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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. I didn't feel as if it was worth creating a new thread, but, from KI's Twitter page:
  2. Just a heads up for anyone that will be near Carowinds next Saturday, March 13th. ACE is having a backstage tour. (from Carowinds Connection) I know this won't really do any good for most people, but just thought I'd post this on the off chance someone will be down there. I wonder, will there will be ride(s) on Intimidator for the attendees?
  3. Oh yeah, duhh. I guess I had a mind blank. Although, I think my answer makes sense too But, can you really say KI had events like that before CF? (I honestly don't remember) If not, then I owuld say they are succeding in putting KI "on the map" with special events.
  4. Maybe back on the map of getting more world class coasters (Diamondback, Firehawk)
  5. Just thought I'd check. Edit: Also: I went back and looked at the questions/answers to see what my "interpretation" of what could've been learned form the questions/answers is: -KI is possibly planning nothing major for the 40th anniversary, because they won't start planning that season until the 2011 season is well underway -KI is supposedly worried about the guest experience (in Boomerang Bay, at least) -KI won't have separate admission for both parks I assume you learned more than that from the answers yesterday.
  6. ^^^Very true on how quickly they added things after the purchase from Paramount. I forgot that new rides were added a couple years later (opened a year and a half after the purchase?). All I hope is that new owners can do a good job with the parks, from customer service, to appearance, to even adding great new rides.
  7. Nice report. Seeing BG makes me want to go there even more. Seeing the pretty blue sky, full trees, and amusement park makes me want to have nice weather or go to Florida.
  8. Other options? Wouldn't the park have to continue to plan, just maybe not plan on adding large new rides? Edit: I see what Terpy added. That answers my question.
  9. I personally think that would be crazy to be riding and then suddenly *bounce klunk bounce bonuce klunk* Might be fun, but I don't see how it would successfully be pulled off. Had there been prototypes of that sort of thing in the past?
  10. Either CF execs or top KI management, whichever would start the planning process. I know they don't know who will own the park in 2012. But, I would think they would need to continue their "normal" (if you can call it that) future outlook, including planning the upcoming year(s).
  11. Also, when it goes down through the "subway station staircase" before going up to the fire area, wasn't it supposed to "bounce" like you were riding down stairs?
  12. Already repeating answers, like the "Will Racer run backwards?" Also, if KI plans on adding a coaster in 2012, wouldn't they start the planning before the 2011 is "well underway"?
  13. I thought IJST/BLSC rides the same way it always has. I don't remember it "swiveling".
  14. Both of those links work for me. That is so weird how those other links don't work, but the adress is still showing up...sorta.
  15. So there was only one day a week with 1 hour ERT?
  16. I was truly hoping for something better, after KI posted: on their Twitter page. (previously discussed here.) I guess there are new things like the funnel cake deal, Cinnabon, and Subway (I think). But the funnel cake deal is only valid before 5 pm, which won't due me any good because I don't want to eat that in the middle of the day, nor carry it around all day. I want it as I'm leaving or just later in the evening. The LaRosas deal or Subway does me no good because we all just eat different things. When KI said there would be many new meal discount offers, I was hoping for something like 10%-15% off or something of the sort, to where I could be for individual people, not a family. But, with it being CF, I should've known better. I guess I'll be paying nearly $10 for me to eat there again (and I don't eat there as often as I would if there were lower prices. And I agree, Terpy. There should be discounts for people that don't want to eat tons, or are by themselves. Hopefully we'll get to try Backyard BBQ this year. Off of the food topic, didn't Diamondback and The Beast have 1 hour ERT on Saturdays AND Sundays last year, not just Saturdays? I thought it was more than one day a week. All I will use if the parking area, maybe Bring a Friend day, maybe the funnel cakes offer, and maybe Backyard BBQ/Rivertown Junction.
  17. http://visitkingsisl...ts.cfm?ec_id=33 That is a link to Gold Pass perks. It was previously posted in a topic, which can be found here. ***Edited on March 31 to change the ERT start date to the beginning of the season when it was confirmed in the 5@5 mailbag.***
  18. Well, as posted in another forum, Gold Pass perks have been posted. The different meal deals include Subway, LaRosas (same thing as in the past), Cinnabon packs, Backyard BBQ, Rivertown Junction, and funnel cakes. Not really what I would hope for (I might use the funnel cake one, but maybe not because it is before 5pm ONLY, and/or the Rivertown Junction/Backyard BBQ, but probably not). But, it is CF, so I shouldn't have expected anything different.
  19. I was thinking it wasn't being widely publicized, that it would just be a smaller event mainly for that website. And yeah, I couldn't believe he said you didn't need anything to be a part.
  20. Interesting. Kinda a scary thought, too. But, is this "tailgate" being advertised in any other way, besides KD Fansite, that you know of? I don't see tons of people showing up, if this is only being done through KD Fansite (just talked about on there).
  21. Sorry for the...uhhh... triple post, but Clint answered my above questions: Q1. I know it was stated you could get in with a PP voucher. But, does this have to be processed before the park officially opens? Or does the voucher just get you into the tailgate? A1. I never said you could do that. That is something you have to talk to the park about. You also dont need anything to be a part of the Tail Gate party. But you do need a VIP or Platnum pass to get in line for I305 Q2. Will you for sure be allowed to leave the general area before 8 am to put your stuff (tents, etc) in your cars, but still get your spot back in line? A2. You must be back in your spot befor the parking gates open in order to keep your spot in line. Once the General Public is in we must keep the line formed Q3. Can you just sleep in your car for the tailgate instead of in a tent on the hard ground, and be better protected from the elements? A3. Sleep? Who is really going to sleep? Q4. If it is supposed to rain, will the event be cancelled? A4. Rain or Shine! All movies, DJ stuff will not be set up in the rain. Q5. There are people that are up here in Ohio and are wanting to make the trip down for the tailgate. But, due to school and work, they can't leave until later in the afternoon, which would in turn prevent them from getting to the park by 11 pm. Is there anyway the gates can be opened/stay open later than 11 pm so these people can get in? A5. Security has to shut the gates because of croud control. At that point you will not be aloud in the parking lot with your car. I'm still getting conflicting answers on it on unprocessed PP will get you into the park. I realize what has been stated before, but I'm trying to see if something has maybe changed.
  22. Maybe not. It is what I assumed while using my logic. 'Tis why I didn't say no, you wouldn't recognize it and it was..."
  23. I doubt it. I would say it was mostly dense forest like the surrounding land.
  24. According to the Facebook page, different people have been answering the questions the last couple of days Also, there are many, many, many more questions that can be asked about the park. If someone wouldn't mind, can you please ask how long it takes a company to plan, design, construct, etc a roller coaster like Diamondback? How long would a ride normally be "planned" or "worked on" before it finally opens? Edit: Beat by Terpy.
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