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Everything posted by skaterboy22101

  1. Well for me, it was Vortex last year! Me and my friend met these chicks and they wanted to ride it with us.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo%27s_Chariot So that's where the Fabio thing came from
  3. Then Adobe or some other program like that! Or some how thats how thats the way the photo turned out
  4. Wow. I don't know about anyone else, but i get a really smooth ride on Vortex.
  5. Yeah and my dad invented cheese puffs
  6. Yes. That is a very nice photoshop.
  7. Ghosts can never be scientifically proven because its outside the realm of science. Ghosts are supernatural and Science can not explain or prove anything about the supernatural. Just like the question is God real? or are there such thing as demons? or the devil? or angels? Science can not prove such things. Science is a methodology, a tool used to better explain the physical universe. In science there are laws, theories, and hypothesis, and so on and so on, but basically ghosts will never be scientifically proven due to the supernatural being outside the realm of science Exactly. It's not like we can trap a ghost in a box.
  8. Ninja at SFOG. Skaterboy22101 who just had to
  9. Well, my first Beast night ride was on the last day of Halloween Haunt on the last train of the night
  10. How about a Kings Island pillow? I have a fuzzy purple star-shaped one from the PKI days. Or the one from last year that said, Bringin Sexy Back
  11. I think Terpy is not just one person. I think he/she are many different people. Not just one person would have that much time to get 16,000+ post's! So its like a secret cult set out to make KIC a better place.
  12. I voted for Wooden and Steel coasters cause my favourite ride type is roller coasters and i perfer not to choose between them! And please feel free to tell me what i did wrong in my post grammer wise because i am trying to get better at it
  13. The search button is there for a reason. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...06&hl=night
  14. I think mabye in the title, you should of put Son of Beast Trains and not Beast trains
  15. http://www.soaphs.com/americana/ So sad to see such a great park go.
  16. I found this really cool website with some pictures of Chippewa Lake http://weburbanist.com/2008/11/11/enchanti...ools-and-pools/ I also found this. It shows some other abandoned amusment parks! Enjoy http://weburbanist.com/2009/03/13/abandoned-amusement-parks/
  17. Actaly, as of 7:15:24 PM she was rider 122
  18. And how do you know that? I for one, along with a bunch of other people have had experiences(sp?) with him.
  19. The one with the astroturf planted behind it Skaterboy who just HAD to...
  20. Oh god, no no no no no. Please, dear Lord, no. Somebody doesnt like astroturf
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