% sure
  20. My best friend and I left the house at 830 and arrived at the park around 915. After walking up to the entrance and into the park, they were already starting the ERT. Got in line for DB and when we were up next to ride, the ride broke down. They said they had to replace a sensor at the MCBR and would be about 30 minutes. We decided to wait it out. We got another 2 rides after that. Rows 9,9, and 16. It was around 1030 so we headed over to The Beast. Had a 5 minute wait. Then to Vortex, rode 5:1. I love this seat now. Following Vortex, we went to FoF. Waited about 40 minutes for the very back. We headed to the Red Racer next. Rode 4 times without even leaving the station. Then headed to A.E. Delirium, SOB, and FD. We were ready to leave so started to walk towards the front of the park. My friend decided to call her sister to see what she was doing. We decided we were going to head to Middletown to visit and eat lunch. After eating we felt a little better so we decided to head back to the park. We rode DB 3 more times and The Beast before we left around 720. All in all, a good day at the park.
  21. I find the ride to be somewhat rough. I haven't had the guts to ride in the back of the train yet.
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