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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. I could easily see them adding Lucy's Crappie Cabbie for ERT.
  2. However, that's for guest safety. The PWOO PWOO PWOO was just annoying, especially when you're riding with someone who is very trigger happy.
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing Beast ERT replaced with ERT on a coaster that would be open for most of the ERT. I have never seen DB closed for ERT. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen The Beast closed for all of ERT, I could buy quite a few blue ice cream cones.
  4. http://visitkingsisland.com/events/events.cfm?ec_id=27 Still no discounts at normal food establishments, which may be unwise considering many gold passholders eat outside the park...
  5. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=344613
  6. I just wish they'd mute that PWOO PWOO PWOO PWOO PWOO sound. It drives me insane. I usually end up putting my hand over the back of the gun so I don't have to hear it.
  7. This isn't an error, but it's pretty darn funny: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/default.htm
  8. This may be helpful for you: http://teenadvice.about.com/od/adviceexper...writeresume.htm
  9. I think this is the first time I've seen Terpy call something a "thingy". But is it a B&M?
  10. No, some of those were from WoF. In fact, every CF park with Snoopy theming has non-Peanuts names.
  11. No, I'm referring to Balloon Race, Lolli Swing, Tilt A Whirl, Camp Bus, Head Over Heels, Krazy Cars, Pony Promenade, Road Rally, and other rides in Snoopy areas at CF parks that do not have Peanuts names.
  12. I hope it has decent enough theming that it does not need annoyingly loud guns to keep the ride entertaining.
  13. I wonder why they didn't go with generic names like some of the rides at CP.
  14. I hope FoC is repainted if it is renamed Woodstock Express. Purple, pink, and green just don't make me think of a little yellow bird
  15. And kids are expected to understand that reference? Why not "Lucy's Taxi Jam"? "Lucy's Rush Hour"? Why is Lucy even driving a taxi?
  16. These names are really bad. Crabbie Cabbie? Wha? And did someone not notice Flying Ace Aerial Chase/Balloon Race?
  17. Lucy's Crabbie Cabbie? That is a really, really horrible name.
  18. Dick Kinzel? As in: I am VERY impressed that he can handle such a ride at his age.
  19. I have never even felt sick after riding anything. Most recently, I rode Firehawk right after eating Taco Bell food, and I was fine.
  20. Apparently there's something about the last day of the season that makes everyone throw up. There was some vomit on the catwalk right after the splashdown yesterday...
  21. I was amazed at how short the lines were. The longest I waited was like 10min for SDatHC.
  22. I'll just let my Facebook status speak for itself: [CedarPointer] just got back from Kings Island, and almost shed a tear, knowing he won't be back there until April... but hopes maybe he will be working there next year.
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