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AZ Kinda Guy

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Everything posted by AZ Kinda Guy

  1. PKI is pretty good about having all rides ready by opening day. However, there will be some glitches as the rides awake from their winter hibernation. Also, the lines won't be moving as fast as usual due to the training of the new ride ops...Hope this helps!
  2. Delirium coming in at 8 million dollars....A 2005 and beyond thread....People thinking we need a huge steel coaster to raise attendance when Delirium,Scooby, and SpongeBob did it for us... Ah ignorance. Isn't it grand?
  3. I like TG's dark grey supports and silver track myself.
  4. And people wonder why coaster enthusiasts have such a bad name.....
  5. I heard "dat" too::Sigh::....Closing because it's getting stupid.
  6. Nah, don't take it up with me. I'm not going to explain my reasoning for any actions I take on this board unless I feel the need to. I just closed and/or deleted a post. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. GET OVER IT.
  7. Sad thing is Barnyard, Congo's spiel is not automatic, thus the volume can be controlled. Deliriums spiel is automatic, which means we can't control the volume.
  8. I saw the one that was there last season. It was never the quality of the venues that stopped me from going to the shows. More like the quality of the shows themselves.
  9. Or maybe the big March announcement is the listing of the Gold Pass perks?
  10. MommaBeast, you mentioned how PKI needs to step up into the coaster market....We did, and we got our butt kicked. PKI is not about having the worlds tallest "erector set". Instead, it's about the familys. We had a 3% increase in attendance last year so we muist be doing something right. Why mess with proven success? The money lies in the family. Not the punk kids who get 15 dollars to spend in the park from their mommies who've dropped them off.
  11. I don't know about that. There are some darn good ACErs out there that are good at snapping those things. Better than any employee I've seen snap.
  12. It was removed after the 02 season I do believe. It rarely worked right. Many times the flash would screw up and you would have nothing but shadow. So it's cheaper to take it out and not have it then pay someone to stand there and not make any money.
  13. Which is exactly why the Face/Off ORP are no longer there.
  14. Again, I really don't see how a word game PROMOTES conversation towards PKI. That is the purpose of a message board is it not?
  15. I hope your not implying theres moments of negative G's AKA airtime on The Beast...Want a massive pop of airtime? Congo Falls, backseat.
  16. Look, we run the boards the way we see fit. Don't like it? Don't come back! It's as simple as that....Oh and for your compariosn on the sex post and the game; people weren't immature about it so there was no reason to close it. Besides, I really don't see how a word scramble game PROMOTES conversation towards PKI. On top of that, nobody forced you to click the link to the sex thread. Again, don't like it? Don't read it! Oh, and I don't see anywhere on this site where we claim to be a family site.
  17. You cold heartless son of a.....
  18. Not going to cost them anything?!?!? Dude! What are you smoking!?!?
  19. In Huss's defense, PKI programs the ride itself(Giant Top Spin) to do very difficult manuvers. On top of that, it has to be in sync with the show effects. So it's really not fair to bash Huss or the Giant Top Spin model. Ask one to run a normal program, and it's safe to say it would run just fine.
  20. Drop Zone or DOT for me. I'll be the one running back and forth between the rides...Ugh the begining of the season sucks for supervisors but it all works out. However, you just might catch me in the Festhaus from some strange reason. ;-)
  21. Originally started by jmceowen....Who's all going to be attending PKI's opening day this year? Post here!
  22. Going with the movie theme, they would almost have to place this in Action Zone.
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