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    Fort Wayne, IN
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    Keeping KIC a positive place

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  1. Meanwhile, my family and I had one of our best visits ever. Longest wait was about 30 minutes for WWC. My wait for DB right now will be almost 20. Last night I waited almost 20 for Banshee. Not saying that wasn't busy but, I found the complaints here surprising. You had to expect stupid long lines for $1 anything at KI. So we planned and avoided them unless we saw small lines. Like the 10 minute wait for the pizza we just got in Rivertown. The wreck outside the lot last night looked like a bad case of whiplash. Hope everyone was ok
  2. ^ That's pretty clever. Glad to hear it's running again because it's my favorite flat.
  3. I'm so happy to hear this. Ride Warriors was one of my favorite park trips ever and I can't wait to see the details for Coasterstock. Thank you KI!
  4. I'm so happy to hear this. No more looking at the remaining pieces wishing the organ was there. Can't wait for my next ride.
  5. The new fountain at CP seems pretty popular.
  6. I've worn Mufflehead soup plenty of times but that's noting compared to wearing Goose!
  7. Go to the Meanstreak threads on PBuzz for a good explination of this. Just read RideMan's posts... on anything really, he's brilliant. Basically, without the trims the train has enough speed to interact with the track the way it was designed to. A good example is the first banked turn. Here's a simplified explanation. The train should be going fast enough that it is forced onto the outside track, basically holding it in place. The guide wheels stay in contact with the side of the track. At the lower speed it has now, it shuffles... basically going on and of that rail and shaking the train.
  8. Doesn't matter. The amount of media frenzy and public buzz about it has not been and probably never will be topped.
  9. That looks absolutely incredible. It looks like great pacing with some wonderful transitions. I really wanted a Giga but couldn't be happier.
  10. Notice who is getting likes (support from the community) and who is not.
  11. Touche Maverick was down for for 3 ERT's in a row (my trips that is) and I got sick of waiting in vein and it really hurt my passion for the ride. Skyhawk has only ever been down on one of my trips, Coastermania 2013... and the Thurs. before. Luckily I got to enjoy that day with a good friend. Thanks J!
  12. MacBook Pro or iPhone. I was a long time PC user but am so glad I converted. Still use a Windows 8 desktop at work... I'm so glad I converted to Mac!
  13. Magnum and Skyhawk. Great rides that always deliver and often have short lines. I adore MF but am burnt out on waiting for it. Same thing with Maverick and it has had so much down time past seasons it left a bad taste in my mouth.
  14. ^and very insightful. Sometimes both (learned skill) optimistic imagination (knowledge can be learned... I probably should've voted knowledge though) Good education teach Great poll!
  15. It's like farting. Sure it's your right, but if it stinks I get sick of smelling it.
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