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Posts posted by Hoeter

  1. Building off of dtk1378's reply...


    I had to visit the Apple Store back in July of last year due to issues with my iPhone. 


    Went to the Genius Bar. About a 45 minute wait. Clerk takes my cell phone number and advises me I'll receive several text messages, once when I'm close to the front of the queue, and another once a representative is ready to assist me. The rest of the time allows me to walk around Kenwood Towne Centre checking out the new additions since it's been years since I've last visited.


    Something similar would be a step in the right direction for the park.

    • Like 3
  2. They had a lot of lost opportunity with foods and the app this past weekend. Friday was 10,000 or so season pass holders. Saturday was probably 75% or more season pass. Why didn't they push out notifications pushing the meal plan those days? Why not have people pay for it on the app using Apple Pay or Google Wallet? The money would have been intangible to the customers. But what do I know?


    I did get a notification for 50% off funnel cakes on Saturday. 


    When we ran into you outside of Reds, there was a 3 hour wait. This was at 6:00pm. We had Larosa's on International Street instead.


    If ordering food on mobile (similar to Taco Bell) is implemented, please don't let Accesso handle it.

    • Like 5
  3. I asked Don if Whitewater Canyon will operate this year. He said yes, and that it would open Memorial Day weekend, and that the entrance was right under Diamondback. He pointed to the entrance, and I looked at it and took some photos.  I also asked him if the geysers were still there, and he said yes. So, at least for one more season, if the fates allow, I'm going to splash to my heart's content all who dare pass through "Geyser Alley," showing no signs of obeying the posted signs that clearly dictate: "You WILL get wet on this ride." Just helping out, y'all.  B)


    It's been almost 10 years since I've ridden White Water Canyon. I need to make it a point to ride it sometime this year.


    I've had fun over the years shooting the geysers at people on the ride. The last ride I went on in 2008 I talked smack to the operators placed in towers throughout the ride. Lo and behold, they blocked our tube in and had geysers of their own they could shoot at us. Happened at least twice on that particular cycle.


    Needless to say the people in my group were drenched and not too happy with me. 

    • Like 12
  4. ^Michigan's Adventure would like to disagree with you.

    They can disagree all they want, but they are unlikely to see a B&M anytime soon. Cedar Fair only buys $20+ million dollar rides from B&M. I do think Michigan's Adventure will receive a new coaster in the next few years, just not a B&M. With attendance estimated to be below 1 million people a year the best they are likely to see is a $10 million dollar ride. Lots of great rides can fit in that kind of budget just not a B&M.

    Valleyfair is in the same position. Likely to see a new ride but not a B&M.


    This is from Cedar Fair's website. The top three parks for revenue and EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) in 2015 were Cedar Point, Knott's Berry Farm, and Kings Island.

    I agree that the cash cows of the chain will get the B&M coasters and big attractions. On the other hand, look at Carowinds and the $30 million B&M that opened last year.

    • Like 4


    As I did for Banshee, I can drive out to Batavia periodically to see if new coaster track is laying about. I'm only 10 minutes from the plant.

    For those that were here at that time or read through the almost 500 page thread, I broke the news of blue transfer track that ended up being for Banshee.

    As of Sunday, the only track present is the yellow presumably headed for Happy Valley over in China.

    That'd be awesome if you would do this, but it'll be a good amount of time until track starts being made (that is, if it is even a B&M, or actually, even a roller coaster!).



    I did not see the transfer track until a week or so before Banshee was announced, so yes it will be awhile.


    The next month at the park will be interesting and if we start to see footings, it's going to make the speculation even more so.




    What does IIRC mean?


    IIRC stands for If I Recall Correctly.



    Sorry for the double post. The multi-quote feature has me confused.

    • Like 6

    As I did for Banshee, I can drive out to Batavia periodically to see if new coaster track is laying about. I'm only 10 minutes from the plant.

    For those that were here at that time or read through the almost 500 page thread, I broke the news of blue transfer track that ended up being for Banshee.

    As of Sunday, the only track present is the yellow presumably headed for Happy Valley over in China.

    That'd be awesome if you would do this, but it'll be a good amount of time until track starts being made (that is, if it is even a B&M, or actually, even a roller coaster!).



    I did not see the transfer track until a week or so before Banshee was announced, so yes it will be awhile.


    The next month at the park will be interesting and if we start to see footings, it's going to make the speculation even more so.

    • Like 5
  7. As I did for Banshee, I can drive out to Batavia periodically to see if new coaster track is laying about. I'm only 10 minutes from the plant.


    For those that were here at that time or read through the almost 500 page thread, I broke the news of blue transfer track that ended up being for Banshee.


    As of Sunday, the only track present is the yellow presumably headed for Happy Valley over in China.

    • Like 12
  8. I'm curious to see how many survey markers and trees are marked back near White Water Canyon in areas not visible by the train.


    While riding the train on Saturday, it was announced that White Water Canyon will not open until Memorial Day.


    If it is a coaster, I'm thinking footings may be poured between now and then, with track being placed after it closes for the season.


    I'm going to make sure that I ride the train every chance I get between now and then and venture back by White Water Canyon when it opens at the end of May.

    • Like 9
  9. Since Terp hasn't commented yet I did find this.


    Ohio Revised Code 1711.551 states the following...


    (A) No rider shall fail to do any of the following:

    (1) Heed all written warnings and directions that require a person to meet certain conditions or to refrain from certain actions regarding an amusement ride, as determined by rule by the director of agriculture;

    (2) Refrain from behaving or acting in any manner that may cause injury or contribute to injuring himself or other people while occupying an amusement ride.

    (B) The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules governing the types of warnings and directions required to be followed pursuant to this section. Rules adopted by the director determining the types of printed warnings and directions shall include specifications as to the character, size, and print size of such warnings and directions. At a minimum, the rules shall require the following:

    (1) The warnings and directions prominently disclose the penalties imposed if a rider violates section 1711.551 of the Revised Code;

    (2) The warnings and directions be based upon the standards of ASTM or the American national standards institute, or any other principles, tests, or standards of nationally recognized technical or scientific authorities that research the proper use of each amusement ride and the potential injuries that occur or are unique to each amusement ride if it is used improperly;

    (3) The owner of the amusement ride display the warnings and directions in a public and conspicuous place on or near the ride.


    I am not licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio, or any U.S. State or possession. Always follow the posted rules when riding and do not risk life or limb. The rules are in place for a reason. This is a disclaimer.

    • Like 6
  10. 14 minutes to pay for two slices of pizza at LaRosa's. I paid, tossed, and left.

    It was stone cold by then. I had told the cashier. She shrugged. In front of me? Two people buying refillable cups. Pitiful.

    Now at Putz's Creamy Whip.


    Saw this posted to a group on Facebook, Old Photos of Cincinnati and your posts about Putz's came to mind.

    Putz's Trolley from back in the day when it was off of Spring Grove Ave.

    • Like 7
  11. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the park MUST do something about the old South Exit.

    A. It looks like an entrance. I saw (and heard of) many cars entering there. That's dangerous, and someone is NOT going to have a best day ever there. Perhaps soon.

    B. You risk your life, limb and property trying to

    exit there if cars are entering the parking lot from the new tolls. Plus, those coming in mistakenly think you are trying to cut line and try to cut you off. Even with a police officer, I and Scooby nearly got hit. I'm not sure, but I think the driver was texting on top of that.

    I'd suggest closing the south exit and removing its signage, but the park's exits and traffic problems wouldn't allow that. Getting out of that lot at 10 PM is worse than 90 percent of the parks I've been to. That's sad.

    This needs fixed. And soon.


    Warren County and/or The City of Mason needs to take care of the traffic light situation coming into the new entrance from the north.


    No turn arrow on the light at all.


    If traffic remains the same volume as it was Friday afternoon when the tolls opened, it's going to be almost impossible to turn left at that light.


    I ended up going down to Western Row, turned around and approached it from the south.

    • Like 7
  12. I checked this out last night before I went to bed. 


    I have Google Earth Pro on my laptop. All I could see in 3D was the Eiffel Tower, Drop Tower, and the fountains.


    Son of Beast wasn't even in the imagery, it was a picture of Banshee from 2014.

    • Like 3
  13. They NEED power hours.

    In Food Service.

    How about 11:30 - 2:30


    5:00 to 8:00





    We were going to eat at RHOFG after getting off Diamondback. Opening was postponed from 11:00am to 11:30am as they were severely understaffed. Several hours later, I hear hosts and hostesses are waiting tables due to the understaffing. We got to Festhaus about Noon and joined the line for Panda Express. Didn't end up eating my food until mic check for Hollywood Nights began.


    Later on, the group wanted RHOFG. We go back about 6:00pm. 3 hour wait to eat there at this point. No thanks. We ended up seeing if Potato Works in Rivertown had a line. They did, but all four registers were open with about 5-6 in each. We were greeted with an employee shutting down two of them and doubling the size of the line. Ended up eating at Larosas on International Street, which we waited about 15 minutes for. 


    Funny thing is, I saw Chef Nathan over by Diamondback shortly after this and should have told him about my experience so far. 


    Additionally, we ran into Greg Scheid after getting off Diamondback. We made him aware of the issues at tolls and he was having this looked into.


    I have been to Guest Relations more in the last two days than I have in the last 9 years of visiting the park.

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