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Everything posted by skaterboy22101

  1. Ok, so all the talk is about Diamondback, but has anyone else noticed anything else? Well they have a new Power Tower over in Cony Mall, landscaping, more theamed charactures. Also, did anyone else notice how they have more seat cheakers on most of the coasters?
  2. I rode three times. One in the very front, one in the second to last, and one in the very back. Might I add that my ride in the very back was the last train of the night! It is so amazing at night with all that air time! The first drop is, well words can't explain it. Now I was kinda dissapointed that the MCBR was actaly pretty strong, but it didn't bother me much. I saw TostNJelly and popwar in line. They were directly behind me. All in all, the ride is amazing especally that first drop!
  3. The only thing im scared of is that Diamondback will just be a $20,000,000 waste. But I hope it is good!
  4. ^ Terpy, you know you could of edited your first post to say that.
  5. I thought on Firehawk we put our hands down, not up! Zach who just had to..
  6. Im sorry, and im not jumping on youi or anything, but does it make anyone else mad when people put "the" in front of every coaster name?
  7. http://www.wlwt.com/video/19191844/ He's famous!
  8. Did The Beast ever use skid brakes?
  9. ^ Remeber, it's the inside that counts!
  10. I refuse to answer. Some years back, some of our family friends had a little store in KI. Well they sold "Smurfberry" ice cream in their Hanna Barbarra located store. Their "Smurfberry" ice cream was such a big hit, Kings Island kicked him out of the park but kept the "Smurfberry". How? When you sell something in the park, like food, Kings Island has the rights to that recipe without asking perrmision. They are sneaky like that. And you also can't take them to court because in your contract, it says that Kings Island has the rights to all your products. I can tell you they needed permission to use the "Smurf" name..... But there is no possible way this is still true. KI does not now own the recipes of Subway, Skyline, Starbucks, etc. How do you know that? Like i said, when you sign the contract, you are basically giving up all your rights to that product. Ever notice how their LaRoses or Skyline tastes just a bit different than the other LaRoses or Skyline places? They just change the recipe ever so slightly so the owners won't come back and sue them. You don't have to believe me, and honestly, I don't care if you do. And Kings Island didn't use the "Smurf" name. They changed it after the people got kicked out of the park. Those people used to own a little ice cream shop at the Butler County Fair and a Kings Island Representive(sp?) asked them if they would want to sell their product at Kings Island, and they said yes. Don't think for a second that Kings Island wouldn't do that. You do what you have to do to make money, and thats how it will always be.
  11. I mean Birthday! Lol

  12. Happy bithhday Jackson!

  13. If your in the line by the time the park closes, then you should be able to ride it. Last year i got in line for SoB right at 1, but the ride broke down so we had to wait. We didn't leave Halloween Haunt till almost 3!
  14. Ohh. I spelled scrapping wrong!
  15. I thought the loop was scraped? I don't really think that scraping the metal from the loop would do anything. Why do you say that?
  16. I thought the loop was scraped?
  17. GOLD PASS EARLY RIDE TIMES All Season Long Another Gold Pass Exclusive Every public operating day this year, starting April 18th, the park opens early for Gold Passholders to enjoy some of their favorite rides and attractions! Sunday thru Friday - ½ early entrance for Diamondback and Beast. Monday - ½ hr early in Nickelodeon Universe. Wednesday - ½ hr early rides in Boomerang Bay. Saturday - 1 hr early entrance for Diamondback and Beast. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/events.cfm?ec_id=27
  18. I refuse to answer. Some years back, some of our family friends had a little store in KI. Well they sold "Smurfberry" ice cream in their Hanna Barbarra located store. Their "Smurfberry" ice cream was such a big hit, Kings Island kicked him out of the park but kept the "Smurfberry". How? When you sell something in the park, like food, Kings Island has the rights to that recipe without asking perrmision. They are sneaky like that. And you also can't take them to court because in your contract, it says that Kings Island has the rights to all your products.
  19. I wasn't saying that. What I ment was that, in my opinion, with the ammount of his/her's post count and the quality their posts leads me to believe "Terpy" is like a "Dear Abby" collum. Now thats just my opinion. They might just be just one person, but im not exactly sure.
  20. Well if you did loose your cellphone in a park or anywhere else, we would all know who's phone it is! It probaly has a sticker on the back that says "PROPERTY OF TERPY".
  21. See, I even text, but I didn't know what that ment!
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