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Everything posted by Beast79

  1. I really don't have a worst park but I just know that the next time I go to Tennessee I'm not going to waste one whole day in Pigeon Forge, Wonder World was a waste of time and there is a Jurassic Park type ride that look nice from the outside but stunk on the inside. I loved Dollywood and venturing around Gatlinburg.
  2. I'm excited, KI was in the need for another flat ride. I'm also just glad that they are getting something new al1 together, I guess I'm just me well rounded and open minded then some. I love the full park experience, from hard park to water park riding anything big and small!
  3. It would be nice if they do build it in commanders former site to occupy some of the vacant land. I remember back in 96 walking by seeing a sign hinting on a drop ride for 97 but Drop Zone didn't open until 99 and in a different spot.
  4. Sweet I loved Snake river falls when I was a kid, I haven't gone there much over the years but I was wondering why they didn't have that side of the park open lately.
  5. Looks like everyone has given good advise, I would definitely ride, Raven, Legend then Voyage that's the way the guys from Gravity Group told me and it works out since it's also the layout of the park.
  6. It says it in ki's releace and by the vantage point in the video and photos WindSeeker will be located next to Vortex's exit. Plus even if they did place it where Flight Commander used to be they couldn't reuse the complete queue since they will have to dig deep for the foundation to counter balance the towers hieght.
  7. Beast79


    Yup that looks like that could be Doll Factory, I'm suppose to be off Friday's and Saturdays but my boss loves to change it up alot, I'm going to ask him if I can guarantee having them off so that I could work Haunt this year.
  8. I've always have been wanting to go to Lake Compounce to ride Boulder Dash! Nice trip report as always
  9. Santa Lodge from what I remember was nice, I stayed there 4 years ago but I was too tired to really remember. If your well rounded like myself and like both hard and water park you should go two days. Wildebeest is awesome Ride each coaster in order of being built which is also the order as your going thru the park; Raven, Legend and Voyage.
  10. I remember my first ride back when I was 10, I was riding with my dad and my foot got stuck between the platform and car, my dad pulled my foot out of my shoe then pulled my shoe loose then sat on my shoe so we wouldn't slow down the operators. So yes the first time I rode The Beast I was only wearing one shoe. A few years ago I skimmed my middle finger on the helix, I still keep my hands up but just not all the way up while sitting on the left side.
  11. After reading The Beast by R.l. Stinen when I was a kid I wanted to sneak in and spend the night. But I have worked overnight at KI a few times
  12. It sounds like that this guy shouldn't have been designing rides and if the he feels that it's too dangerous to operate it shouldn't have been running at all.
  13. They should have it on record somewhere in admissions.
  14. I was 4 when I rode Scooby Doo in Texas then Beastie when I was 5, Screamin Demon when I was 6.
  15. The colors are very similar but with out the Blues clues it's not Copy righted.
  16. I love it, I was on Skyflyers crew from 99 to 01 then I did maintenance on it from 02 to 03. I couldn't even guess how many times I have been one it since you have to ride it when your a site controller. I miss climbing it for inspections, I even climbed over the whole arch before.
  17. Very nice, makes it more inviting, it is amazing how a simple sign can make that enterance into Planet Snoopy really pop!
  18. I don't see the big deal with paying one dollar, it's not like they will dissolve as soon as you step off the ride. I'm sure they pay for the staffing to stand there handing them out, you don't have to worry about paying for a new washing machine, washing liquid, and staff to wash the glasses.
  19. Beast79


    I would like to see them return, it was a nice way to just relax before heading home.
  20. I have alot of memories operating FOF in 97 and 98. It's still one of my favorite steels and I have some nice pictures from when I was climbing it doing maintenance and torquing bolts! I have them on my facebook page.
  21. Beast79

    Help Me!

    Oh yeah and welcome to KICentral!
  22. Beast79

    Help Me!

    Lines on Monday are normally shorter than towards the end of the week. As for ERT you can easily do what you want to do. Firehawk opens with the rest of the park unless they have any issues which could happen on any ride.
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