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Posts posted by Hoeter


    Oh, I definitely agree on the park's overuse of emoticons. And their Snapchat has yet to post a single normal picture. Everyone has been covered with a caption and emoticon blocking half the picture.

    Also, thanks for the Instagram link. I wasn't aware you ran an account there. Will you start a KIC Snapchat?

    I'e thought about it.  Is that something you guys want?  I have my own personal one, so I imagine you can't be logged into two, right?



    Looks like you'd have to log out of your personal one and into the KIC one should you create it.


    Did a Google search and didn't come up with anything where the official app supports it.


    Looks like there may be third party solutions to this, though.

    • Like 2
  2. Isn't the airport on the other side of I-264 opposite Kentucky Exposition Center and Kentucky Kingdom?


    Used to go down to the Mid-America Trucking Show the last weekend of March at KFEC every year with some buddies. Been several years since.


    Last time was when Chang (now Green Lantern at NJFTP) was still standing. That's how long it's been since I've been to Louisville.

    • Like 5
  3. This is a great PTR, thank you for posting it.  I really want to get there next year sometime, and this has made me even more adamant.


    I recommend front row on El Toro. I have never had such insane ejector airtime in my life.


    The NoChickens thought I was going to fly out of my seat!

    • Like 2
  4. Whatever it is, I'm sure people will complain that Kings Island didn't get something else.


    I heard numerous people complaining at Banshee's announcement that we weren't getting a wing coaster or a giga coaster instead.


    Be thankful they are investing tens of millions of dollars in new attractions into the park. 


    If you want to ride a wing coaster or a giga coaster that bad before Kings Island gets one, Sandusky is only 200 miles north.

    • Like 18
  5. Someone mentioned the structure at the new entrance previously, I believe but I forgot all about it until I got to the park last night.


    All signage has been taken off and there are cans of paint and scaffolding behind the structure.


    Personally, I think it looks fine the way it is!

    • Like 6
  6. Thank you for sharing tjpavlik!


    Six Flags Great Adventure is one of the most beautiful parks I've ever been to. I was there two years ago, didn't ride Kingda Ka, Superman, or Batman but enjoyed all of the other coasters- especially El Toro and Nitro. I need to get back there at some point.


    The trip I went on in 2014 consisted of this park, Dorney Park, Kings Dominion, Carowinds, and the other Six Flags park in Maryland that needs no introduction. My Six Flags membership saved me a TON of money that weekend.


    If you plan on hitting up multiple SIX parks in a season I recommend the Combo Gold Pass...https://www.sixflags.com/greatadventure/store/season-passes

    • Like 6
  7. Leaving the park about 11pm tonight (got last train of the night on The Beast) going out the south exit, a car pulls in and is coming straight toward me as I was leaving. Fortunately I was able to get over to prevent an accident. 


    Are two DO NOT ENTER signs on poles (and a sandwich board saying the same) and a NO RIGHT TURN sign next to the traffic signal enough?

    • Like 10
  8. This was from a family member years ago. We were watching a TV show or something about Kings Island and they start talking about Don.


    It showed a picture of him, with hair, back about 30 years ago. Then it cut to a picture of Don as he is today with no hair.


    Said family member exclaimed "I know how he became bald! It's from riding that Racer thousands and thousands of times!"

    • Like 10
  9. I've gotten cups of ice water, gratis, several times this season already. Once on Sunday at Rivertown Larosas and one last Saturday at RHOFG.


    Another poster on here said they asked for a cup of water and the particular stand wanted to charge $4.13, tax included for it.


    They're still getting the hang of things but as far as I know it's the same as in seasons past.

    • Like 2
  10. I rode Shockwave in 2014. Being that I never rode King Cobra while it was at Kings Island, I definitely wanted to experience it. 


    I had heard before my visit that SkyRider at CW was being removed at the end of the season, and didn't think the future looked well for Shockwave.


    I had to ride it then because I knew I wasn't able to get back to that park for awhile.


    And I didn't sense your sarcasm earlier. Much easier to tell face to face than behind a computer screen.

    • Like 5
  11. Thanks McSalsa, didn't know you could sort the list.


    Also notice I said mainly instead of all in my original post. It's all good!


    I have a better chance of winning the lottery without purchasing a ticket than Kings Island getting a TOGO stand-up like they had previously.


    For you newer people, TOGO has been defunct since 2001 or 2002.


    EDIT: I stand corrected. I see where I put that all of them were in Asia. My apologies.

    • Like 3
  12. I'd bring a pocket full of ear protectors and sell them in line. Make a profit.


    You can still see them on the TV, you just can't hear the awful music.


    Rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.  :)

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