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Everything posted by Diamondback96

  1. They should have chosen Mr. Kinzel! In Sandusky, not the Carolinas...
  2. I think this emoticon expresses what we're all thinking right now:
  3. No, it won't, as it will have the same status it does now. If a company doesn't want to waste nickles, they won't do anything that they don't have to do. Then again, they tore down nearly everything at GL... but a company like Apollo wouldn't do that.
  4. There's the 5@5... which is now more like the 5@8.
  5. *image* How about tearing down the ride, and rebuilding it later as a GG coaster? Of course, the design would have to be changed slightly.
  6. I have a feeling that Planet Snoopy will be louder than Son of Beast (in operation, of course)!
  7. I still don't get why our FoC couldn't be turned back into The Beastie. Is it really that hard to change the logo for Ghoster Coaster at CanW to say The Beastie?
  8. And will they put Timberliners on Dinn Corporation coasters? (CCI was created by Charles Dinn's daughter, according to Wikipedia. Can Terpy confirm this?)
  9. http://www.pki.com/attractions/detail.cfm?ai_id=645 ^What ride is this? It has the ride information, but no description except for a placeholder one about KI. And I think we all know what this one is: http://www.pki.com/attractions/detail.cfm?ai_id=660
  10. I bet that the Waterpark will be on it! I am very happy with the Coke answer. I guess that means it will be sticking around for awhile. I bet Son of Beast will be on it! I bet Planet Snoopy will be on it!
  11. Well, a waterpark expansion is on the horizon.
  12. "It's on the map" may mean that an expansion will come in the future, or that BB is literally on the 2010 KI map. Not even Terpy would answer a question like that! And his answers can be confusing sometimes!
  13. Now, if only the same could be done for Big Dipper because it's unlikely that it will ever run again. It would be awesome if we could have it, but then it would get the required CF seatbelts on it. I want to ride it how it was meant to be ridden.
  14. I didn't get 48" until 2004. It was taken out because parts were hard to find for it.
  15. I have to admit, it's actually kind of catchy.
  16. How different are the operating challenges at SFGAdv and KD, though?
  17. My point is that it's actually MORE of a maintenance nightmare than TTD.
  18. The correct answer to "Where else?" is Cedar Point. And my question was answered!
  19. Intamin made White Water Canyon, Congo Falls, Drop Tower, Viking Fury, AND the Eiffel Tower! Can you call those rides crap? Unless Intacrap is an adjective...
  20. SoB would probably be as smooth as glass compared to that...
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