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Posts posted by Hoeter

  1. On Saturday, August 22- I had the pleasure of attending Mid Summer Scream, presented by the Great Ohio Coaster Club and KICentral. This marks my 10th visit to the park this season.

    I arrived at the park at about 8:15am and proceeded to the registration window to get legalized for the day’s events. After I was registered and set to go, I joined the line to get into the park- about 100 or so people in said line. At approximately 8:30am, security let us enter the park so we can get our ERT underway. Got in line for Diamondback and noticed Gabriel (Captain Nemo) is working the controls this morning.

    First ride was in Row 4. When the train returned to the station, there was nobody waiting for my row so I squeezed in one more ride in the same seat. When we returned to the station after my second go-round, I decided to move up to Row 3 and got 4 laps in without getting off. After my sixth ride, I decided to get off of the ride, take a little breather and to use the little “Ride Warriors” room in Nick Universe. After I got finished tending to my business- I saw Gary (Beast79) walking towards Diamondback and joined him for a ride in Row 14. After this, me and him got back in line to ride again- this time he went towards the back of the train and I got in line for Row 8. Got another re-ride in this seat upon returning to the station.

    After this ride, everything started spinning. I sat down for a little while and got back to normal. At this time, I saw Jesse (Avatar), Makayla (Ogrmac), Ryan (BoddaH1994), Tom (CoastersNSich), and Sean (Indianapolisman). Talked to them for awhile and decided to get one last ride in during ERT before the general public filtered in- so me, Ryan, and Tom get on and I sit in Row 11. Then the masses arrive, and in a matter of minutes- the line is already extending back into Nick Universe. After this, the three of us head over towards the splashdown for the group picture. After the picture was taken- Jesse, Ryan, and me decide to leave the park to grab some breakfast at Perkins. We ran into Makayla at Perkins as well and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. When we left Perkins, we had to take a quick trip to CVS to get some allergy medicine for Ryan. We returned to the park around 12:15pm.

    Coming back into the park, we run into Darlene and we talk to her for a little bit and ask her how many rides she has so far on Diamondback. So far, she is at 648 rides. After this, we head over to the Kings Island Theatre for the Columbus Blue Jackets Q&A and we run into Don Helbig along the way. He asked us how we liked the ERT earlier on in the morning and how we were enjoying our day. Shortly after, Rachel (StalkerChick), Justin (Justin_M17), Dustin (KIruler102), Sean (Indianapolisman), Danielle (keiko_coaster), and Jackson (Beast1979) join us for the 1:00pm show. Before we were granted entry to the theatre, Jesse and Ryan had an interesting debate against the Blackberry and iPhone. As soon as we get out of the Q&A, all of us head up towards the Festhaus to see County Line. As soon as this show was over, all of us headed over towards the Picnic Grove for lunch.

    We were treated to a delicious lunch of salad, macaroni and cheese, barbecue sandwiches, bratwurst, and ice cream. I’m really not sure what all they had, that’s all that I really ate! They had unlimited soft drinks as well- and my only complaint about this was the mass amount of bees around both Coke machines. Every time I tried to get a drink, I got attacked. That was the only drawback about the whole picnic, everything else was great. After everyone ate, Cathy Schwab spoke about the event and presented Don Helbig with a plaque. After she spoke, Don spoke himself and KICentral’s very own Ryan Suhr spoke for a little bit as well.

    At 4:30pm, everyone met outside the entrance to the Picnic Grove for the Sign Shop tour. We start going backstage and it starts pouring rain. Everyone made a mad dash towards the sign shop and we finally got inside. I’ve never been inside the Sign Shop until now- but that place blew me away! Just seeing the old signs, including the ones for Top Gun and King Cobra, brought back memories of these attractions. Upon checking out all of the signs in the shop- I found the Son of Beast sign. I got a picture of it, but it’s not all that great.

    After we toured the Sign Shop and the rain stopped, Don made a phone call to see if we could go back behind The Beast. He got the okay and we made our way over to The Beast. I’ve never been back behind The Beast and it was quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever done while I was at Kings Island. I’ve only seen the ride while actually on it, and it was a treat to see it from a different perspective. We only went to the second lift hill, but they were originally planning to take us all the way back to the tunnels. Since the rain hit, that plan got put to the wayside. It was a lot of fun nonetheless.

    After the tour, Don reminded everyone to meet back at Diamondback at 9:45pm for the last rides of the night. Me, Ryan, Tom, Sean (Indianapolisman) and Jesse went towards Putz HQ for Marty’s Party. We met up with Dustin, Justin, Rachel, Danielle, Tracy, and Sean (Beast Man). After Marty’s Party was over, all of us headed over towards Drop Tower. Everyone except for Ryan, Tom, and myself didn’t go on Drop Tower. Ryan stayed behind to videotape Tracy on the ride while me and Tom went to the Eiffel Tower to get some pictures and to check out Flashback: Totally 80’s. A little while later, we reunited with the group and proceeded to get a ride on Adventure Express. Waited about 15 to 20 minutes for the last rows on the train. After this, we headed towards The Racer. About half of us went for Blue, the other half for Red. I did the Blue Racer, and waited about 5 minutes before getting on. Our side didn’t win unfortunately….

    Immediately following The Racer, half of the group split up and headed to get something to eat and to get a night ride on The Beast. The other half, consisting of Jesse, Ryan, Dustin, both Seans, Tom, and myself headed towards Flight of Fear. They reopened the ride just as we were coming up to it. I figured there wouldn’t be a line since they just reopened the ride, boy was I wrong! All of the switchbacks in the hangar were completely filled and we ended up waiting about an hour before we got on. When we got into the station, we found out that they were only running one train. We boarded and found that the MCBR was still turned on and cranked up even though they were only running one train.

    After we got done with Flight of Fear, we headed towards the train. Enjoyed a peaceful, relaxing and cool ride on the train. Upon returning to the station, all of us headed towards Diamondback for the last rides of the night. They actually had the line closed to the general public starting at about 9:50pm or so and were only letting GOCC/KIC people in line. Waited maybe 15 minutes for the last ride of the night and got Row 3.

    This is the first KIC event that I have attended, and I have to say that I absolutely had a blast! Major thanks goes to Cathy Schwab of the Great Ohio Coaster Club, Don Helbig of Kings Island, and to Ryan Suhr of KICentral for planning such an amazing event that was enjoyed about 100 people or so. I can’t wait to hear about more KIC events in the future because I will definitely try to be there. I took about 70 pictures of the event, and I’m surely not going to post them all here. If you would like to view my pictures, you can check them out here. Thanks for reading- I had an awesome time and if you were there, I hope that you did as well!

  2. I'm curious as to whether there will be a Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit review!

    Gad198, check out this thread and specifically check out Post #5. Delirium_Guy, one of our members living down in Orlando has already had the pleasure of experiencing this new attraction and lists some pros and cons about the ride.

    Moving right along....I was down at Universal in April/May and visited Islands of Adventure for the first time. I got the pleasure of riding The Incredible Hulk and Dueling Dragons: Fire and they were absolutely amazing. Then again, they're B&M's so what can you expect? Thanks Josh for sharing your experience with us!

  3. The schools in my neighborhood (Bethel-Tate Local Schools) resume classes on Monday August 24.

    Interesting thing I came across in my local newspaper yesterday- there's no bus service to the high school and their schedule is weird now.

    High School (Gr. 9-12) 7:45am to 2:45pm

    Middle School (Gr. 6-8) 7:00am to 2:00pm

    Intermediate School (Gr. 3-5) 8:20am to 2:50pm

    Primary School (K-2) 9:15am to 3:45pm

    Doesn't this kind of schedule seem odd? I think so....

  4. Went out to Kings Island on Monday 8-17 for visit #9 of the season with some friends. We arrived around 10:40am to find a so-so parking lot, not too crowded and not too dead either. We parked in Son of Beast 63 and made our way to the front gate.

    Our first ride of the day was Diamondback. At this time, maybe 3 or 4 switchbacks in the covered queue were being used as well as the four switchbacks past that. Not too bad of a wait and the line was moving fairly quickly. Waited about 20 minutes and were assigned rows 5 and 6 on green train. The friends that I took today had never had the chance to ride Diamondback and they heard great things about it from some other friends. Two friends took row 6 while me and my other friend took row 5. We get to the top of the lift hill, and my friend looks straight down at the ground and starts shouting out expletives. I won't go into any further detail about it because we have youngsters frequenting these boards, plus it's probably against the Terms of Service- so we'll just leave it at that.

    After this, we decided to head over towards The Crypt. My friends went to Kings Island last season but they haven't had the fine pleasure of experiencing this amazing attraction since it was Tomb Raider: The Ride. They insisted on riding it, but I told them how it's changed under the expert tutelage of Cedar Fair. They didn't care- they wanted to ride it anyways, and I agreed to tag along. We waited three cycles before we boarded. Two out of three said it was lame and way better when it was TR:TR, and one friend said it was even better now than it was before. This is the second time I have ridden it with the new program and it wasn't any better than it was the first time.

    Next up was The Beast. We waited 25 minutes before we boarded and the ride seemed way rougher than before.

    After this, we headed up the midway and decided to check out the line for BLSC. It was all the way back almost using two switchbacks. All of us decided that the line wasn't worth the wait for the ride so we passed on this one. Further up the midway, my friends decided to ride Shake, Rattle, and Roll while I headed to Jukebox Diner to get some ice water. They ended up walking on that ride and as soon as we met up again- we headed towards Vortex and waited 20 minutes for rows 5-1 and 5-2. Excellent as always.

    Following this we headed up Coney Mall and went back to X-Base to check the lines for Flight of Fear and Firehawk. Firehawk had a 90 minute wait according to the sign because they were only running one train, so we passed on this one and got in line for Flight of Fear. Waited 25 minutes for the last two rows and the ride seemed to be much faster in the back than in the front where I've experienced it on my past visits.

    After this, we decided to head up towards the front gate to have our hand stamped so we could leave the park to get some lunch. Going further up Coney Mall, we saw that Racer didn't have a line and we walked right on to Red Racer without waiting.

    At this time we left the park and headed up to Taco Bell to get some food. Two chili-cheese burritos, two chicken soft tacos sans lettuce, one order of cheezy potatoes, and three cups of Mtn. Dew Baja Blast later- I was officially stuffed. We returned to KI and parked in Gold Pass 57 and re-entered. First up was Delirium. We waited about 3 cycles before we were on the ride. I got so nauseous on Delirium and had to sit down for a few minutes so my stomach could get back to normal.

    After I was all good, we headed to Flight Deck to find out it was closed. No worries- we headed to Adventure Express and walked right on. To be honest with you- I almost fell asleep on that ride! Next we rode Viking Fury. Haven't ridden this in about 10 or 15 years. Awesome ride and we had a screaming contest with the other side. I think we won.

    We headed back up towards Coney Mall after this and decided to check out Dodgems. We walked right on. Classic ride as always but the fun wears off fast. After we got off, my friends decided they wanted to ride it again, and they walked right on again with no wait.

    After this, we headed over to Nick Universe and checked out SDATHC. I scored 1190, the highest out of our group. Plus being in an air conditioned building was a major relief to the stickiness outside.

    Next we headed back over towards Diamondback and got another ride in rows 5 and 6. I took row 6 this time around and we ended up waiting 20 minutes for red train.

    After this, my one friend decided to get a massive turkey leg and an adult beverage from the Snake Pit right near Diamondback. It was going to be a little while before he finished so I managed to get one more ride in on Diamondback using the SRL. Waited 15 minutes for row 7 on gold train, and this was #25 for me.

    Finally to close the day out, we headed towards White Water Canyon to cool off. Coming up the pathway, we saw Brandon Phillips getting off so we shouted his name and he was very friendly to talk to. Waited 5 minutes to get on and I was up to my "It's Her Birthday" antics again. See StalkerChick's TR from July 7 to find out more. We got drenched and left about 6:30pm.

    Look for another TR from me on Sunday. I will be up at Kings Island for the Mid-Summer Scream event on Saturday. I look forward to meeting some of you there. Until next time, RIDE ON!

  5. Take a look at that page. Be sure to click on the "Crystal Rock Bottling Company" link, and it comes up with something very interesting.

    It takes you to a page describing their latest beverage, Whyte Lightning. It can also be found at www.whytelightning.com.

    Sound familiar? According to Screamscape, that's the rumored name of the coaster coming to Carowinds next season.

    Cedar Fair is at it again!

  6. Something I noticed on Saturday:

    At the front of the park and throughout the park: the boards that advertise Skyline Chili, Marathon, and the brain teaser questions cycle up and down changing the ads. I've never seen this before. Has anyone else?

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