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Posts posted by Hoeter

  1. In the majority of places where some trees have been/are being cleared due to the Emerald Ash Borer, they have cleared every single Ash. Not gone along and picked which ones. Look at the area that was cleared near Bethel. It will give you an idea of what I am talking about.

    Sent from an Indestructible Phone


    I'm from Bethel. The Asian Longhorned Beetle infestation that's taking place out here requires thousands and thousands of trees to be cut down across Tate Township and in the Village of Bethel. Not picked about like the ones at the park.


    It is unlawful to transport firewood to neighboring Townships and Villages


    Devastating. Property values unfortunately can and have taken a hit.


    Back on topic...

    • Like 11

    You're welcome bm0324. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    Sorry if I sounded harsh on my post earlier. Trespassing is a behavior that the park and this site does not condone.

    I just don't want to see another repeat of 2013, that's all. We have several new posters and I thought it was a good time to bring it up again.

    No I totally understand! Nothing good ever comes from trespassing in an amusement park. Is there a way to change your username? Mines just my initials and birthday but I'd like to change it to something more creative if I think of one.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk


    Message one of the admins (BoddaH1994, Dane, Gordon Bombay, CoastersRZ, and Avatar- it's been awhile since I've seen him on) and they can help you.




    Click the envelope on the far right next on said persons name to send a PM (Private Message)

    • Like 4
  3. Refer to this link that was on the post Goble made when he started the thread.




    I'm not saying that you would do it either, but there was an incident a couple of years back when we were doing the same thing for Banshee. Don was furious, and I don't blame him. DO NOT under any circumstance trespass or enter a backstage area of the park without permission AND an escort from a Kings Island employee. Said incident caused tension between this site and Kings Island. It will result in criminal charges and even banishment from the park.


    Just wanted to point this out since those who were around at that time remember all that took place.


    Carry on...

    • Like 15
  4. Opening an umbrella indoors causes bad luck. 


    I've opened many umbrellas within 4 walls and a ceiling and nothing has ever happened.


    Silly old wives' tales...

    • Like 4
  5. My first ride this season was Woodstock Express.



    Mine too and it was amazing! 



      Mine to! Consider the odds? lol



    Make it 4! And add Mrs. NoChickens to it and the whole group is covered.


    Coming back to a station full of little kids and their parents, I wonder what their thoughts were, more adults on that train than kids.

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