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Everything posted by KIfan73

  1. Sounds like a great ride. I've never ridden Medusa, but redesigning an already exsisting coaster sounds like a great way to provide a whole new experience at what would seem to be at the fraction of the cost of a new installation. I wonder if Kings Island has any coasters that would be a good candidate for a re-do...
  2. You know, speaking of large additions to the park, I have to think what it was like to see the Tower and Royal Fountains being installed initially. Actually, I'm taken back by them a little everytime I visit KI. Imagine watching them being constructed in a field. In southern Ohio. Just so people can walk around and enjoy them. Its really amazing how lucky we are.
  3. From what I've learned over the years on this site, many parts of a coaster are re-worked or replaced during its life span. I noticed that you were pretty quick to ask Beast1979 how he knew that all the wiring was done. Merriam-Webster defines construct as: to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements. By that definition, I don't think that Diamondback's 'construction' is really ever completely done. The lift hill appears to be 'finished', but that doesn't mean its parts or elements will never be re'arranged'. The line between done and not done can be a little blurry, especially given the fact that we're all watching the majority of Diamondback's construction from a remote webcam feed.
  4. Until its removed, it doesn't seem like the construction of a coaster is ever really finished.
  5. ^ That is a good point. Have people always done the stupid things at amusement parks that we see now? It does seem like that every new attraction has to become a little more "bulletproof" than before.
  6. Just paid through Paypal... Boddah1994 gigacoaster2k Gordon Bombay Mr. 3000 beastfan26 flightoffear4thtrain Raptor66 CoastersRZ violakat03 cincyboy79 Brian5475E +3 Mabye skaterboy22101 Longlivethesmurfride Cory Butcher coasterguy15 iChase Beast man Beast1979 IBEW_Sparky KIFan73
  7. ^Imagine from now until next July 1.
  8. With it being approximately 0 degrees outside right now, I was fondly browsing through some summer pics here on the computer. I came across some from my trip on July 1 of this year. The high temp this day was 80 degrees (I looked it up)-gas had just busted the $4 mark, if I remember right, as well. Anyway, I thought with the weather the way it is now, it is neat to look at how much things can change in a few months. It also makes me look so forward to 2009. Enjoy! And no TR is complete without a shot of these: You know its summer when you see the fountains! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  9. I had problems last night. One page took probably 5 minutes to load.
  10. I enjoy going to the modern day Kings Island, but when I see old videos or pictures, I almost get sick to my stomach. Only to be able to visit KI circa 1970's!
  11. This Banana Splits movie shows some vintage KI scenes:
  12. Diamondback's track always looks like wet spaghetti to me. It must be the minimalist support structure. Having never ridden a B&M, or followed the construction of one, this is a whole new experience for me.
  13. I was watching the POV video of DB a little bit ago, and you can almost feel the airtime just watching the video. Diamondback will definitely be like nothing I've ever experienced!
  14. Sonofbeast07's pics are the first ones that have put Diamondback in perspective for me. I just can't believe how massive it is; also how it dwarfs Vortex. I haven't been to the park since KIC day, either.
  15. My guess is that it will be something basic like this:
  16. Beggar's night here is Friday night. What about the Cincinnati area? If it is, it seems like that would have to put a dent into HH on Friday night.
  17. These pics were taken exactly a year ago today...Saturday, October 20, 2007. What a difference a year can make!
  18. 1975: Knievel Set to Jump at KI http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=bRwLA...dq=kings+island 1977 Time Magazine article about coasters. Mentions The Racer and Screamin' Demon http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...45764-1,00.html
  19. If you're really into Kings Island history, you need to check out Google's archived newspaper articles. Here's a link to Kings Island articles since the park opened: http://news.google.com/archivesearch?q=kin...-8&oe=UTF-8 Many require money/subscriptions to read, but there's several you can read in their entirety, just like you're reading an old newspaper.
  20. I've rode Invertigo (when it was Face/Off) several times. Even having said that, I haven't rode it for a long time. Still gives me the willies. I'll have to see what my mood is this Saturday, though!
  21. Someday, I'd like to have a group of people, when the rope is dropped, take off running to...Viking Fury. Get there all out of breath and give each other a high five, saying things like "yes, before the crowds!".
  22. Thanks for the great TR. I've always wanted to go to KD just to see what its like. Sounds like it might be worth the trip.
  23. Hey, thanks, guys! I didn't go last year, and I am really looking forward to this!
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