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Everything posted by KIfan73

  1. For many years, it was always RT LaRosa's. Then I switched to Coney BBQ, then Brewhouse the last few seasons.
  2. I've always had a soft spot for the one in Rivertown.
  3. I remember when they still sold Encyclopedia Brittannicas in the park. I can't remember how it worked, though. Certainly people didn't haul an entire set of encyclopedias home from their visit to Kings Island. Or did they?
  4. The videos are working for me, but don't see any sign of lights/electricity.
  5. Is anything that you guys are talking about visible in this picture? This is from July 1994.
  6. In honor of my 20th anniversary of being on KIC, I'm going to share some graphs from my super nerdy Kings Island trip spreadsheet I created. 64 lifetime trips and counting. Thank you all for all the fun over the years!
  7. @Platinum BassThank you for doing all that work! I am totally fascinated by seeing the land before Kings Island was built!
  8. That makes my heart speed up just reading that! Was a very cool experience.
  9. That was always one of my favorite areas in the park
  10. These are from 2007. There are a lot of trash cans!
  11. Here's some pics of the first Haunt (was FearFest), and first under CF ownership. October 2007.
  12. Ha! I was going to post that pic! My mom took that photo while we were riding it in during my first ever visit to Kings Island, in 1975.
  13. I would have been just a few weeks old when they filmed that. I grew up watching BB reruns - especially that episode - and I'm sure is a big part of why I still love going to Kings Island to this day.
  14. I really wasn't expecting to visit this late in the summer, or really, at all the rest of the year. But, when the '24 passes went on sale a couple days ago, I went for it. I'm really glad I went. Great day, great weather. The park looked fantastic. Got a few rides in, and also took in Off The Rails and Phantom Theater Encore. Had a great lunch at the Brewhouse. Adventure Port is a fantastic addition. It completely changed the atmosphere in an area that needed it, yet it also looks like it's always been there. Below are a few random photos from the day. Thanks for reading!
  15. Now I remember why I didn't renew in the fall. I kept debating between Prestige and Gold. I thought for sure there would be something big announced for Prestige that would get me to buy it.
  16. Just thought I'd add some vintage advertisements for perspective (I realize the first ad is actually for Firestone tires, but it's still good)
  17. There's only been five seasons I've missed since 1992 (including 2020). It feels really strange, I think I'm almost a little homesick, LOL. Just haven't been motivated to go this year for some reason.
  18. I haven't renewed my gold pass and I realized it's August already...do gold passes for the next season usually go on sale this month?
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