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Everything posted by Diamondback96

  1. Don't believe this? Watch this news video! I was just Rick Roll'd ........ Happy April Fools Day What RickRoll?
  2. Don't believe this? Watch this news video!
  3. It's no worse than "Kings Island; Where Else?" "Cedar Point."
  4. It's not Spongebob 4D anymore... It's just Action Theater. And they aren't even the same type of glasses. Not to mention that you would be stealing...
  5. http://www.facebook.com/#!/visitkingsisland?v=app_2347471856&ref=ts
  6. Wait, the newsletter's already out?
  7. Maybe because they're not advertising Maverick. Then why did CF use Behemoth to advertise Diamondback?
  8. Why didn't they use Maverick in the commercial? They look similar enough for a video...
  9. Weren't they able to be refilled for free last year? The question mentions that...
  10. AFAIK, Mark Shapiro didn't either... He came from ESPN, at least according to this article.
  11. Paramount's probably thinking about a new park in the US, too. It's probably just at the back of their minds right now.
  12. http://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland?v=app_2347471856&ref=ts
  13. Firehawk. I've never ridden it. Then on another day, I'll head to Invertigo first. These two rides have the worst capacity for their popularity, right?
  14. I actually have no opinion on Son of Beast. I have never ridden it post-loop.
  15. What? Where on earth did you get that idea? Parts are still sold today. As I stated earlier, the coaster's structural steel was inferior...continual welding and maintenance are what doomed the ride...If it WERE parts, why do Shockwave at Kings Dominion and SkyRider still operate? I knew that it was a maintenance problem. And I don't even know where I got that from.
  16. You deserve a gold star for that!
  17. Um... I think this page is messed up. Everything's bolded.
  18. They WILL sink over millions of years.
  19. But there is some truth to that rumor... After all, how did we get fossils?
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